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Gość yigujhuyccfvbhjn


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Gość yigujhuyccfvbhjn

czy moglby to ktos przeczytac i ewentualnie wskazac bledy ktore rzucaja sie w oczy? to jest bardzo wazne dla mnie.. Our project has a lot of Strenghts things. Firstly, and the most important is unque and original technology on the boat. No one used 3D technology and QR code on the boat before us. In the future people won't only relax on the boat, they will have the change to see amazing show. It will be about one of the H.C Andersens story. Actually we has chosen 'Little Mermaid'. Visitors will see 3D images, and hear the original version of the story. Our idea will be use for the first time in the history of technology. Our ideas are unique because it will be for everyone. Children and adults will be delighted. Nobody will be feel boring, or dissatisfied. Our advantage is also fact that no one will see it online. Because the most beautiful effect will be on live. 3D effects, story, QR codes, and contact with nature will give a new experience, and unforgettable moments. But like every product/company, our project have also Weaknesses.Most of all, our ideas are really expensive. We had contact with 'We Create Magic' team of professionals, who informed us about price. Turned out that 3D instalation on the water will be really expenive. Our plan will be cost 650-800.000dkr. We thinking that it will be too much for family company, who make money only half year. The second problem is working time. In interview with Morten Skytte Olesen, owner of Odense Aafart, we got information that they cannot change the working time. They always working in the same time. They don't working evening, but you can only see the 3D at dark. Another problem is ticket price increase. Today you can buy one ticket for 80dkr, but in the future, with a new technology, it will be much more expensive. The company will pay a lot money for new installation, if they won't be bankrupt, they will have to raise the price of tickets as well. Odense Aafart will need more workers, what affect bad on business. New workers, new salaries. Fortunately our project have a lot of opportunities. Firstly, and the most important, is fact that if company will use our ideas, then they will increase the number of visitors. Odense Aafart will be first place where people can relax on the boat, and admire beautyfull images on the water. Media will be really interest. They will speak and advertise about Odense Aafart all the time. Media will make this place popular. Everyone of tourist will want to see this magic place. Local people will be interest also. A large number of visitors will improve company earnings. But we have to remember about Threats. We worry that the new technology will be too expensive, for the company. It is old family business, they working really hard all the time, but they earn money only 6 months in year. We thinking that, it is not enough for such a big step in the future. People love new technology, but usually high prices deter them. That is why we are afraid, that new price of tickets will be too high for people. Media are really good a means of communication, but they have also cons. When Media will spread the tidings about Odense Aafart, some company can steal our ideas. Then Odense Aafart will have big competitor.

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Gość asdftgyhuj
Przeczytałam tylko kilka pierwszych zdań i mam pytanie: tłumaczył to jakiś automatyczny translator? Bo to się kupy nie trzyma... :O

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Gość yigujhuyccfvbhjn
to jest urywek z projektu, w sumie tylko analiza

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Gość asdftgyhuj
Gramatycznie to to jest jakaś masakra. Jak masz to potrzebna do pracy to poproś kogoś znajomego z zaawansowanym angielskim żeby Ci to przejrzał.

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Gość swinkowaaaaa
tylko przez przypadek tego nie wysylaj nikomu .... bo raczej nici z sukcesu

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Całkiem niezły tekst,po paru poprawkach nabrał sensu :) Our project has a lot of strong things. Firstly and the most important is the unique and original technology on the boat. No one used 3D technology and QR code on the boat before us. In the future people won't only relax on the boat, they will have the chance to see amazing shows. It will be about one of the H.C Andersens story. Actually we has chosen 'Little Mermaid'. Visitors will see 3D images, hear the original version of the story. Our idea will be use for the first time in the history of technology. Our ideas are unique because it will be for everyone, children and adults will be delighted, nobody will be feeling bored, or dissatisfied. Our advantage is also the fact that no one will see it online. Because the most beautiful effect will be on live. 3D effects, story, QR codes, and contact with nature will give a new experience, and unforgettable moments. But like every product/company, our project have also weaknesses.Most of all, our ideas are really expensive, we had contact with 'We Create Magic' team of professionals, who informed us about the price. Turned out that 3D installation on the water will be really expensive. Our plan will be cost 650-800.000dkr. We are thinking that it will be too much for families, who make money only half year. The second problem is working time. In interview with Morten Skytte Olesen, owner of Odense Aafart, we got information that they cannot change their working schedule. They are always working at the same time. They do not work evening, but you can only see the 3D at night time or in a dark environment. Another problem is ticket price as it increases. Today you can buy one ticket for 80dkr, but in the future, with a new technology, it will be much more expensive. The company will pay a lot money for new installation, if they won't be bankrupt, they will have to raise the price of tickets as well. Odense Aafart will need more workers, what affects bad on business. New workers, new salaries. Fortunately our project has a lot of opportunities. Firstly, and the most important, is fact that if the company will use our ideas, then they will increase the number of visitors. Odense Aafart will be first place where people can relax on the boat, and admire beautiful images on the water. Media will be really interesting, they will speak and advertise about Odense Aafart all the time, as well media will make this place popular and an attraction centre. Everyone of tourist will want to see this magic place. Local people will be interested also. A large number of visitors will improve company earnings. But we have to remember about threats. We worry that the new technology will be too expensive, for the company, it is old family business, they are working really hard all the time, but they earn money only 6 months in year. We are thinking that, it is not enough for such a big step in the future. People love new technology, but usually high prices deter them. That is why we are afraid, that new price of tickets will be too high for people. Media are really good in means of communication, but they have also cons. When Media will spread the tidings about Odense Aafart, some company can steal our ideas. Then Odense Aafart will have big competition rising.

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Gość uygfvhjbg
dziekuje za poprawki. Co do reszty ludzi... brawo :D umiecie tylko czlowieka zdolowac ;p

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