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Problem z rejestracja w GP w Anglii

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Obecnie nie pracuje,jestem w ciazy ,potrzebuje lekarza ,jednak pani z okienka odmowila mi rejestracji ,bo nie posiadam pracy.

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U GP,przepraszam za blad

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Chyba raczej bo nie jestes ubezpieczona? Tak mysle, trudno sie dziwic ;-)

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Posiadam NIN ,ale nie oplacam ,bo nie pracuje

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Gość kmaamamma
idz do job centre i porozmawiaj ,zarejestruj sie jako bezrobotna,powinni ci dac jakis list

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Gość aat
moze sproboj isc do innego. Ja przyjechalam do UK w 2003 roku w lipcu i bez probemow mnie zajerestrowali, tesh nie bylam nigdzie zatrudniona .

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Gość a to tato
to dziwne ,bo jak ja sie rejestrowalam to kazali mi tylko paszport oryznies ,ale to bylo jakies 3 lata temu.

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w recepcji przyjmowaly same Hinduski ,miny mialy zniesmaczone ,jak odpowiedzialam ,ze jestem z Polski.

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nigdzie indzie mnie ni przyjma, bo podlegam tylko pod to GP

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Moglas powiedziec im, ze chcesz rozmawiac z managerem. Nie moga Ci odmowic. Pare tygodni temu moja kolezanka sie rejestrowala. Tez nie pracuje. Nie bylo zadnego problemu. Ps. Nie martw sie, ja tez mam zle doswiadczenia z Hinduskami w UK. W Job Centre myslalam, ze zjedza mnie wzrokiem, poza tym bardzo nie przyjemne osoby, nie kompetentne, nie kulturalne.

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Powiedzialam,ze nie moge czekac ,bo jestem w ciazy ,ale najwidoczniej ,to je nie wzruszylo

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Chyba wybiore sie jednak do polskiego ginekologa.tak czy inaczej na piewsza wizyte u GP musialabym czekac ponad tydzien.

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Dokladnie porozmawiaj z menagerem. Jako kobiecie w ciazy przysluguje Ci opieka medyczna nawet jak nie pracujesz.

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Gość aat
Znalazlam to w interecie, poczytaj, moze cos pomoze. People Entitled to Full NHS Hospital Treatment free of charge Anyone who is working in the UK for an employer who is based in the UK or is registered in the UK as a branch of an overseas employer (this includes self employed people). You must be actually working, not just looking for work; Any unpaid worker with a voluntary organisation offering services similar to those of a Health Authority or Local Authority social services department; Any full time student on a course of at least 6 months duration, or, if less than 6 months, a course substantially funded by the UK government; Anyone who has come to live permanently in the UK. If you make an application for permanent residence after you get here you are chargeable until your application is approved; Anyone who has been lawfully living in the UK for twelve months immediately prior to treatment; Refugees and asylum seekers whose applications are still being considered; Anyone employed on a ship or vessel registered in the UK or working offshore on the UK sector of the Continental Shelf; Anyone who receives a UK war disablement pension or war widows pension; Diplomatic staff working in embassies or Commonwealth High Commissions in the UK; Members of Her Majesty’s UK armed forces*; UK Civil Servants working abroad who were recruited in the UK and employed by Her Majesty’s Government*; Anyone recruited in the UK who works abroad for the British Council or the Commonwealth War Graves Commission*; Anyone who is working abroad in a job financed in part by the UK Government in agreement with the Government or a public body of some other country or territory*; Anyone working abroad for not more than 5 years as long as they have lived legally in the UK for ten continuous years at some point (including self employed people); Anyone working in an EEA country member state and contributing compulsory (not voluntary) UK national insurance contributions (class I or II); Anyone who is a national of an EEA member state, a refugee or stateless person or their dependant or survivor living in an EEA member state who is referred to the UK for specified treatment with an EC form E112 or E123; Anyone who is referred by their home country authorities for specified treatment in the UK under the terms of a bilateral agreement; Anyone who is detained in prison or by the Immigration Authorities in the UK; Serving NATO personnel, posted in the UK, who are not using their own or UK armed forces hospitals; UK state pensioners who have lived lawfully in the UK for 10 continuous years at some point, who now live for not more than 6 months each year in another EEA member state and not less than 6 months each year in the UK; Missionaries working overseas for an organisation principally based in the UK, regardless of whether they are receiving a wage or salary*; Those who have been formally identified or suspected as being a victim of human trafficking; The spouse or civil partner and any dependent children of anyone who is exempt under the above criteria, if they are living permanently with the exempt person. Coming to visit the exempt person for a few weeks or months does not give exemption. * These categories of exemption provide that the spouse/civil partner/dependent children are exempt from charge in their own right so that the principal exempt family member does not have to be in the UK with them at the time of their treatment. People Entitled to Some NHS Hospital Treatment This is limited to treatment required for any condition that occurred after arrival in the UK (including pre-existing conditions which acutely exacerbate whilst here). Anyone, including a refugee, stateless person or a member of the family of any of them, who is an ‘insured’ resident of an EEA member state and is visiting the UK#; Anyone, or the spouse, civil partner or child of anyone, receiving a UK state pension who has either lived legally in the UK for 10 continuous years at some point or has worked as a UK Civil Servant for at least 10 continuous years; Anyone, or the spouse, civil partner or child of anyone, who is a national of a country that has signed the European Social Charter but is not entitled to be provided with services under a bilateral agreement (currently Turkey) and is genuinely without the means to pay for their treatment; Anyone, or the spouse, civil partner or child of anyone, who has lived legally in the UK for 10 continuous years at some point but who is now living in another EEA member state or in certain countries with which the UK has a bilateral healthcare agreement; Anyone who is entitled to receive industrial injury benefit from Israel if the treatment is in connection with the industrial injury; Anyone living in a country with which the UK has a bilateral healthcare agreement (some bilateral healthcare agreements are limited to nationals of that country). # Also includes treatment for chronic conditions, including routine monitoring. European Economic Area (EEA) member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus (Southern), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland by special arrangement.

