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Gość aaallllinaaa


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Gość aaallllinaaa

Bardzo prosze, sprawdźcie mi, czy mam to poprawnie gramatycznie napisana i poprawcie błędy... When I was six years old, I and my close family visited my aunt and uncle, who left in the country. It was a summer, the sun was shining and it was very warm in outside. I and my cousin, Weronika, were sitting in the garden and we were talking. Suddenly, Weronica sad me, that we can go to the cellar and she can show me a lot of old letters with last century and beautiful, silver ancient watch with watch-chain. I agreed with her and we went down to the cellar. It was very dark cold and horrible place, but in spite of fear we went o small room on the end of corridor. We turned the light and we looked for letters and watch in a big, old trunk. Suddenly, the light putted out and the door of the cellar’s doors closed. We was scared and we didn’t say anything. In the darkness we tried found the road to exit, but we couldn’t. We were very scared. We cried and shouted. I was very confused, shocked and afraid. We found the door, but we couldn’t opened them! Luckily Weronika’s father heard our screams and he had found us. W didn’t open the door, because The cellar’ door snapped shut in outside. It was very scared event, and a long time after them I had a lot of nightmares dreams.

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Gość aaallllinaaa

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Gość aaallllinaaa

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Gość wwrrr
Jak Ci ktoś będzie sprawdzał prace, niczego się nie nauczysz. Radziłabym też używać słownika,a nie translatora :P

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Gość aaallllinaaa
nie używałam translatora.mam problemy z angielskim i stąd dużo błędów.

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When I was six years old, my close family and I visited my aunt and uncle, who lived in the country. It was summer, the sun was shining and it was very warm outside. my cousin, Weronika and I, were sitting in the garden and we were talking. Suddenly, Weronica told me, that we could go to the cellar and she could show me a lot of old letters from the last century and beautiful, silver ancient watch with watch-chain. I agreed and we went down to the cellar. It was very dark, cold and horrible place, but in spite of fear we went to a small room on the end of corridor. We turned the light on and looked for the letters and the watch in a big, old trunk. Suddenly, the light went off and the cellar door closed. We was scared and we didn’t say anything. In the darkness we tried to find the way to the exit, but we couldn’t. We were very scared. We cried and shouted. I was very confused, shocked and afraid. We found the door, but we couldn’t opened it! Luckily Weronika’s father heard our screams and he had found us. W couldnt open the door, because The cellar’ door snapped shut from outside. It was a very scary experience, and for a long time after that I used to have nightmares.

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Gość aaallllinaaa
dzięki ci serdeczne. Pisząc, wydawało mi sie, że jest jako - tako, ale faktycznie miaalm duzo błędów. Dzieki jeszcze raz

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Gość wwrrr
perfekcyjnie nie jest, ale już lepiej ;) jeśli nie korzystałaś z translatora, ogromne gratulacje za 'old letters with last century' :D

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