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Gość adfsdfmsdf

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Gość adfsdfmsdf

mógłby ktoś sprawdzic ten tekst ? I was on holiday one year ago at the lake. I was there with my friends. We lived in exclusive hotel. We have 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Everyday in sunny days we went on the beach, we stayed there to the evening. Next we went to the disco and we danced and met new peoples and nice girls ;] In last night we drank a lot and we lost all money, so we havent to pay on hotel. Im really nervous. So in the morning boss of the hotel kick me and my friend on the street. And we must drive to home. It was a crazy week.

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Gość sghsghsgsg
I was on holiday one year ago at the lake. I was there with my friends. We lived in exclusive hotel, which had 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. In each sunny day we were walking on the beach and we stayed there to the evening. Next we ware going to the disco and we ware dancing and met new peoples and nice girls ;] In last night we drank a lot and we lost all money, so we could not pay for hotel. I was really nervous, so in the morning boss of the hotel kicked me and my friend on the street and we were forced to return to home. It was a crazy week.

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Gość adfsdfmsdf

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Gość adfsdfmsdf
pomógł by mi ktoś jeszcze z jednym tekstem ? nie dam rady już go sam napisac bo musze zając się innym przedmiotem, chodzi o to że mam sobie wyobrazic ze wyjezdzam na weekend i mam napisac notke do wspolokatora ktora ma zawierac - powiedz jemu gdzie wyjezdzam - przypomnij mu o czyms - popros zeby kupil cos do jedzenia lub picia - zycz mu udanego weekendu - powiedz kiedy wrocisz

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Gość adfsdfmsdf
dobra juz nie trzeba

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Gość ale brednie
co, zgubiliscie kasę a szef hotelu nie kazał wam płacić za pobyt tylko wykopał na ulicę? :P

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Gość filologija
I was on holiday one year ago at the lake. I was there with my friends. We lived in an exclusive hotel. Our apartment had 2 bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Each sunny day we went to the beach, where we stayed till the evening. Next, we went to the disco and we danced and met new people and nice girls ;] On the last night we drank a lot and we lost all money, so we didn't have enough to pay for the hotel. I got really nervous. So in the morning the boss of the hotel kick me and my friends out to the street. We had to drive to home. It was a crazy week.

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