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Gość Anonymous

Tu mowimy po angielsku

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Gość just a question
after "if" in 99% we do not use "would"

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two bollox order beer in a pub. landlord says \"i won\'t serve you. you\'re talking bollox\"

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Gość Anonymous
Is here somone who could tell any joke?

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Gość TB
Hi my folks! I have just come back from my holiday. Im very tired. Good advice for u: never ever go to Tunisia and Libya.

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Gość Anonymous -
Albert Einstein, whose theory of relativity changed the study of physics forever, climbed to the top of a very high mountain to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up, he asked the Lord... "God, what does a million years mean to you?" He was surprised to receive an answer at once! The Lord replied, "A minute." So Einstein asked, "And what does a million dollars mean to you?" The Lord replied, "A penny." Then Einstein asked, "Can I have a penny?" The Lord replied, "In a minute." Hahahaha :D

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Gość minomi
just read: tea who-you!

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Gość greczynkaa
ime apo tin polonija :P

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Gość Bronek z Wadowic
Hello,I would like to ask you ,people,why do you like to speak english?.do you have it at school?,do you speak this language every day?,do you use it at home?

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Gość TB
Why? I was in some muslims country and have never seen so many litters, Tunisians are very lazy, they want money for nothing, they r just dirty, I have never seen so many sex tourists : old ladies with very young boys, when I came into the shop and didnt buy anything they said to me Im czarownica or baba jaga or even "faken polish" !!!!! I couldnt change my money in he airport yesterday cos they have ramadan now and they eat about 19.00 so I was waiting about 40 minutes for that cos "nice" lady said that she open it in ten minutes and then she went for her dinner and when she saw us said that now she must eat and dont know how long it takes. Then i went downstairs to another exchange and wait 30 minutes , when the man came I said that I hate Tunisians that they r very lazy and everywhere they do the problem to help tourists and it's never for free - everything is for one dinar or more . In Libya ppl r very nice , when u go to shop u can just look and dont have to buy anything and just go out. But the way from border to Tripoli is full of litters, I have some pics I can show u. They have clean company only in Tripoli and only in this city is clean. But the good thing is : I was 2 days in Safari excursion and took a ride on Sahara by jeep. It was fantastic!!!!!

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Gość TB-why
TB - at least you experienced sth !! In older each you'll be able to tell you grandchildren you story ;) And don't worry... when I was in Croatia 5 years ago there was a lot of litter too but I have very fond memories of that trip ;)

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Gość to Bronek
because engllish is an international language it's worth to speak and understand even a little bit of what other people speak about or ask you ;) It makes your life much easier in some situations, especially when u r abroad or foreigners visit our country ;)

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Gość enlish man
I drink vodka I looking for job!!!

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Gość a wy
goworitie po ruski niemnożo?

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Gość mnozo mnozo
BUT ja ni panimaju

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Gość a wy
ja by hotieł pogoworit' z niekakimi ludjami no ja nie znaju angliskowo jazyka

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Gość TB
TB why ----> and one more thing I bought in Libya very beautiful silver bracelets for me and my Mum. They have nice gold goods also but very heavy :)))

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Gość Bronek z Wadowic
Ok.I understand now,but do you people use english at home,everyday? And,what is your learning method? In school,private lessons,parents?

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\"Tunisians are very lazy, they want money for nothing,\" TB, chyba jestes troche niesprawiedliwy, znam angielke ktora wyjechala do tunezji na wczasy a wrocila z dzieckiem i 10 tysiacami funtow, nie wszyscy tam sa skapi i nie chca nic robic ;) :classic_cool:

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Wkleję Wam fajny kawał: The husband had just finished reading the book, \'MAN OF THE HOUSE\'. He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face, he said, \"From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I\'m finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you are going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I\'m finished with my bath, guess who\'s going to dress me and comb my hair?\" His wife replied, \"The f****** funeral director would be my guess?!\"

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Gość pregle
Może ktoś to przetłumaczy? My father sits at night with no lights on His cigarette glows in the dark. The living room is still; I walk by, no remark. I tiptoe past the master bedroom where My mother reads her magazines. I hear her call sweet dreams, But I forgot how to dream. But you say it's time we moved in together And raised a family of our own, you and me - Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be: You want to marry me, we'll marry. My friends from college they're all married now; They have their houses and their lawns. They have their silent noons, Tearful nights, angry dawns. Their children hate them for the things they're not; They hate themselves for what they are- And yet they drink, they laugh, Close the wound, hide the scar. But you say it's time we moved in together And raised a family of our own, you and me - Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be: You want to marry me, we'll marry. You say we can keep our love alive Babe - all I know is what I see - The couples cling and claw And drown in love's debris. You say we'll soar like two birds through the clouds, But soon you'll cage me on your shelf - I'll never learn to be just me first By myself. Well O.K., it's time we moved in together And raised a family of our own, you and me - Well, that's the way I've always heard it should be, You want to marry me, we'll marry, We'll marry.

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Gość Ja ja ja
Yeah, right.....

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Gość baaardzo wolne tłumaczenie 4U
Mój ojciec siedzi nocami przy zgaszonym świetle, w ciemnościach żarzy się papieros. W salonie panuje cisza, przechodzę obok, ani słowa. Na palcach przechodzę obok sypialni rodziców, gdzie matka czyta kolorowe czasopisma, słyszę, jak życzy mi kolorowych snów, ale ja już nie umieć śnić ani marzyć. Ale ty twierdzisz, że już czas, żebyśmy zamieszkali razem i założyli własną rodzinę, ty i ja. Cóż, wiecznie słyszałam, że właśnie tak być powinno, chcesz się ze mną ożenić, więc weźmiemy ślub. Moje koleżanki ze szkoły już dawno wyszły za mąż, mają własne domy i trawniki, mają milczące południa, przepłakane noce i gniewne świty. Dzieci nienawidzą ich za to, jakie nie są. lecz przecież piją, śmieją się, leczą ranę, goją bliznę. Ale ty twierdzisz, że już czas, żebyśmy zamieszkali razem i założyli własną rodzinę, ty i ja. Cóż, wiecznie słyszałam, że właśnie tak być powinno, chcesz się ze mną ożenić, więc weźmiemy ślub. Mówisz, że nasza miłość nie umrze, dziecko - wiem, co ciągle widuję, pary to tulą się do siebie, do drą się pazurami i grzęzną w zgliszczach miłości. Mówisz, że wzbijemy się w niebo jak dwa ptaki, a zamkniesz mnie w klatce i odstawisz ją w kąt, nigdy się nie nauczę, jak po prostu najpierw być sobą tylko sobą. Cóż, no dobrze, czas, żebyśmy zamieszkali razem i założyli własną rodzinkę, ty i ja. Cóż, wiecznie słyszę, że właśnie tak być powinno, chcesz się ze mną ożenić, więc weźmiemy ślub.

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Gość WIEdzmamama
You are one of God's mistakes, You crying, tragic waste of skin, I'm well aware of how it aches , And you still won't let me in. Now I'm breaking down your door, To try and save your swollen face , Though I don't like you anymore, You lying, trying waste of space..

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