Gość Ananova Napisano Marzec 11, 2012 Z doniesien dolphinproject.org wynika, ze delfiny w Bodrum cierpia z powodu ran zarowno cielesnych, jak i psychinczych. To samo niestety dotyczy wielu innych delfinariow w Turcji. Zastanow sie, czy chcesz sie do tego przyczyniac. Szczegoly ponizej: http://dolphinproject.org/blog/post/update-on-captivity-issues-in-turkey More recently, 4 dolphins, named Ada, Doga, West and Ada 1, who were being held at a dolphinarium in Bodrum-Gvercinlik, were moved to the KaDolphin Park in early December 2011. These four bear not only the physical scars of maltreatment, with numerous cuts around their beaks and faces, but also the less obvious but ever-present emotional and psychological scars. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach