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Czy moglibyscie napisac mi 4-5 zdan na temat swiat Bozego Narozenia, wielkanocy, walentynek, smigusa dyngusa po angielsku? Nie znam za dobrze tego jezyka dlatego prosze o pomoc....

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bardzo prosze o tych kilka zdan... kto co umie..

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tak jakies 3 lata temu opisalam koleznce bylo dawno i nie mam za bardzo czasu teraz zeby to sprawdzic...moze ktos bedzie mogl przeczytaci poprawic jak cos jest nie tak In Poland today we don’t eat anything until the evening. We decorate Christmas tree today. And with the first star we sit by the table. There has to be some hay underneath a table cloth. And then we have “oplatek” it’s almost the same thing, as what you get, when you do the communion in the church only bigger. We wish each other Merry Christmas and then we start to have dinner. There are 12 dishes because there are 12 months in the year. We eat no meat just fish and “pierogis”, and sauerkraut with mushrooms, (but not these white mushroom but real mushrooms like you can find in the woods, portabello or others) and we have red borsch with a little “pierogis” made of mushrooms ; or white borsch. And there is this drink I don’t like made of dry fruit. You have to try everything even if you don’t like it to have the good luck all year .We sing carols and get presents. And then at midnight we go to the church. We have 2 days of holidays so basically we eat all time for the next days, visit families and friends. We can eat meat tomorrow so there is a lot of polish sausage and ham. And we don’t heave formal dinner on the first day of Christmas because no one can move after Christmas Eve. J a reszte ...zacznij pisac sama , a pozniej ci pomoge

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