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Gość Anissss

Prosze o sprawdzenie tekstu po angielsku

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Gość Anissss

Witam, bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie tego tekstu czy nie zawiera bledów. The articlue is bout troubles of poland's arline,Air polonia. It Discribe first big problem of last time that Air Polonia have. The 53.000 angry passenegers was waiting for new Flight, rivals of Air polonia the Sky Europe and Wizz Air use that situation and offer seats on their flights for about 1 grosz-plus taxes and airport charges. The one of pssenegers was talking with daily ,,Gazeta Wyborcza'' and he was very mad that any pearson from Air Polonia don't tell magick word ,,Sorry''. The analysts says that Air Polonia will soon go broke and it had never realy had the funding for smooth working.

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Gość Anissss
a moglisbyscie mi napisac, gdzie?

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Gość no problemos
The article is about troubles of Polish airline Air Polonia. It discribes the first big problem that Air Polonia has came across recently. The 53.000 angry passenegers were waiting for a new flight, while its rivals; the Sky Europe and Wizz Air used that situation and offered available seats on their flights for about 1 grosz-plus taxes and airport charges. One of the angry passengers interviewed by daily ,,Gazeta Wyborcza'' expressed his irritation that none of Air Polonia employees at least used the magic word ,,Sorry''. The analysts are on the opinion that Air Polonia soon gets broke and it never really had the funds for smooth functionig.

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Gość no problemos
The analysts are on the opinion that Air Polonia soon gets broke and it never really had the funds necessary to ensure smooth functionig.

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Gość Anissss
Dziekuje Ci bardzo, jestes WIELKI/A :) mua :*

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Gość no problemos
eee tam uczysz sie niemca ? bo masz śmieszne naleciałości w pisowni

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Gość Anissss
hehe nie ucze sie niemieckiego :) ale z gramatyka nie jestem zbyt dobra,w rozmowie nie ma problemu dogaduje sie i wszystko rozumiem a pisownia to tak jak widac,nigdy sie juz jej chyba nie naucze :/

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W pierwszym zdaniu \"describes\" a nie discribes\" i chyba \"analysts are of the opinion\" - chyba żeby dać \"According to the analysts Air Polonia never had enough financial means to cover their functioning, therefore it could be expected that it brokes soon\" Chyba też bez \"the\" przed Sky Europe - skoro przed innymi nazwami nie dajemy....

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