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Gość lenusiak2222222

proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności krótkiej pracy z angielskiego

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Gość lenusiak2222222

i ewentualne poprawienie błędów: "Heroin- my love" was written by Anna Onichimowska. This is a shocking story about a boy, who started give a drugs and contribute to his brother's death. The plot centres on Michael's death. The main character changes his life, because his family blames him for that. In second part story "Comet" , the main character's girlfriend falls into the habit too. Finally they both get to the hospital. Are they will survive? See for yourself. This book is based on a real facts. The plot is believable and very intresting. In this book I like good description the main character's inner experiences. I hope, that this realy good story got a film adaptation, because I think this is great material for a film. "Heroine- my love" is certainly a wonderfull book. To the last sides keeps in suspense. It will change the way you think about addictions and young people's problems. The story is fantastic and it is well worth reading.

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