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30. There aren't some bananas in the basket. 31. He is usually wearing green shorts and wchite traines. 32. Since when Has he know him? 33. Would you like to going with me to the cinema? 34. You have to turn over right and then over left. 35. My favourite lind on music is hip - hop. 36. I like animals very much and I always help them. 37. Listen! They are signing a beatifully song. 38. I can see four womens in the street. 39. Jacek is shyer than his sister. 40. English is my favourite subject, what about your?

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I jeszcze te: 41. There is five dogs in my house. (tylko zmienić na are?) 42. Why are you so talkative person? 43. We will l;earn English if you will to. 44. Do ypu want studying in our city? 45. If you don't find any mistake, you will be the winner. 46. We had wrote it before they came. 47. Who did eat these bananas? 48. Where was they playing, when his son were swimming? 49. It was freezing cold, I put on jumper, jump on the bed and eated my sandwich which my sister prepared for I. (wiem, że na końcu for me, że jumped, że ate, ale czy coś jeszcze?) Pomóżcie proszę, babka robi sobie jaja na angielskim, robiła z nami 5 czasów, a dała 50 zdań ze wszystkim do poprawienia, niby mamy wyłapać błędy. Pierwsze 30 poszło mi jakoś, ale te to czarna magia chwilami.

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Może przypałęta się tu jakaś miła pani filolożka i będę mógł liczyć na pomoc? Poratujcie biednego studencinę :)

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there aren't bananas in the basket.

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...and white trainers.

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going to the cimena with me?

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I can see four women in the street.

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They are singing a beautiful song.

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jacek is shier than his sister.

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since when you know him?

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English is my favourite subject, and your?

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35. in music

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41. are five dogs

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who ate these bananas?

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we wrote it before they came

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we can learn english if you want to.

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we wrote it berofe they came

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if you find no mistake..

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49 I put the jumper on and ate sandwich which my sister prepared for me

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nawet nie podziękujesz a ja trace swoj czas :P koniec, za korepetycje sie placi :P

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Gość aaaaaraaaaaaaan
złośliwa lepiej nie odpowiadaj. Chlopak bzdur nawypiuje i będzie.

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jakich niby bzdur?

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Gość laik językowy
Złośliwe jasne że dziękuję! Myślałem, że nikt nie pomoże i nie zakładanej. Szkoda. Mimo wszystko dziękuję.

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