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Gość muslimka666

Język angielski - sprawdzi mi ktoś błędy? Bardzo proszę:)

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Gość muslimka666

Bardzo prosze jakąś dobrą duszyczkę o poprawienie ewentualnych błędów w mojej pracy na angielski. My profile Now let me tell you some words about my appearance and traits of character. I have long, dark hair and big multicolored eyes. Im medium hight and I have a small body build. My favorite colors are black and fuchsia. I like wearing fashionable and comfortable clothes. Im very crazy, sensitive, smart and witty. Unfortunately I am not very punctual, and this is my big bug. I finished studies in Uniwersity and Im a teacher but I like to learn so at the moment Im studying tourism. In the past I worked in many places, for example: in a modeling agency, on television, in the sports shop, in the pharmaceutical industry. I have a lot of things that I like to do. My great passion is photography, I make a pictures of everything and everyone. I love to travel and now Im trying to do it very often. Countries that most fascinate me and which I visit often is Croatia in Europe and Egypt in Africa. Im interested in Arab culture, religion and historical sites. Now I read many books, browse maps and guides because in the next month I am going on another trip. I have a wonderful family. Is not big but is very strong. My father died 7 year ago but I have beautiful and fantastic mother and sister. We spend lot of time together and we have excellent contacts. We often go together at rock concerts and shopping mall. My best friends are Margaret and Michael. With Margaret I go to art galleries, cinema, theater and with Michael I go to the pool, we are diving together in the sea. My life is amazing because I like change and Im not afraid of challenges. I do not like to be bored and Im open to new friendships and adventures. My motto is what does not kill me makes me stronger so I draw from life as much as possible.

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Gość muslimka666

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Gość muslimka666
bardzo proszę

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Gość Uniwersity

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Gość muslimka666
To akurat literówka, ale mogłam coś pochrzanić z czasami czy zwrotami.

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Gość Englishteacher
Nie "in University" ale "at University" Nie "make pictures" ale "take pictures" "Countries that most...." lepiej będzie:"For me the most fascinating countries that I often visit are Croatia in Europe and Egypt in Africa" Nie "7 year" a "7 years" Nie "I have beautiful..." ale "I have a beautiful..." Nie " We spend lot..." ale "We spend a lot of..." To tak zgrubsza, jest jeszcze pare literówek.....

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