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Ja bym zrobiła awanturę a na pewno zadzwoniła do NHS i poinformowała o sytuacji. Wiesz najlepiej niby z zapytaniem co masz zrobić bo jesteś w ciąży a nie chcą cie przyjąć. Nie maja prawa ci odmówić !!! I olać hindusów z tej recepcji normalnie.

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Gość dzwon tutaj
If a GP refuses to register me what do I do? A doctor may refuse to register you if their list is full. If this is the case they should display a poster in explaining their list is temporarily full. A doctor cannot refuse to take you on because of your age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, financial status or medical condition. If you have tried to register at four practices and they all have full lists, contact the Patient Information Line on 020 7527 1182 or 020 7527 1183 for help.

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Mnie poproszono o paszport i potwierdzenie miejsca zamieszkania w Anglii, nie było większych problemów ale była to któraś z kolei przychodnia, większość było pozajmowanych. Też nie pracuję, ale studiuję. Mimo to, nikt mnie o to nie pytał, więc równie dobrze mogłabym być w takiej sytuacji jak Wy i wygląda na to, że nie byłoby problemu. Też proponuję zadzwonić do NHS... i wypróbować inną przychodnię :] A teraz off-top. To nie rasizm, tylko stwierdzenie faktu. W recepcji przyjmowały Hinduski, były niemiłe i niekompetentne. Ktoś przytoczył podobną sytuację. Tyle. Rasizmu nie widzę. Tak samo ja mówię że wielu Polaków w UK, pracujących np. w polskich sklepach czy generalnie w barach itd, jest o wiele mniej sympatycznych niż Anglicy czy Hindusi właśnie. Co do Hindusów i ich niekompetencji, to mogę potwierdzić, mieszkam w dzielnicy hinduskiej i miałam wiele podobnych, nieprzyjemnych doświadczeń. Ale nie mogę powiedzieć, że wszyscy są niemili/uprzedzeni, bo to nie prawda, większość jest bardzo uprzejma (w przeciwieństwie do Polaków).

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jeszcze mi powiedz ze to bylo u jednego gp w wolverhampton to ci wytlumacze dlaczego sie panie skrzywily...;-p Masz NIN, musza cie zarejestrowac, jak powkedza ze nie biora nowych pacjentow to sie spytaj czy ich lista is officially closed i czy PCT o tym wie;-p po czym zadzwon do local PCT /primary care trust/ do registration department i [powiedz ze ten gp powidzial ci ze ma zamknieta liste, ze nie chcial cie przyjac w zwiazku z tym niech ci podadza adres innego lekarza ktory bierze nowych pacjentow.

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Gość niby dlaczego bo masz chlopa
[zgłoś do usunięcia] enamorada Darowalybyscie sobie ten rasizm a niby dlaczego bo masz chlopa z ...i co tak glowa krecisz pomysl 2 razy,,

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