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Gość czy znajdzie się ktoś miły

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Gość czy znajdzie się ktoś miły

proszę o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu, zaznaczam że nie jest to żadna praca domowa albo coś podobnego, tekst ten jest mi po prostu bardzo potrzebny:) What is the mission of 'A Silent Suffering'? I created 'A Silent Suffering' to educate people about selective mutism whether or not you have it. Most people never heard about selective mutism and many children and adults are being misdiagnosed or not even treated at all. Feel free to comment or message this myspace telling me about your issues with selective mutism and I will do my best to help. What is selective mutism? In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders selective mutism is described as a rare psychological disorder. Children and adults with the disorder are fully capable of speech and understanding language, but can fail to speak in certain social situations when it is expected of them. less than 1% of people have selective mutism and it's slightly more common in females than in males. What causes selective mutism? There is still no known cause for selective mutism and there may be different causes for different individuals. I personally believe that one is born with selective mutism. What are the signs/symptoms of selective mutism? There is a consistent failure to speak in certain social settings sometimes even in an emergency situation. When you believe that this issue interfering with your education, job, or even friends. example: failing classes, being fired from a job because of you not being able to communicate efficiently. When failure to speak is not because of lack of knowledge or comfort, but because you can not get the words out of your mouth. Fear of going to places where you know there will be people. like the mall or any other social place. Being able to speak at home but not in other settings. Fear of people. Can this be treated/cured? Yes, selective mutism can be overcome. But it is very important to be treated at an early age. It can be treated at any age, but just much more difficult because after living with selective mutism for many years you can develop other issues like depression. Most people believe that people suffering from selective mutism improve with age, or just "grow out of it." But that is not the case what so ever. People can live with this their whole entire life. There are different ways to treat selective mutism. Many doctors believe that antidepressants (such as Prozac) are helpful in treatment. The medication is used to decrease anxiety levels to speed up the process of therapy. Use of medication typically ends after 9-12 months, once the person has learned skills to cope with anxiety and has become more comfortable in social situations. Medication is more often used for older children and teenagers whose anxiety has led to depression and other problems. The difference between shyness and selective mutism: This is a very good question and I'm sure many people wonder this. I want you to picture this for me even if it seems weird: pretend that you are in school and everyone is sitting down talking to their friends. You notice that your pencil needs sharpened and you see a pencil sharpener across the room. what do you do? If you are just shy, most likely you will go and sharpen your pencil and then go back to your seat. But with selective mutism you would be too scared to even get out of your seat. But remember, i am no doctor and i am not diagnosing you with selective mutism. Selective mutism can be misdiagnosed as: Social Phobia Glossophobia Shyness Social anxiety Separation Anxiety Disorder School refusal The difference between being mute and selective mutism: People who are mute never speak because it is physically impossible for them to speak. But with selective mutism the person has a perfectly fine voice but just can't use it in certain settings due to anxiety. The truth about students that have selective mutism: School can be very traumatizing, especially for people with selective mutism. Be prepared to be harrassed and bullied by other classmates. They will come up to you saying, "can't you talk? can you hear me?!" Then of course, the student with selective mutism won't reply back and then everyone in the class will just make fun of the student even more. These comments are very rude and can lead to depression. Most students don't like presenting in front of the class, but for some students, they have a huge fear of it and if this fear is pushed to the limit it can cause serious psychological problems. And unfortunately, most teachers show no sympathy for students that have social anxiety. In my experience, my teachers think that with practice in presenting I will "over come" my fear. When in reality, my fear just grew over time due to teachers' ignorance.

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Gość nfknfdsflsd
No chyba nie sądzisz, że ktoś będzie Ci to tłumaczył. Chyba, że zapłacisz 5 dych

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wjedź na tłumacza google i po sprawie

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Gość czy znajdzie się ktoś miły
ale bardzo słabo tłumaczy:O

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Gość czy znajdzie się ktoś miły

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Gość życie kopie mnie po dupie
ten tekst jets na poziomie intermediate, więc chyba nie powinno być problemów z przetłumaczeniem go...

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Gość czy znajdzie się ktoś miły
a więc może spróbujesz :P ?

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