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There goes the siren that warns of the air raifd Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne Got to get up for the comming attack. Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines Remove all the wheel blocks there's no time to waste Gathering speed as we heed down the runway Gotta get airborne before it's too late Running, scrambling, flying Rolling, turning, diving, going in again Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers Let off a sharp burst and then turn away Roll over, spin round and come in behind them Move to their blindsides and firing again Bandits at 8 o'clock move in behind us Ten ME - 109's out of the sun Ascending and turning out spitfires to face them Heading straight for them I press my guns. Rolling, turning, diving Rolling, turning, diving, goin' again Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die Among the living.

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Gość KawaleriaPancerna
Hellou :)

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ale sie narobilam nasprzatalam ciasto upieklam i zapiekanke zrobilam peekam bo niedawno ja kosztowalamL:D a Wty sporo napisalescie:P mam chbya dzis randke niekamerkowa a lafowOM:P

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Piotrze ubralam:P jzu nei bede taka tubylka;) lateks tez mam jakby co;) odezwe sie po:)

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Olu, Marines i tak się przebiją :) Mariuszu, jeśli o ciONZę chodzi, to do SetKasi :)

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