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Finish the sentences without changing the meaning of the first sentence. prykład 1.She has got scruffy hair-Her hair is scruffy. 2.You need some teaching experience before we employ you. Some... 3.He was given some very useful information. Some... 4.He bought a new suit for the wedding. A new suit...

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proszę. mam w sumie 15 takich zdań

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Gość inglisz master
2.some teaching experience will be needed before we empoly you 3.Some very useful information was given to him 4.A new siut for the wedding was bought by him

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dzięki 5.An alarm protects this shop from burglaries. This shop.. 6.People use sand to make glass. sand... 7.I like playing darts more than any other game. Darts... 8.Nowadays men and women wear trousers. trousers... are not allowed to park here. Parking... need binoculars to see that far. binoculars...

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Gość deeeeel
5.This shop is protected from burglaries 6.Sand is used to make glass 7.?? O matko,to mnie oprzeroslo:? Jaki to poziom jest?Coś kolo Advanced tak? Ale chyba może byc tak: Darts are played by me more often than any other game (ale glowy sobie nie dam urwac ze bedzie are a nie is) 8.Trousers are worn by men and women 9.Parking is not allowed here 10.Binoculars are needed to see that far

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nio poziom rozszerzony :) dzięki wielkie 11.Models always wear smart clothes. Smart clothes... 12.This greengrocer's always has fresh vegetables. The vegetables... 13.The government is passing new laws. New laws... 14.I found physics very difficult at school. physics... 15.The man found theadvice very useful. the advice

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Gość z tym 7 to raczej nie...
to siódme to raczej nie bardzo tak, już prędzej będzie darts are liked by me... albo jeszcze jakoś inaczej...

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Gość nie mam pewności ale...
11.Models always wear smart clothes. Smart clothes are always worn by models. 12.This greengrocer's always has fresh vegetables. The vegetables owned by this greengrocer's are always fresh ?? nie wiem... 13.The government is passing new laws. New laws are being passed by the government. 14.I found physics very difficult at school. physics was found very difficult 15.The man found theadvice very useful. the advice found by the man was very useful

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serdecznie dziękuję

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Gość nie mam pewności ale...

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