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Gość ZdzisiuXXX

Jestem automatykiem czy mam szanse na prace w Anglii?

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX

Witam. Jestem automatykiem z doświadczeniem. Czy mam szansę na pracę w zawodzie w Anglii?

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Gość wypal paczke fajek
tak . jako kontroler blietow.automatyczny z reszta...

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
Hmm czy dobrym ;) Kiepskim napewno nie ;)

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
opracowałem zautomatyzowany system odsiewający bobki mojej świnki morskiej od trocin nazwałem go SITO :classic_cool:

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Gość ja jestem CAD Designerem
i nie musze wyjechać do angli by dobrze zarobić

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
Hehe SITO. Dobre ;) No cóż nie jestem CAD designerem ale automatykiem w utrzymaniu ruchu. Ciekawi mnie czy jest szansa na dobre zarobki. Ty mam 3 netto ale to za mało.

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Gość pa pa pa gwózdek ókój pa pa pa

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Gość Sonda Spirit i Opportunity

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Sądzę, że jeżeli znasz biegle angielski, to możesz się rozejrzeć za pracą już dziś ;) tak wstępnie, zobaczyć, ile możesz dostać i zdecydować, co bardziej się opłaca.

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Gość emigrant___
Jak jezyk w miare opanowany to dasz sobie rade, zycie w normalnym kraju gratis ;-)

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Gość Sterownikli PLC

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
No nad językiem pracuje. No cóż może zdecyduję się na wyjazd. ;) Najwyżej wrócę i nie będę narzekał że nie sprobowałem.

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Gość Computer aided engineering
Computer aided manufacturing Computer aided design

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Gość rocket engine exhaust
nitro engine

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Gość Design nitro engine
A nitro engine generally refers to an engine powered with a fuel that contains some portion of nitromethane. Nitromethane is highly combustible substance that is generally only used in very specifically designed or modified engines. Nitro engines used for R/C models are highly advanced engines that can turn in excess of 50,000 RPMs. With this much movement, a lot of friction is generated and the fuel used for these engines usually contains between 12-18% oil content depending on the nitromethane percentage. Most engines in R/C cars today are 2 stroke engines, which means that it takes 2 strokes of the piston to complete the engine cycle. On the first stroke as the piston travels downward, a mixture of nitro and oxygen is sucked into the crankcase, from the carburetor and travels into the induction port and finally into the combustion chamber. As the piston travels upward the mixture is compressed and ignited by the glow plug which causes the fuel to explode forcing the piston down. As the piston travels downward the spent exhaust gases escape out of the combustion chamber through the exhaust port, and the cycle starts over by the fuel mixture being again sucked into the induction port. Nitro engines use a carburetor to mix the nitro and air together. The carburetor can either be sliding or rotary. On a rotary carburetor, the slide is opened as the arm is turned by the servo. On a slide carburetor the slide is opened by sliding the arm out by the servo. Both are held open slightly by an idle screw which allows the engine to receive a very small amount of fuel to keep the engine running when the vehicle is at a stop. The carburetors usually feature 2 needles used to tune the mixture. A high speed needle tunes how much fuel is allowed into the carburetor at mid to high RPMs, and a low speed needle determines how much fuel is allowed into the carburetor at low to mid range RPMs. Turning either needle in a clockwise motion will lean the engine out. Lean describes the amount of fuel in the fuel / air mixture. To a point this will make the engine run faster with better performance, but once too lean the engine will overheat, and wear out prematurely due to not receiving enough lubrication. Turning either needle counterclockwise will richen the engine. Rich is the opposite of lean, it means more oil is entering the engine. If the engine is too rich, it will run poorly, and fuel that has not yet been burnt may start to spit out of the exhaust. The engine will run very slow and seem to have no power and possibly cut out from being flooded with fuel. Although, being too rich is better than being too lean, because being too rich just means the engine is getting too much oil which is perfectly fine, although performance may not be as good as if the engine were lean. A properly tuned engine will last a long time with good performance throughout its life. There are several different types of R/C engines. There are onroad, offroad, aircraft, marine, and monster truck engines. Onroad engines are designed to come into their powerband from mid to high RPM. These engines are can be used in offroad vehicles but are normally used in onroad sedans where very high rpms and high speed is required. Offroad engines have a less abrupt power curve compared to onroad engines. Offroad engines have a powerband that extends through most of the rpm range. Offroad engines do not rev as high as onroad engines, but they do have more torque that can easily propel the vehicle it is in to impressive speeds. Offroad engines are usually used in 1/8 scale buggies where high speeds and good acceleration are required. Aircraft engines are manufactured to be able to sustain high RPMs. The biggest difference between all other nitro engines and aircraft engines is the ability to sustain RPMs. Other nitro engines tend to break if run at full throttle for a full tank of fuel. Marine engines are cooled with water rather than air like other nitro engines. Monster truck engines are generally very large compared to onroad and offroad engines. Where an offroad engine may be .21ci size, a monster truck engine may be as much as .32ci. Monster truck engines generate much of their torque and horsepower at low to mid range RPMs. They are usually used in large and heavy trucks where all that power is needed to get good performance out of the vehicle.

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
Plc mam opanowane simatic step 7

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Gość gwózdek kremowo papkowy
STEP 7 includes powerful tools and functions for the varied tasks involved in an automation project.

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Gość aja i tak twierdze że FANSÓFKA
istnieje naprawdę !!!

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Gość pa pa pa gwózdek ókój pa pa pa
first angle projection and third angle projection !

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a jesli mozna wiedziec- gdzie teraz dokladnie pracujesz i czym sie zajmujesz? bo ja tez bede automatykiem w przyszlsoci i sie zastanawiam czy nastawic sie na parce na zachodzie czy jednak tu zostac..:)

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
Pracuję w browarze. ogolnie fajna robota i ciekawa ale ...... malo platna

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w browarze i tylko 3tys netto? a pracuje tam jeszcze jakis automatyk?

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i jestes mgr inz.? i ile masz doswiadczenia w zawodzie?

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
W lechu maja ok 4-5 netto ja mam poltora roku doswiadczenia, i jest jeszcze innych 4 autmatykow. Jesten mgr inz

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no to tylko 1,5 roku doswiadczenia:D myslalam ze z 10 lat :P a jaka specjalnosc skonczyles?

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Gość ZdzisiuXXX
elektrotechnika. Tylko poltora ;) albo az poltora.

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