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Gość kljljkljkljhkljhljkll

pomoc w zadaniu z angielskiego........

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Gość kljljkljkljhkljhljkll

Mam glupie zadanie z ang...tzn moze ono jest proste ale robie cos takiego pierwszy raz i nie potrafie sobie poradzic;/ Musze opisac jakies miejsce na podstawie obrazka. Dowolne miejsce...praca ma byc na 130 slow. Moze mi ktos pomoc???? Podajcie jakies ciekawe pomysly, linki itp. Bylabym bardzo wdzieczna gdyby ktos mi pomogl chociaz troche...nie wiem jak sie za to zabrac;/

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Gość fsdeaw
obrazek ma być dowolnie wybrany?

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Gość kljljkljkljhkljhljkll
tak dowolnie tylko ze chodzi o jakies miejsce

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Gość kljljkljkljhkljhljkll
myslalam o opisie londynu....bedzie ktos tak dobry i mi napisze?:P

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Gość jujoo
zartujesz sobie? ktos ma odwalic za ciebie robote? A gdzie twoj wklad? W przepisaniu polecenia? Oto pokolenie, najnowsza komorka, mp3, laptop, a w glowie sieczka:O

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Gość kljljkljkljhkljhljkll
nie jestem poprostu zbyt dobra z takich rzeczy. To chociaz po polsku mi napiszcie a z reszta jakos sobie dam rade

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Gość fsdeaw
a na wnętrze sklepu, z klientami w środku?

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wszytsko jest w internecie i daleko nie trzeba szukać.... przerób sobie to co Ci tu wkleję i gotowe:) London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is the UK's largest and most populous metropolitan area and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures.London has a diverse range of peoples, cultures and religions, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries.London has a temperate marine climate (Koppen climate classification Cfb), like much of the British Isles, so the city rarely sees extremely high or low temperatures.Winters in London are chilly, but rarely below freezing.London enjoys an average of 1461 hours of sunshine every year.The largest parks in the central area of London are the Royal Parks of Hyde Park, its neighbour Kensington Gardens at the western edge of Central London and Regent's Park on the northern edge. Regent's Park contains London Zoo, the world's oldest scientific zoo, and is located near the tourist attraction of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.St. James's Park Closer to central London are the smaller Royal Parks of Green Park and St. James's Park.Hyde Park in particular is popular for sports and sometimes hosts open-air concerts. A number of large parks lie outside the city centre, including the remaining Royal Parks of Greenwich Park to the south-east and Bushy Park and Richmond Park to the south-west as well as Victoria Park, East London to the east. Primrose Hill to the north of Regent's Park is a popular spot to view the city skyline. Museums and art galleries The Natural History Museum. London is home to many museums, galleries, and other institutions which are major tourist attractions as well as playing a research role. The Natural History Museum (biology and geology), Science Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum (fashion and design) are clustered in South Kensington's "museum quarter", while the British Museum houses historic artefacts from around the world. The British Library at St Pancras is the UK's national library, housing 150 million items. The city also houses extensive art collections, primarily in the National Gallery, Tate Britain and Tate Modern. ]Music London is one of the major classical and popular music capitals of the world and is home to major music corporations, such as EMI, as well as countless bands, musicians and industry professionals. London is home to many orchestras and concert halls such as the Barbican Arts Centre (principal base of the London Symphony Orchestra), Cadogan Hall (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) and the Royal Albert Hall (BBC Promenade Concerts). London's two main opera houses are the Royal Opera House and the Coliseum Theatre. London is home to the UK's largest pipe organ, at the Royal Albert Hall. Other significant instruments are found at the cathedrals and major churches. Several conservatoires are located within the city: Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Trinity College of Music

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