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Gość bardzo szczera osoba

Angielski- prosze o przetlumaczenie, dzieki

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Gość bardzo szczera osoba

In addition to the checked baggage allowance, each passenger is allowed to hand carry one baggage at maximum length 56 cm (22 inches), width 45 cm (18 inches), thickness 25 cm (10 inches). These dimensions include wheels, handles, and side pockets. Total weight of the carry-on baggage must not exceed 7 kg (15 lb). Passengers are required to place the baggage in the overhead compartment or under their own seat. Passengers can bring the following items free of charge : Handbag/wallet/purse with the maximum length 37.5 cm (15 inches), width 25 cm (10 inches), depth 12.5 cm (5 inches), or the total of three dimensions do not exceed 75 cm (30 inches) with the total weight not exceeding 1.5kgs(3.3lb). Notebooks, or portable personal computers are also applied with this condition

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Gość bardzo szczera osoba
kurcze, bo nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumialam, ze bagaz podreczny moze miec max 7 kg?

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Gość ladacełe kosmatełe,,,,,
potrzebna pomoc.

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Bagaż podreczny nie może mieć więcej niż 7 kilo, tak. Resztę sobie w Google przetłumacz, nie jest skomplikowany text

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Gość jtjjj
tak, jest, max 7 kg

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