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Gość julkuuuuuqa

potrzebuje malej pomocy w angielskim, prosze!!

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Gość julkuuuuuqa

mialam napisac krotko o tescie na osobowosc ktory mielismy na lekcji, co o nim mysle, i jak to sie moze mi przydac, napisalam, ale nie jestem pewna czy dobrze, bede wdzieczna jak ktos to sprawdzi! :) Learning style test was an interesting experience, thanks to which I could find out something new about myself. But anyway, I have never compared my features with results of the test, so I did not take it serious. From my own rating, and knowledge about myself, I know that, I am more activist, than reflectors or theorist. I am an spontaneous, and optimistic person, with many fresh ideas. But fact, that I feeling my activist site more, does not mean, I do not have something from reflectors, theorist or pragmatists as well. In my result of the test, is something of the truth, but I can not agree with everything. For example I do not feel my reflectors site on 70%. However, This test was truly interesting, and I think, It can be really helpful for somebody who agreed with all results. He or she, can improve weak points, and refine the best feature.

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Gość ijfrjdfk
a po co takie testy miec w szkolach??

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Gość jadzia dabdum
dla mnie bledow nie ma, ale ja sama z angolem kiepsko, wiec nie pomoge ;///

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Gość angelika1989483
wyglada nawet ok, ale gramatyke ktos musi oblukac, bo chyba nie wszedzie jest poprawnie

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Gość panna po nocy zxz
moze jakis nauczyciel sie trafi i to poprawi, bo my tutaj nie bardzo wiemy co i jak :)

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Gość ja ci powiem ze
nauczyciele o tej porze spia :D :D :D

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
THE Learning style test was an interesting experience, thanks to which I could find out something new about myself. But anyway TOO INFORMAL!, I have never compared my features with results of the test, so I did not take it serious. o co w ogole po polsku chodzi w tym zdaniu? From my own rating, and knowledge about myself, I know that, I am more OF AN activist, than reflectors?? po polsku co to miało być or A theorist. I am A spontaneous, BEZ PRZECINKA and optimistic person, with many fresh ideas. But THE fact, that I feeling my activist site more CO TO MIAŁO PO POLSKU BYC?, does not mean, I do not have something from reflectors, theorist or pragmatists as well. In my result of the test,is something of the truth, but I can not agree with everything.=> The results of the test I took are partly true but I CANNOT agree.... For example, I do not feel my reflectors site on 70%. ??again po polsku However, this test was truly interesting, and I think it can be really helpful for somebody who agreed with all results. He or she can improve HER/HIS/THEIR weak points, and refine the best feature. refine z feature nie podoba mi sie ta kolokacja...

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
powiedz na jakim poziomie jestes/ w jakiej klasie/ ile masz lat ? na jakim poziomie to ma być napisane?

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
okej zaraz naprowadze poprawki :)

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
na licealnym, ale wiem ze slabo stoje.. :)

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Gość Nie zaczynaj zdania z BUT
To tak jak po polsku zaczynac z WIEC.

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
musisz mi jeszcze wytłumaczyc o co Ci chodziło w tam gdzie napisałam zebys mi napisała po polsku bo to jeszcze nie jest dobrze i w ogole najlepiej napisz mi co to był za test i co sprawdzał? baba Wam przyniosła do klasy test osobowości czy co? skad wzięłas słowo reflector???

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
okej, usune i zapamietam :DD

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
okej no to chwilka, juz wszystko wyjasniam..

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
robilismy test przez internet, na ile % jestesmy actibists, reflectors, theorists, i Pragmatists. Mi wyszlo wszedzie po 70 % ale sie z tym nie zgadzam w sumie. Baba napisala nam w zadaniu ze mamy, skopiuje tutaj : Explain how it has affected you to get some knowledge of yourself as a learner. How has knowledge about your learning style made you form a strategy to become a more flexible learner? a w tamtym zdaniu chodzilo ze ja nigdy nie porownywalam moich cech charakteru z wynikami testow, dlatego nie wzielam tego zbyt powaznie. Drugie zdanie zaczynajace sie od but the fact, chodzilo mi o cos w stylu : fakt ze czuje sie bardziej activist nie znaczy ze nie mam cos z innych cech

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
reflector bylo podane w wyniku testu

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
to poczekaj chwile to Ci to jeszcze napisze/poprawie tylko nie uciekaj bo nie bede tego poprawiac na nic

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
to dla mnie bardzo wazne, wiec na pewno bede :)

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
i dziekuje bardzo.. :)

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Gość julkuuuuuqa
nawet jak mnie przez chwile nie bedzie na kafe, to i tak sprawdze, bo mam zapisany link w zakladkach :))

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
ok to czekaj czekaj bo robie 10 rzeczy jednoczesnie a nie oddam Ci dziadostwa

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
The learning style test was an interesting experience thanks to which I could find out something new about myself. Even though I had never compared my character traits with the results of any tests, so I did not take it very seriously. From my point of view and the knowledge I have about myself, I know that I am more of an activist than reflector or a theorist. I am an optimistic and spontaneous person, my head is always full of fresh ideas. The fact that I feel I am an activist does not mean I have nothing in common with reflectors, theorists or pragmatics as well. The results of the test I took are partly true but I cannot agree with everything. For example, I do not think I am a 70% reflector. However, this test was truly interesting and I think it can be helpful for people who agree with their results. They can improve their weak points and develop their best character traits. LUB perfect their best character traits masz i się ciesz, służe pomoca w ang : )

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
zamien zdanie:Even though I had never compared my character traits with the results of any tests, so I did not take it very seriously na: Since I had never compared my character traits with the results of any tests, I dod not take it very seriously

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Gość mam sie uczyc wiec Ci pomoge
did* oczywiscie heehh nie mysle o tej godzinie...

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Gość julkuuuuuuqa
oki, dziekuje bardzo, wkoncu ten tekst ma sens! :)

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