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Gość D-Stokrotka24

Prośba o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu z ang. na polski!!PILNE

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Gość D-Stokrotka24

Prosze pomózcie mi zrozumiec to co tu napisane??!! "It is regretted to note that settlement of your account is now considerably overdue. Under our terms of supply each bill issued requires full settlement within 14 days of each bill date. We must ask that you settle this overdue account immediately. In the absence of payment or agreed payment arrangement within the next 7 days, instructions will be issued to (.....) to withdraw the gas supply. ...official has no authority to discuss your account details nor can he accept any payment. Once supply has been withdrawn the cost as outlined on page 2 are required to be paid in advance of reconnction of gas supply.If you have recently settled your accont, or if you pay following receipt of this letter, it is vital that you inform us immediately by withdraw with... Pleas note it can take up to 5 working days for payment to reach your account. In the event of continued non - payment following supply withdraw we also inform you that our Solicitors will be instructed to initiate legal proceedings for recovery of the debt, together with legal costs.

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Gość zaplac te rachunki

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Gość zaplac te rachunki
inaczej w ciagu 7 dni odetna Ci gaz, jezeli bedziesz go chciala z powrotem musisz poniesc dodatkowe koszty, jak zaplacisz masz ich natychmiast poinformowac bo moze potrwac 5 dni roboczych zanim oni ta wplate zuwaza u siebie. Jezeli nie zaplacisz to wysla komornika

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Gość najpierw dadza sprawe do
swoich prawnikow i bedziesz musiala poniesc te koszty

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Gość D-Stokrotka24
Dziekuje bardzo, bardzo, bardzo!!!! Pozdrawiam

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