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Gość poczatkujaca angielka

prosze o pomoc w angielskim

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka

Yesterday" beats songs of today. The Beatles' so , the mo.. widely reco.. song i .. pop.. music, i the be.. song o.. the cen.. , according t.. a BBC sur.. of songw and Radio 2 list ... Sir Paul McCartney's 1965 bal .., which h.. been reco .. by mo.. than 2,000 ot.. performers, top.. a po o.. t.. 100 mo.. memorable melo.. . The second-placed song, the 1929 "Stardust", by Hoagy Carmichael, was a surprise choice. It is a love song that many have heard, but often struggle to identify. mam jeszcze wiecej:(

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
When Xavier Dupont came to Britain, his friends said he'd hate it. How.. , Xavier, a 26-ye.. -old-ch.. , says th.. were wr.. . 'Fre.. people ima.. that Brit.. is a co.. and mise.. country wh.. everyone dres.. badly, y.. can't s.. anything f .. fog, a.. the fo.. is t.. worst o.. the pla.. . I do.. agree. Xavier ins.. that t.. British lo.. is go.. brakuje czesci wyrazow

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
serio nikt tego nie potrafi? wiedzialam ze to trudne

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Gość moja siostra mowi ze
Yesterday" beats songs of today. The Beatles' so , the mo.. widely recoRDS.. song i N.. pop.. music, i the beAGES.. song oN.. the cen.. , according tO.. a BBC surE.. of songw and Radio 2 listTEN ... Sir Paul McCartney's 1965 bal .., which hAS.. been recoRDE .. by moRE.. than 2,000 ot.. performers, top.. a po oN.. tHE.. 100 moRE.. memorable meloDIES.. . The second-placed song, the 1929 "Stardust", by Hoagy Carmichael, was a surprise choice. It is a love song that many have heard, but often struggle to identify.

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Gość im here
zaraz ci napisze ale chyba cos niedokladnie przepislas

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
oj w koncu ktos sie odezwal, dziekuje Ci

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
New York is still feeling the effects of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The lat... victims a.. the ci.... art mus.... . Art wo... around $ 10 mil.... was lo.. in t.. World Trade Center bl... . As a res... , overseas instit...... are dema..... increased secu.... and mo.. terrorism insu.... before len.... valuable wo... to New York mus.... . Las Vegas a.. collector Stephen Wynn sa.. he n. longer le... pieces t. museums i. New York. Wynn owns a 1932 Picasso portrait of the artist's lover, Marie-Therese Walter. T.. museum of Modern Art had hoped to include it in a recent show, but Wynn refused tu ilosc kropek zgadza sie z brakujacymi literkami, moze to wam ulatwi

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Gość im here
Yesterday" beats songs of today. The Beatles' song , the most widely recording song in the pop- music, is the best song of the century, according to a BBC survey of songs and Radio 2 listed Sir Paul McCartney's 1965 ballade, which has been recorded by more than 2,000 other performers, top.. a po o.. the 100 most memorable melody . The second-placed song, the 1929 "Stardust", by Hoagy Carmichael, was a surprise choice. It is a love song that many have heard, but often struggle to identify. kto ci daje takie idiotyczne zadania?

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Gość im here
"top.. a po o.. " .. tu masz chyba jakis blad

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Gość im here
New York is still feeling the effects of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The latest victims are the ci....(tu sobie sprawdz nazwe museum bo nie wim) art museum . Art worth around $ 10 million was lost in the World Trade Center bl... . As a result , overseas institutions are demanding increased security and more terrorism insurance before lending valuable works to New York museums . Las Vegas art collector Stephen Wynn says he no longer lends pieces to museums in New York. Wynn owns a 1932 Picasso portrait of the artist's lover, Marie-Therese Walter. The museum of Modern Art had hoped to include it in a recent show, but Wynn refused

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
super:) dzieki wielkie a dasz rade z ta reszta?

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Gość im here
chodzi o te pare slowek niedokonczonych? czy masz jeszcze jakis tekst?

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Gość im here
"top.. a po of" .. co do muzeum to naprawde nie wiem - moze ktos inny a to world trade center b... to cos z wybuchem, katastrofa itp - ale slowko nie przychodzi mi do glowy - poszukaj

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Gość im here
aaaa:) nie zauwazylam jednego tekstu:) zaraz ci napisze

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka
im here jestes super, juz to oc do tej pory napisalas bardzo mi pomoglo, mam wiecej takich durnych testow, ale wypelnilam intuicyjnie:D jeszcze raz dziekuje, dobra duszo:P

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Gość im here
When Xavier Dupont came to Britain, his friends said he'd hate it. However , Xavier, a 26-year-old-ch.. , says they were wrong. 'French people imagine that Britain is a cold and miserable country where everyone dresses badly, y.. can't say (jestes pewna ze tu ma byc SAY?? A NIE SEE ??? )anything f .. fog, and the fog is the worst of the pla.. . I don't agree. Xavier ins.. that t.. British lo.. is go..

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Gość im here
nie ma sprawy:) jakby co to sluze pomoca

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Gość poczatkujaca angielka

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Gość im here
you can't say (jestes pewna ze tu ma byc SAY?? A NIE SEE ??? )anything BUT(?)TYLKO BUT MI TU PASUJE :( fog, and the fog is the worst of the plaNET . I don't agree. Xavier insISTED that THE British lo.. is go.. (SZCZERZE MOWIAC ZA MALO INF. BY UZUPELNIC OSTATNIE ZDANIE :(

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Gość im here
low is good???? ..ale bez calego tekstu to nie trzyma sie kupy sprawdz tez kim byl ow ksawier:) bo to ch... moze znaczyc wiele:)

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Gość im here
sorry!!! Xavier insISTs a nie insisted

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Gość im here
a z tum museum to moze civic?.. pewnie tak

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