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Gość irishsos

please i need someone to translate for me its very important

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Gość martha s.
You are a pimp with a tiny, little dick ;)

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Gość pog mo thon
bydgoszcz is in "Pholainn", and warsaw, and cracow .... :)

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Gość irishsos
anyone im desperate someone translate for me!!!

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Gość pog mo thon

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Gość irishsos
martha fucking liar...if you saw my little guy u wouldn't say it was so little!!!!

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Gość irishsos
pog mo thon what are u talking about!!

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Gość pog mo thon
what are U talking about? ok. what d'you want to have translated?

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Gość irishsos
teach me polish someone

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Gość pog mo thon
what d'you want to know?

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Gość irishsos
just jive some funny things to say to someone...

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Gość pog mo thon
what do you mean "funny"?

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Gość pog mo thon
i can try to translate but .. translate what?

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REMEMBER this: trzymaj sie ramy to sie nie posramy :classic_cool: this is very cool and popular

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Gość irishsos
someone help me...say something

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Gość irishsos
something that will hurt someones feeling but not in a bad way

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Gość pog mo thon
someone has asked you a question, honey what do you want to have translated?

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Gość pog mo thon
how can you hurt someone's feelings NOT in a bad way?????? Say in english exactly what you want to have in Polish

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Gość irishsos
ok you are fuck off and don't annoy me...just anything funny to say to a girl!!!!

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Gość pog mo thon
masz piękne oczy i jesteś bardzo mądra.

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Gość irishsos
just give me your best things to say to annoy someone

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is my favorite saying : \" powiedz mi kto cie zrobił cie pomszcze\" :classic_cool:

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Gość irishsos
some more...u can do better!!

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Gość pog mo thon
beretówka moherowa

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Gość irishsos
pięknie dziękuję bardzo to było słodkie, szybko uczysz się polskiego translate this for me!!!

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Gość pog mo thon
thank you very much, it was sweet u are learning polish pretty fast

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Gość irishsos
i want to knows that make agirl feel sexy...if u want to go to bed with her...some dirty things!!!!

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Banda kretynow i debili. Jestescie tacy plytcy , ze az sie niedobrze robi.

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