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świerzutki raport na temat antysemityzmu w Polsce od ADL

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The overall findings among the countries for which comparison data is available: Austria experienced a slight decrease, to 28 percent from 30 percent in 2009. France: The overall level of anti-Semitism increased to 24 percent of the population, up from to 20 percent in 2009. Germany: Anti-Semitism increased by one percentage point, to 21 percent of the population. Hungary: The level rose to 63 percent of the population, compared with 47 percent in 2009; Poland: The number remained unchanged, with 48 percent of the population showing deep-seated anti-Semitic attitudes. Spain: Fifty-three percent (53%) percent of the population, compared to 48 percent in 2009. United Kingdom: Anti-Semitic attitudes jumped to 17 percent of the population, compared to 10 percent in 2009.

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wszedzie rosnie, wreszcie sie poznali na tej zydowskiej zarazie :)

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