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Gość november girl

who wants to speak with me in english ??

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Gość Kobitka co wie
Haha alibi lubie Cie ;)

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Gość llllluuuuoop
a ja ci mówie ,ze sie nie uda ,niezależnie o co pytasz

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Gość november girl
Kobietka kto wie- it seemed like you have lived in UK ... spelling mistakes happend to us as well FYI.... like i have mentioned before i am typing quick and i am not checking my mistakes. soz

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Gość Paci Paciu Tambo
Am Iplanning to go abroad ? - yes and no. few years ago I was to go to America but I destroyed my chances of going there. Now I'm rather thinking of going to England, maybe for good, because I don't have a job in Poland and don"t want to live with my parents anymore. In Poland if you are young you are practically forced to live with your parents. Everything is expensive and even if you have a job you cannot afford living on your own.

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Gość november girl
yer may be is chavy ... but as you know and you probably do most people in england speak in slang and hardly any one speaks posh ... yes i do want to learn polish ... so please can you tell me some sipmle greetings ... i would really appreciate that.

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Gość Eye of the Sauron
tea who you yeah bunny

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Gość Kobitka co wie
November Girl - I have lived in many places, but it's not your concern. Who are "us"? I though you are speaking for yourself only. And it's "typing quickly" not "typing quick" amongst others. Your English is worse than some of the Polish kids I know. Please try harder. I rest my case. Poziom 2-giej klasy gimnazjum jest wyzszy.

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Gość november girl
Paci Paciu Tambo - do you have any specific place in England? does it matter where you will work? i can give you little advice , if you move to England move to city there is more jobs. in the beginning of January I am going to be transefered from Nottingham to London. whats your name ? do you have any work experience and how old are you ?

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Gość Kobitka co wie
I must disagree with notion that most people in England speak in slang. It really depends on the social group you associate yourself with. Some people speak in slang, however majority (especially south and south-east) speak very high standard of English.

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Gość Paci Paciu Tambo
Hello - dzień dobry My name is - Nazywam się :-) What else do you want to know ? I just like studying foreign languages, not for any particular purposes. I've always dreamed about speaking french. I tried studying on my own but gave up. I still hope I will use french in the future. Let's don't argue if she's English or if she's not. Let's just talk and enjoy :-)

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Gość november girl
kobieta kto wie- what is your problem ? you dont want to speak with me then go away.good you have a sucha big life experience and well done for you english but please leave me alone like i have said i am TYPING QUICKLY' well like i have said before i live in north england not south ... and my be my friends are chavs and its not your business... i can speak and type how ever i want. stop being big headed ... and showing off

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Gość november girl
thanks a lot paranoja jest moja - how about - where're you from - or may be where are you from - incase mrs smart will try to correct me again... how old are you ? where is e.g Tesco?

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Gość Paci Paciu Tambo
I'm 20. I have no work experience so far. I was planning go to England with my sister, she's been there before and knows a bit about England. I would be rather scarred to go there all by myself. I'm very curious about England and the first occasion will occur I will go there.

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Gość marionetka ludzka
by the way what does my new nick name mean ? i have looked up on dict and it translated to me that this is puppet ... is that correct ?

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Gość Kobitka co wie
Lol, I am not kobieta kto wie. Did your Polish friends fail to tell you that if you post on Kafeteria not all forum participants will be nice to you? Aww, naivety is not cute. And I have now lost all faith in you posing to be English. Manchs use nicer English than this dear. Goodbye and good luck.

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Gość marionetka ludzka
kobieta kto wie- yes she has told me that i need to avoid bitches like you ... dont worry i am not naive but also i am not as child ish as you are ... so good luck for you plus if you would loose all your faith in me you would start commenting in polish but Obviously you haven't soo good luck for you in your sad life :)

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Gość paranoja jest moja
Poprawiłam "I dont speak IN German", a nie "dont" ciemnoto.

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Gość gruba szafa
ty jestes ciemnota nic nie poprawiles.... jak juz to powinno byc Don't ale autorka pewnie pisal pisala i nie zwrocila uwagi na to ze nie dala apostrof ' ... tak samo z bledami wcisnela cos gdziec nam po polsku tez sie zdarza ale zapomnialam same chodzace bezrobotne idealy w polsce na ''wysokim poziomie'' - i co z tego kobietko ze znasz angileski ja tez bardzo dobrze i sie tak nie wywyzszam ... musisz miec naprawde bardo niska samoocene kurwa i feel sorry for you !!!!

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Gość paranoja jest moja
nie spinaj się tak, bo ci żyłka pęknie i następnym razem bardziej kontroluj takie żałosne błędy językowe, to może więcej osób łyknie ten kit :D

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Gość gruba szafa
a usufaj i tak jestescie frajerami :D

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Gość gruba szafa
usuwa* jakie bledy jezykowe kretynko ? gadasz jak bys miala chuja w dupie i to nie ja sie spinam tylko ty hahaha chcialas wyjsc na inteligeta ale ci nie wyszlo w poprzednim komentarzu ... z Bogiem

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