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problem z ANGIELSKIM, czy moze ktos mi pomoc????

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mam napisac zadanie domowe, i nie jestem pewna czy nie zrobilam jakichs bledow, czy moglby to ktos przeczytac, i ewentualnie napisac mi gdzie mam bledy, albo jakie? bylabym wdzieczna bardzo mocno!!! tutaj jest tekst: Like for every company, the micro environment is really important and useful for us. Before when we started work with our application, we decided to talk with our target group, because publics are indispensable for every product. We got a lot of good opinions and valuable comments which were really useful for us, and we got good opportunity to improve our ideas. After when we got opinion of customers, we decided to talk about other stuffs which are included in micro environment. One of the most important things is earnings for company. Every product should attract customers and make money for your company, in the other way, product is useless. Our product is for people who want to save the time and money so we are thinking that we shouldnt take any money from patients, who will use our application. The best idea for our company is agreement with the hospital. Odense University Hospital will pay us for this application, so everything will be between us and Hospital, and patients will feel free to use our application. To serve our customers we decided make website where patients are able to check all information about our product, and to use our prototype, what is really comfortable and fast for customers. If they would like to see how it will work on their phones, before they will download it. Our suppliers are social media like Facebook, Twitter and e-mail, whose task is delivering all news about our product; someone from our group will put new information about our application, and people will be able to read, share, and comment every news, its really helpful, because nowadays almost everyone using internet, its the fastest suppliers of information and the easiest way to maintain a strong customer relationship. To promote our application, we decided to make short video, which is advertisement about our product. It is available on our YouTube account and our website where we have all information about our product. We have made a lot of publicity for our application to make it more known for people. Publics are really important for us, thats why we want to communicate with people by internet, because it is the most common place where people share different opinions, it can teach us a lot how to make perfect product, and satisfy our customers in 100%

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Gość Eeerrr
Zrobilas bledy, bo widac od razu, ale tekst za dlugi i nie chce mi sie czytac, poza tym musialabym zobaczyc najpierw tekst po polsku, zeby moc przetlumaczyc, a z pewnoscia rowniez bylby za dlugi i nie chcialoby mi sie czytac. Nie ma slowa "stuffs" w tym kontekscie, jest tylko liczba pojedyncza "stuff", talk to albo speak with, talk with nie jest poprawne, "publics"???? mialas na mysli "general public"? Good opinions zastapilabym "positive reviews" albo "positive feedback", useful to us nie for us, nie good opportunity, ale the opportunity, "After when we got opinion of customers" - zle, powinno byc "Having received the feedback"..a dalej naprawde nie chce mi sie czytac...

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Gość pastelowe pola
eeerrrr x talk with - oczywiscie ze istnieje cos takiego x 'talk to' has the sense of direct communication person to person whereas 'talk with' indicates more a conversation. The rightness is not really an issue, it is simply a difference in meaning. If you ask: Who is that person talking to Fred? you are more interested in the identity of the person. If you ask: Who is that person talking with Fred? you also want to know the identity but at the same time you are commenting on the fact that Fred is actually having a conversation with anyone at all.

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Gość pastelowe pola
'talk to' = the simple action (as opposed to remaining silent) 'talk with' = an extended conversation.

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Gość wrednarudamalpa
before when? co to za kolokacja w ogóle! ogólnie słaby tekst

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ok poprawie te bledy, dziekuje bardzo:) jak znajdziecie cos jeszcze to dajcie znac

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publics to opinia innych ludzi

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lepiej? Like for every company, the micro environment is really important and useful for us. When we started work with our application, we decided to talk with our target group, because publics are indispensable for every product. We got a lot of positive reviews and valuable comments which were really useful to us, and we got the opportunity to improve our ideas. Having received the feedback, we decided to talk about other stuff which are included in micro environment. One of the most important things is earnings for company. Every product should attract customers and make money for your company, in the other way, product is useless. Our product is for people who want to save the time and money so we are thinking that we shouldnt take any money from patients, who will use our application. The best idea for our company is agreement with the hospital. Odense University Hospital will pay us for this application, so everything will be between us and Hospital, and patients will feel free to use our application. To serve our customers we decided make website where patients are able to check all information about our product, and to use our prototype, what is really comfortable and fast for customers. If they would like to see how it will work on their phones, before they will download it. Our suppliers are social media like Facebook, Twitter and e-mail, whose task is delivering all news about our product; someone from our group will put new information about our application, and people will be able to read, share, and comment every news, its really helpful, because nowadays almost everyone using internet, its the fastest suppliers of information and the easiest way to maintain a strong customer relationship. To promote our application, we decided to make short video, which is advertisement about our product. It is available on our YouTube account and our website where we have all information about our product. We have made a lot of publicity for our application to make it more known for people. Publics are really important for us, thats why we want to communicate with people by internet, because it is the most common place where people share different opinions, it can teach us a lot how to make perfect product, and satisfy our customers in 100%

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Gość pastelowe pola
* are company's earnings * had the opportunity, zamiast got * otherwise zamiast in the other way * we shouldnt charge patients vs take money from patients (bardziej formalnie) * create website vs make * which is convenient vs what is really comfortable and fast for customers * these will keep updating our costumers on our products vs whose task is delivering all news about our product; * which promotes vs which is advertisement about our product.

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jestes cudowna, dziekuje :)

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Gość Eeerrr
do pastelowe pola.. "Talk to someone" doesn't rule out a two-way conversation. Both phrases are correct though "talk to someone" is more common in a day to day English therefore unoficially "more" correct...

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teraz jest dobrze?:) Like for every company, the micro environment is really important and useful for us. During our application, firstly what we did was interview with our target group, because publics are indispensable for every product. We got a lot of positive reviews and valuable comments which were really useful to us, and we had the opportunity to improve our ideas. Having received the feedback, we decided to talk about other stuff which are included in micro environment. One of the most important things is earnings for company. Every product should attract customers and make money for your company, otherwise product is useless. Our product is for people who want to save the time and money so we are thinking that we shouldnt take any money from patients, who will use our application. The best idea for our company is agreement with the hospital. Odense University Hospital will pay us for this application, so everything will be between us and Hospital, and patients will feel free to use our product. To serve our customers we decided to create website where patients are able to check all information about our product, and to use our prototype, which is convenient - If they would like to see how it will work on their phones, before they will download it. Our suppliers are social media like Facebook, Twitter and e-mail, these will keep updating our customers on our products; someone from our group will put new information about our application, and people will be able to read, share, and comment every news, its really helpful, because nowadays almost everyone using internet, its the fastest suppliers of information and the easiest way to maintain a strong customer relationship. To promote our application, we decided to make short video, which promotes our product. It is available on our YouTube account and our website where we have all information about our product. We have made a lot of publicity for our application to make it more known for people. Publics are really important for us, thats why we want to communicate with people by internet, because it is the most common place where people share different opinions, it can teach us a lot how to make perfect product, and satisfy our customers in 100%

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jak ktos jeszcze znajdzie chwile czasu na przeczytanie tego tekstu to bede bardzo wdzieczna :))

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Gość xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz
za dllugie, ale co mi przelotem wpadlo w oko a czego widze jeszcze niktnie poprawil: to start to do sth lub to start doing sth a wiec: when we started to work albo when we started working

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