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Pomógłby mi ktoś z angielskim? :(

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Muszę na jutro pisemnie odpowiedzieć na kilka pytań z angielskiego, a muszę się jeszcze nauczyć na biologię, sprawdzian z matematyki i przeczytać lekturę, więc obawiam się, że nie wyrobię się z czasem Dlatego proszę, żeby ktoś mi pomógł z angielskim... Muszę odpowiedzieć na 9 pytań 3-4 zdaniami. Pomoże mi ktoś? Błagam.

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Is it better to have an original painting that you keep in a safe or a photo that you can put on your wall and look at? Do you think art should reflect social issues? Can only higly educated people really appreciate good art? Is it the job of an artist to push the boundaries? Would you prefer to read a novel before seeing the film adaption? Should all works of art teach us something or simply entertain? Which books or films do you think will stand the test of time? What sort of things do you think are a source of inspiration/imagination to today's artists? How can a bad review/assessment affect an artist?

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Gość Ansnuanm
Is it better to have an original painting that you keep in a safe or a photo that you can put on your wall and look at? The original painting can be still kept on the wall. If one worries about his precious treasure being stolen, he can always tell people it is exact copy of it. Besides, a photo and painting should be treated completely separately and there is nothing comparable between enjoying genuine paintings and simple CCD photographs. Do you think art should reflect social issues? In this broad question a lot can be said. However, the right direction of this problem is not whether art should reflect this or that, but if it does or not. When the civilization is in state of blossom people sing about knights, heroic events, paint beautiful women, when it collapses they sign about thieves, murderers.. Can only highly educated people really appreciate good art? And what is good art? Poorly educated people will have probably less understanding towards contemporary art than towards simple van Gogh painting. Is it the job of an artist to push the boundaries? Only in a certain environment and in specific group of people. Rather in his area of interests. Most likely in specific window of opportunity. Would you prefer to read a novel before seeing the film adaption? Yes I would. Film adoption cannot express what a good book can. And usually films show shorter stories than the one written in a book. Should all works of art teach us something or simply entertain? I reckon both. Not necessarily in the same piece, in the same time. And art is something more than just simple entertainment. Which books or films do you think will stand the test of time? Stanislaw Lems books are immortal, as I believe the extend of knowledge of his writings throughout the world is not a simple coincidence. What sort of things do you think are a source of inspiration/imagination to today's artists? Contemporary artist can be divided, as I believe into certain groups. Some of them create something from scratch. Others try to transform something which is existing e.g. trying to make laugh from something very serious or just opposite. And last but not least even Stanislaw Lem had some books on his account written just because he was paid for it. How can a bad review/assessment affect an artist? Obviously shouldnt push him or her into the suicide. An artist should be immune to bad review as famous Dutch painters were, painting and living in extreme poverty. An artist is not a child who will cry because its mother had no time to value its work, being busy stirring soup.

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Niektóre zdania są krótkie bo robiłem kilka rzeczy naraz. Więc sam (a) sobie dopisz resztę. p.s. Nie znam się na sztuce kompletnie.

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Dziękuję bardzo :)

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Co się uczysz na biologię?

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Gość papapapap
ansnuanm, jestem pelna podziwu, ze ci sie chcialo odpowiadac na te pytania :) autorko, naprawde masz za co dziekowac ;)

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Gość fgfrrr5h5
do Ansnuanm slowa uznania.

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Gość eeeeeeeee tam
popisuje się i dala swoj show jak dotąd to tylko ja jestem drugą osobą ze chce się ludziom w takie rzeczy bawić? zadaje sobie pytanie i na nie odpowiada: kto to taki? ano popisowa autorka mogę podać ci zródło

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Tak trudno uwierzyć, że ktos coś mógł zrobić a nic nie chciał w zamian? Napisałem, bo ktoś rzeczywiście miał kupę roboty. Uwierzyłem mu/jej.

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podaj zrodlo

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Gość look at me now
Ansnuanm, no cóż... Szczerze mówiąc to z wiekiem jest mi coraz trudniej wierzyć, że ktoś coś zrobił dla kogoś nie chcąc przy tym nic w zamian. Z biologii uczę się z tematów o komórce, mitochondrium, chloroplasty, cytoszkielet, rybosomy, lizosomy, siateczka, ER, mitoza, mejoza i tym podobne..

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ee*n tam, chyba nie myślisz, że to ja odpowiedziałam na te pytania? :O

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