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Gość sadsadasdasdsa

czy ktos mogłby rzucić okiem na tekst po angielsku?

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa

czy ogólnie jest zrozumiały ? I czy jest dużo bledów? Proszę slicznie o pomoc bede bardzo wdzieczna;) When did your love affair with jewellery begin? Most designers of costume jewelery, whose statements I analysed, said that from the child they showed their artistic ability. This is the basis. On the other hand, their love affair began at different stages in their life, but under the influence of many similar factors. Some designers as early as in primary school or secondary school met people who were doing the simple things with glass beads. They encouraged theirs to develop their new passion for jewellery. Very often people started making costume jewellery because they had no money to buy the coveted earrings. It was the main incentive that motivated to do their own jewellery. Stubbornness, a lot of willingness and a desire of show off their own work convinced of the rightness of their decision. Another factor that caused starting making jewellery was boredom. Boredom causes that we often surf the Internet or read through galleries or forums, which we usually do not open. The creators of costume jewellery in their statements often emphasize that they drew the inspiration from this source of information. When I analyzed a discussion forums, I frequently encountered with the information that the history of jewellery was associated with pregnancy - both because of the way of spending free time, and because of the magic power of beads that can help to forget about everyday problems. It also relieve weekly amounts of stress and help to relax after a long day. In most cases, start making a jewellery is associated with the need to find a quietude. With jewelry, it is possible that even for a moment forget about their problems. It is also an example of rebellion against too high prices for jewellery, which also do not reflect their quality.

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
bardzo proszę o pomoc- chce sie upenić czy nie ma rażących blędów

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa

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ok, sporo bledow gramatycznych, tekst zrozumialy ale trudno sie czyta, sporo slow 'posh' w polaczeniu z translacja typowo polska Tlumaczysz zdania tak jak sie mowi po polsku. wszystko zalezy od tego ktora to jest klasa liceum? gimnazjum? na jaki poziom chcialas napisac? moge pomoc ale nie wiem czy potrzebujesz typowo 'angielskiej wersji'

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
czesc:) dizeki za odezw:) klasa III LO. wiesz co chcialabym tak zeby było poprawnie gramatycznie, to ma być prezentacja, i chce zeby kazdy to zrozumial, a praca bedzie oceniana..

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
do_celu czy mogę liczyć na Twoją pomoc ?

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bardzo duzo bledow gramatycznych, tekst troche niezrozumialy. Most designers of costume jewelery, whose statements I analysed, said that from the child they showed their artistic ability czy chodzi ci o to ze juz w czasie dziecinstwa pokazywali swoje mozliwosci? Most designers of costume jewelery, whose statements I analysed, showed their artistic ability through their childhood.

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Zgadzam się z do-celu. Trochę ciężko się to czyta i rzeczywiście tłumaczysz polski na angielski używając słów, które mogłyby być zastąpione innymi, mniej posh... wtedy błędy gramatyczne byłyby mniej rażące

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
sledz w puszce chodzi mi o to ze od "dziecka wykazywałl zdolności artystyczne." dzieki wszystkim za uwagi, tylko ze ja nie wiem jak to zrobic inaczej;/

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Gość to nie jest dobre, pisać po
angielsku, myśląc po polsku - trzeba się przestawić na angielski tryb myślenia, a takiego nabierzesz oglądając filmy, telewizję, słuchając piosenek z tekstami, czytając książki, blogi, strony z wiadomościami...

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
ok dzieki za wskazówki pisalam to ze slownikiem..myslac ze uzywajac slownika bedzie jak najbardziej ok pod wzgledem gramatycznym

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
Wiecie co ja tymczasowo musze leciec, ale zajrze jeszcze tutaj poczytac, za wszelkie poprawki bedzie wdzięczna i teraz tez dziekuje za wskazówki

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Most designers of costume jewelery, whose statements I analysed, said that from the child they showed their artistic ability. This is the basis. On the other hand, their love affair began at different stages in their life, but under the influence of many similar factors. Some designers as early as in primary school or secondary school met people who were doing the simple things with glass beads. Most designers of custome jewelery, whose statements I analysed, showed their artistic abilities throught their childhood. This is the basis. - nie rozumiem co chcesz tym przekazac. czego to jest podstawa? On the other hand, their love affairs began at different stages of their lifes, but under the influence of many similar factors. ??? As young as primary and secondary school students, some designers met people who dealt with simple jewelery/items made of glass beads. ??? Ogólnie to ma sens, ale dosc niespojny. mozna rozumiec to na kilka sposobow. Spróbuj nadac temu 'sens po angielsku'

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Most of the costume jewelery designers, whose statements I analysed said that they had known about their artistic ability since they were kids. This is the basis - tego nie rozumiem ?? Their love affairs with the jewellery began under the influence of similar factors at different stages of their lives. Some of the them were very young when they met people who were working with glass beads and who encouraged them to develop their passion for the jewellery. ok za chwile reszta,

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Gość uhauha
Do_celu - gdzie uczyłaś sie j.ang. w PL czy w UK? I ile lat się uczyłaś?

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Very often people start making the costume jewellery because they thay have no monety to buy the designer one. nastepnego zdania nie rozumiem.. nie wiem co chcialas przekazac wiec nie tykam :) Some of the people on the other hand have nothing more interesting to do so they search the Internet to find their inspiration. oj.. musze przeczytac to pare razy by znalezc sens i spojnosc ;)

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nastepne zdanie ktore napisalas.. ''The creators of costume jewellery in their statements often emphasize that they drew the inspiration from this source of information. When I analyzed a discussion forums, I frequently encountered with the information that the history of jewellery was associated with pregnancy - both because of the way of spending free time, and because of the magic power of beads that can help to forget about everyday problems'' eee... okej After analysing different chats and forums I have noticed that many woman jewellery designers started their journey when they were pragnant. Sometimes because it was the great time to spend the free time, sometimes because it was the only was to forget about the everyday problems. hmm...

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tfu mialo byc *Sometimes because it was the great way to spend the free time, sometimes because it was the only way to forget about the everyday problems.

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no i twoja koncowka ''It also relieve weekly amounts of stress and help to relax after a long day. In most cases, start making a jewellery is associated with the need to find a quietude. With jewelry, it is possible that even for a moment forget about their problems. It is also an example of rebellion against too high prices for jewellery, which also do not reflect their quality'' zmienilabym to na jedno zdanie :P That hobby is also an amazing stress reliever. a tego zdania :It is also an example of rebellion against too high prices for jewellery, which also do not reflect their quality'' nie przetlumacze bo sie nie zgadzam :P hehe

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Gość gghhjkkk
ciezko sie czyta, ale niezle jak na 3 kl lo

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pomoglo choc troszke? oczywiscie nie twierdze, ze jest bezblednie nie jestem Angielka :) :classic_cool:

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Gość uhaha
Pytam, bo Ci zazdroszczę. Napisz mi bo jestem ciekawa.

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uhaha angielski mialam w podstawowce, liceum i na studiach ale 'uczyc sie' w moim przypadku to bardzo ciezkie slowo raczej 'przebywalam' na lekcjach ogladam filmy bez translacji :classic_cool:

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Gość sadsadasdasdsa
ok dzieki bardzo :)

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Gość jgjhgjhj
skad znacie tak dobrze angielski? masakra ja uwazam ze w szkole nie da sie nauczyc mówic płynnie

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