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Gość aleksanerqwoookd

czy ktoś z was potrafi naprawdę język Angielski?

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd

jesli tak, to prosze o pomoc. Nauczycielka zadala nam zadanie gdzie mielismy napisac o lekcji biznesu. Zrobiłem to, ale nie mam pewnosci, czy wszystko jest napisane poprawnie, gdyz mam problem z gramatyka. Ponizej jest tekst, czekam na wasze opinie, i ewentualne poprawki. Dzieki wielkie! Business is an important and interesting subject for me. It is an useful part of life. We have had classes where we learnt a lot about this subject. Everything was new, and interesting for me, because i never learned business before. Teachers explained us a lot important things. I already knew what are SWOT, and AIDA analysis, we had good assignments where we had to use it. An important thing is Gantt Chart as well. It is an useful, and helpful tool, where you can plan your work. I really like it, because everybody in my group, knew their own task.

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
? :)

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd

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Gość dakdaa
Już sprawdzam:)

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Gość barnej
potrafi angielski? może naucz się najpierw polskiego?

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
dziekuje :)

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Gość barnej
proszę - ktoś Cię musiał uświadomić ;)

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powinno byc: *Teachers explained a lot of important things to us. *I already knew what SWOT and AIDA analysis were, we had good assignments where we had to use it. *The important thing is Gantt Chart as well. * I really liked it, because everybody in my group knew their own task. Moze ktos jeszcze wylapie jakies bledy. ogolnie za duzo przecinkow i pisz "I" z duzej litery. Pozdro.

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
polski nie jest mi potrzebny, skoro zyje i studiuje w Niemczech :)

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I already knew what SWOT and AIDA analysis were, we had good assignments where we had to use them.

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
dziekuej Brava :) barnej- a Ty juz sobie tak nie schlebiaj :))

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Gość ja tam za dobra nie jestem ale
na moje oko za duzo przecinkow, konstrukcja zdan za bardzo przeniesiona z polskiego ( w ang sa inne zasady, niz w polskim) i chyba nie ten czas w "I never learned before"

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Gość dakdaa
Business is an important and interesting subject for me. It is a useful part of life. We had classes and we learnt a lot about this subject. Everything was new, and interesting for me, because i heve never learnt about business before. Teachers explained to us a lot of important things. I already knew what are SWOT, and AIDA analysis, we had good assignments where we had to use it. The next important thing is Gantt Chart as well. It is a useful, and helpful tool, where you can plan your work. I really like it, because everybody in my group, knew their own task.

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Gość dakdaa
i heve never - I have never oczywisće

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
z poprawkami wyglada tak...... Business is an important and interesting subject for me. It is an useful part of life. We have had classes where we learnt a lot about this subject. Everything was new, and interesting for me, because i never learned business before.Teachers explained a lot of important things to us. I already know what are SWOT, and AIDA analysis,we had good assignments where we had to use them.The important thing is Gantt Chart as well. It is an useful, and helpful tool, where you can plan your work. I really liked it, because everybody in my group knew their own task lepiej?

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Gość Kobitka co wie
Z Polskim chyba troszke krucho? Business is an important and interesting subject to me. It is a useful part of life. We had classes where we learnt a lot about this subject (moze dodaj gdzie te lekcje mialas? W szkole? Na uniwerku?). Everything was new and interesting to me, because I have never learned about business before/I never took business classes before. Teachers explained many important things to us. I already knew what SWOT and AIDA analysis were. We were given good (dobre zadania? moze inny przymiotnik tutaj...) assignments where we had to use these. Gantt Chart is also important. It is a useful and helpful tool, with which you can plan your work. I really like it, because everybody in my group knew their tasks (rozwin troche to zdanie, nie jest jasny czy ludzie wiedzieli co maja robic sami z siebie czy dzieki wprowadzeniu Gantt Chart do zadania).

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Gość dakdaa
I already knew what are SWOT, and AIDA analysis, we had good assignments where we had to use it. to zdanie jest kompletnie nie poprawne jak na moje oko. Brzmi tak: juz dowiedzialeem sie co to są swot i aida, mielsimy dobre zadania gdzie uzywalismy tego. assigments chodzilo Ci o ćwiczenia?

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Gość I HAD never learnt
Gdyby napisal everything is new w czasie terazniejszym to byloby I has never learnt, a jak napisal to w czasie przeszlym to I HAD never learnt

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Gość dakdaa
I HAD never learnt z twoja gramatyką jest coś nie tak- nie i istnieje coś takiego jak I HAS w czasie przeszłym ;)

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
jak uzyje i had never learnt to bedzie przeszly niedokonany, wydaje mi sie ze powinno byc have never learnt, bo w sumie nigdy sie tego nie uczlem, czyli przeszly dokonany, z rezultatem na dzien dzisiejszy, ale juz mam metlik w glowie.. :D

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Gość dakdaa
I istnieje konstrukcja którą znają dzieci w podstawówce I have never + 3 forma;)

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
Kobieta co wie..... wydaje mi sie ze nie jest to poprawnie napisane..

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Gość Kobitka co wie
Twoje zadanie - twoje widzimisie. Jesli uwazasz ze zmiany sa niepoprawne to ich nie uzywaj. Masz na mysli czesc tekstu czy calosc?

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Gość dakdaa
Business is an important and interesting subject for me. It is a useful part of life. We had classes and we learnt a lot about this subject. Everything was new, and interesting for me, because i heve never learnt about business before. Teachers explained to us a lot of important things. I found out what the SWOT, and AIDA analysis is, next we had good exercises and we had to use it. The next important thing is Gantt Chart as well. It is a useful, and helpful tool, which can help to plan your work. I really like it, because everybody in my group, knew their own tasks. Ja bym to tak napisała, rób co uważasz jak czegoś nie rozumiesz to pomogę Ci

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
dziekuje dakdaa, chyba uzyje Twojej wersji, bo wydaje mi sie ze jest to dobrze napisane, na pewno lepiej ode mnie :) jestes pewna ze nie ma tam bledow?:) czy wymaga to jeszcze czyjes opinii?:)

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
nie powinno byc... I found out what the SWOT, and AIDA analysis ARE.. ?

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
bo chodzi o dwie analizy

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Gość dakdaa
Jeszcze everybody na everyone bym zamieniła:) Możesz jeszcze kogoś zapytać, ale jest nawet ok:)

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Gość dakdaa
tak tak, are . Ja odkłanie nie znałam tłumaczenia tcyh analiz i myślałam ze one tworzą całość:)

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Gość aleksanerqwoookd
ok :) slodka jestes, dziekuje!

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