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Gość Camilla Mackintosh

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Gość Camilla Mackintosh

nie rozumiem po co ktos wysyla mi takie maile. Dostaje takiego lub podobne conajmniej raz dziennie. Czy ktos wyjasni mi ten fenomen? Good day to you, I know how surprised this letter will come to you, but I would advice that you consider it a cry from a family in dire need of assistance. I am Mrs. Helen W.Chula from Sudan the wife of late Mr. Chula Gerald. I got your contact information from an international trade journal during my search for a reliable and God fearing person that can assist me and my only son, and I believe you can be of great help in this regard even if we are not acquainted to each other before now. My son and I are beneficiaries to the sum of 9.3million dollars left behind by my late husband but at the moment, we can not gain access to the money due to our present predicament and location. We need your assistance and cooperation to enable us claim the funds. Please let us know if you can assist us so that we can furnish you with full details. Please note that you will take 30% of the funds for assisting us while 60% will be for us and 10% for any expenses that may arise.

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