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Poratujcie, nie wiem o co kaman- dostałam jakiś list po ang. od ABU MUSA i

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mniej więcej wiem, że gościu chce przesłać jakąś kasę- ale o co dalej chodzi- nie wiem, jakby ktoś mógł luknąć, o co chodzi, albo może ktoś dostał taki list?- ŚCIEMA ? CONFIDENTIAL PROPOSAL FROM MRABU MUSA, THE CHIEF AUDITOR INCHARGE, AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB). OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASO. WEST AFRICA. Dear Partner, I presumed that all is well with you and your family. Please let this do not be a surprise proposal to you because i got your contact information from the international directory in few weeks ago before i decided to contact you on this magintude and lucrative transaction for our future survival in life. Moreover, i have laid all the solemn trust in you before i decided to disclose this successful & confidential transaction to you. I AM MR. ABU MUSA, THE CHIEF AUDITOR INCHARGE OF FOREIGN REMITTANCE UNIT of our bank and i have had the intent to contact you over this financial transaction worth the sum of NINTEEN MILLION, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ($19,300,000.00 ) for our success.This is an abandoned sum that belongs to one of our bank foreign customers who died along with his entire family through plane crash disaster since few years ago. Meanwhile i was very fortune to came across the deceased file when i was arranging the old and abandoned customers files in other to sign and submit to the entire bank management for an official re-documentation and audit of the year against 2007. Be informed clearly that it was stated in our banking rules and regulations which was signed lawfully that if such fund remains unclaimed till the period of 5 years started from the date when the beneficiary died, the money will be transferred into the treasury as an unclaimed fund. As an honour and advantage bestowed to our foreign customers base on the rules guideing our bank, it was stated obviously that if you are not a Burkina Faso citizen, you have the absolute authority to claim the fund hence you are a foreigner despite your differences from the country of origin of the deceased. So the request of you as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the claim and transfer of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account as the NEXT OF KIN OR EXTENDED RELATIVE to the deceased. On the transfer of this fund into your account, { 39% } being ( US$7,527,000.00) will be your share in respect of the account provision and your assistance rendered during the transfer of the fund into your bank account,{ 52% } being (US$10,036,000.00) will be my share being the codinator of the transaction while the rest { 9% } being (US$1,737,000.00) will be shared to the respectable Organisations Centers such as Charity Organisation, Motherless Babies homes, and helpless disabled people in the World. If you are really sure of your trustworthy, accountability and confidentiality on his transaction, contact me and agree that you will not change your mind to cheat or disappoint me when the fund have getting into your account. Besides you should not entertain any fear because i am sure of the success as an insider in the bank ok. Please reply with the assurance, include your private telephone and fax numbers necessary for facilitate an easy communication in this transaction. As soon as you reply , call me through my private telephone number on(+22670340481) so that i will let you know the next step to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately. I expect your urgent communication. Yours sincerely, MR. ABU MUSA,

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szukałam w google coś o nim- że jakaś ściema albo coś innego, ale nic nie znalazłam, a było w telewizji, że ktoś rozdawał jakiś majątek- tak sobie wybrał osoby na \"chybił trafił\" z zagranicy, wiem, że to raczej jakaś bajka, ale nie wiem też do końca, o co ten koleś prosi

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Gość jakby bylo do ciebie to
by napisal "Dear Asia, kasia, frania, ania" a nie "dear Partner"...

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no w sumie tak, ale ja mam e-meil na firmę- i tam jest nazwa firmy w ogóle nie kojarząca się z imieniem

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ja tez to dostaje non stop wszyscy chca mi kase rozdawac hahahahaa

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Gość rrrrrrysssiuuu
W nigerii jest po prostu duzo pomyslowych osob (czytaj oszustow). Odpisz do niego i zobaczysz ze bedzie chcial albo twoje dane personalne w tym nr konta bankowego albo zebys mu przelala kase na koszty notariusza albo cos takiego i wtedy oni Ci dadza tą twoja fortune hahaha ;d

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ja dostalam kiedys taki sam, tylko ze od zony Jasera Arafata :P, niestety, ku jej wielkiemu rozczarowaniu, nie skorzystalam z propozycji

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Gość różnie bywa bo ja odpowiedział
am, to było półtora roku temu i po miesięcznej korespondencji na moje konto wpłyneło 12.000 $, właśnie jako donacja od anonimowego jakiegoś gościa czy funduszu nie pamietam już

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