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Gość Mullatkaa

Angielski do sprawdzenia

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Gość Mullatkaa

Witam. Ktos kto kompetentny bardziej ode mnie moglby to sprawdzic czy dobrze wstawilam slowa do tekstu jak ma checi i czas ;) Chocolate contains flavenoids substances that can reduce the ____risk______ of coronary artery disease . Chocolate also contains small amounts of caffeine, which can be beneficial as it ____decreases______ your endurance and _____improves_____ feelings of fatigue. Eating chocolate makes you feel good. Like other sweet food, chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins natural body hormones that produce feelings of pleasure and help to lift your ___mood_______. And because chocolate melts in the mouth at body temperature, it produces a wonderful, silky sensation that people love. According to psychologists, that is one of the main reasons why people can become addicted to chocolate. But it is not all good news. ___unfortunately_______ , chocolate contains a lot of calories just [xxxxx] g of milk chocolate contains 520 kcals, while dark chocolate contains 510 kcals. Thats about the ___full_______ number of calories as 2.5 kg of grapes or 300 g of grilled chicken. The Harvard research also suggests that people who eat too much chocolate have a ___high_______ life expectancy. Chocolate is ___before_______ in saturated fats and sugar, so eating too much can contribute to obesity and related health problems. And the sugar in chocolate can cause ___come_______ decay. But if you really cant resist chocolate, eat dark chocolate its higher in cocoa than milk chocolate and helps to increase levels of HDL, a type of cholesterol that helps prevent fat clogging up arteries. And here are some more tips: Eat good-quality, dark chocolate, not milk or white chocolate Dont eat more than 100 g per day Eat chocolate after a meal, when you are ___hungry_______ Clean your teeth ___after_______ eating chocolate Eat it with fresh fruit Eat it ___slowly_______ so that you can experience the full flavor slowa z jakich mialam wybór: Unfortunately Decreases Hungry Improves Because Quickly After Slowly Mood Before Lower Tooth Full Same Risk High

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as it ____decreases______ your endurance and _____improves_____ feelings of fatigue odwrotnie ma byc:D

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Thats about the ___full_______ number of calories as 2.5 kg of grapes SAME number

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have a ___high_______ life expectancy LOWER

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Chocolate is ___before_______ in saturated fats high

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And the sugar in chocolate can cause ___come_______ decay TOOTH Czy ty w ogole rozumiesz ten tekst?:O

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Dont eat more than 100 g per day Eat chocolate after a meal, when you are ___hungry__ full

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Gość Mullatkaa
Ja inaczej rozwiazalam to jest mojej kolezanki ktorej robila dziewczyna co studiuje fil ang. i chcialam z nia porownac bo juz w koncu nie wiedzialam czy to ja mam zle czy ona. zwlaszcza ze ja nie studiuje fil ang tylko cos innego wiec myslalam ze ona ma racje jednak

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Gość jiojoij
to jest mojej kolezanki ktorej robila dziewczyna co studiuje fil ang. chyba na I roku, bo nie uwierze, ze zaliczyla rok z takimi "umiejetnosciami":D

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Gość Mullatkaa
Nie wiem byc moze mnie oklamala i rozwiazala to sama. roznilo sie to z moim rozwiazaniem choc nie ukrywam ze ja dwa slowa zle wstawilam

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