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Gość sroczkasrocczka

czy ktos mógłby na to zerknąć?

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Gość sroczkasrocczka

Robert Edward Lee- Biography He was born on the 19 January 1807 at Stratford Hall Plantation, Virginia. American soldier, general in the Confederate States Army, was the youngest son of major-general Henry Lee. Robert was accepted to the United States Military Academy and graduated 2nd in his class. In 1831 he married with Mary. His wife was Mary Anna Custis Lee (1808-1873), granddaughter of Martha Washington, wife of George Washington, first President of the USA. The couple had seven children. Lee was home only briefly. In 1836 he became first lieutenant, and in 1838 captain. He took part in the Mexican War, repeatedly winning distinction for conduct and bravery.He was a military advisor to CSA President Jefferson Davis. The most important battle, in which He command: battle of the Antietam, battle of Fredericksburg , Seven Days Battles, Battle of Cold Harbor. He was opponent slavery and secession, but felt obliged to conform to the action of his own state. He had ability of forecast of movement of opponent and taking advantage of weakness. After the war he was employed in engineer work at Washington and Baltimore. In 1852 he was appointed superintendent of West Point, and during his three years here he carried out many important changes in the academy. By his achievements he won a high place amongst the great generals of history. Lee's greatest victory was the Battle of Chancellorsville in May of 1863. Lee was offered the post of President of Washington University where he worked until his death in 1870. He died on October 12, 1870. Lee was a model for many southerners, but also a hero for all Americans.

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Gość sroczkasrocczka
czy jest to poprawnie napisane, sa jakies bledy?

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Gość lob
jest trochę błędów , czasem źle się czyta zdanie typu w roku bla bla bla ożenił się z mery a jego żoną była mery żyjaca od do . :/ __

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Gość sroczkasrocczka
dzieki za odpowiedz prosiłabym o korekte bo ja juz niewiem nic.

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