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Gość misiacccczzekkkksss

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Gość misiacccczzekkkksss

Musze ulozyć pytania o podmiot i dopelninia... i to maja byc pytania a'propos fragmentów w nawiasie (Our diet) makes it extremet difficult to avoid dental caries. 2. (Good oral hygiene) should be maintained 3.The carbohydrate, (sucrose,also called table sugar), is the greates cause of tooth decay. 4.Dental chec ups should be carried out (every 6 months) The treatment depends on the (extent of the decay) the best treatment of caries is (prevention which reduces the incidence of tooth decay) (sweet food and snacks) should be eliminated beetwen meals. it includes (through toothbrushing and flossing) the use floss removes (the plaque and food particles) from beetwen the teeth.

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