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Gość martynaaaaq

Szukam kogos kto umie jezyk angielski. Mala pomoc!

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Gość martynaaaaq

Hej, miałam napisać krótko o tym co się nauczyłam w minionym semestrze, i napisać trochę o poprzednim doświadczeniu z poprzednich szkół. Napisałam, ale nie jestem pewna czy jest to poprawnie gramatycznie i stylistycznie, gdyby mógł by to ktoś przeczytać i mi trochę pomóc, to będę wdzięczna! :) tutaj jest tekst: The first semester was very intense and really busy. I have learned a lot in these five months. Everything was new for me. As I had never worked with Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver before. I started from the beggining, but with teachers competence, all tools, and new assignments, were clearly and possible to perform. Every concept which I had met on classes. was also new for me. I had never learned about Academic Methods, AIDA model, or Target group before. I was a little bit afraid, that i will not remember, what teachers told us, but fortunately we had a lot helpful assignments, based on the all new concepts. The biggest surprise for me, was work in groups. As a student in my high school, I always worked individually, so before first project, I was not sure what I should expect. Nevertheless I adapted really quickly to my all groups, and had privilege to be the leader every time. Classes were really enjoyable for me, because we had a lot of practice, and useful tasks. As I remember, my classes in Poland were really boring. It was only listening to the teachers, and doing useless assignments. Only one subject which I really liked, were journalistic classes. It is because, I had to write a lot interesting articles, and met a lot wonderful people. what I also like in MMD and hated in my last school, are exams. In my homeland, I had exams, small tests, and homeworks almost everyday, what fortunately I do not have on my current studies. During studies, My biggest problem was Adobe Flash. I did not understand a lot, but I always working hard to understand unfamiliar things. I spent a lot hours with this program, and nowadays it is my favourite tool. That is why, to my portfolio I had used some of Flash. I done it for myself, because I want to be better in this tool, but also I wanted diversify my website.

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Gość jurek ememem
nie jest zle, ale musi ci to ktos sprawdzic kto umie dobrze grame

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Gość jestem ubogiem
ja bym uzyl wiecej which zamiast what

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Gość dadaddadum
ile sie uczysz anglika?

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Gość mala czarna na tak
chyba ok, a po co ci to jest, do szkoly.? przeciez swieta sa, hehe

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Gość martynaaaaq
ja nie potrzebuję wypowiedzi, typu - chyba jest ok, - moze byc, etc, tylko konkretnych, jest mi to bardzo potrzebne na studia, na str internetowa, więc będę wdzięczna jeśli sprawdzi to ktoś kto ma pojęcię o tym języku

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Gość martynaaaaq
to jak bedzie, pomoze ktos?:)

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Gość dadum tssss
ja bym pomogla, ale nie umiem ang lepiej od ciebie hahah

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Gość martynaaaaq
licza sie checi.. :)

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Gość martynaaaaq

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Gość ambi poor
strasznieduzo niepotrzebnych przecinkow, zamien dwa razy a lot of na many, w ostatnim akapicie worked.

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Gość martynaaaaq
?? :)

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Gość martynaaaaq
i to wszystko, czy jest wiecej?

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Gość martynaaaaq
tam nie bardzo moze byc worked, bo chodzi o to ze zawsze pracuje, a nie ze pracowalam.. :)

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Gość ambi poor
work w takim razie

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Gość martynaaaaq
okej, no to zmienie na work :) btw, czemu nie moze byc z -ing?

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Gość ambi poor
jeszcze w tym zdaniu o portfolio uzylabym innej kolejnosci, tj to my portfolio wstawilabym na koncu zdania. i ja sie nie znam na grafice ale ten zwrot "some of flash' jakos dziwnie brzmi. w tym samym akapicie zamiast done napisalabym did i wanted TO. akapit zaczynajacy sie od classes - masz tam 3 razy really. uzyj np truly w tym samym akapicie ony one zamienilabym na the only

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Gość ambi poor
working to jakbys teraz pracowala a jak cos robisz always to uzywasz present simple

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Gość martynaaaaq
okej super, juz naprowadzam poprawki!:)

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Gość martynaaaaq
jak cos jeszcze znajdziesz, to pisz :)

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Gość martynaaaaq
That is why, I had use some Flash to my portfolio. - tak lepiej? :)

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Gość martynaaaaq
The first semester was very intense and really busy. I have learned a lot in these five months. Because everything was new for me. As I had never worked with Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver before. I started from the beggining, but with teachers competence, all tools and new assignments, were clearly and possible to perform. Every concept which I had met on classes. was also new for me. I had never learned about Academic Methods, AIDA model, or Target group before. I was a little bit afraid, that i will not remember, what teachers told us, but fortunately we had a lot helpful assignments, based on the all new concepts. The biggest surprise for me, was work in groups. As a student in my high school, I always worked individually, so before first project, I was not sure what I should expect. Nevertheless I adapted really quickly to my all groups, and had privilege to be the leader every time. Classes were really enjoyable for me, because we had many practice, and useful tasks. As I remember, my classes in Poland were boring. It was only listening to the teachers, and doing useless assignments. The only subject which I truly liked, were journalistic classes. It is because, I had to write a lot interesting articles, and met many wonderful people. what I also like in MMD and hated in my last school, are exams. In my homeland, I had exams, small tests, and homeworks almost everyday, which fortunately I do not have on my current studies. During studies, My biggest problem was Adobe Flash. I did not understand a lot, but I always work hard to understand unfamiliar things. I spent a lot hours with this program, and nowadays it is my favourite tool. That is why, I had use some Flash to my portfolio. I did it for myself, because I wanted to be better in this tool, but also I wanted diversify my website. z poprawkami wyglada to tak, jest ok?

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Gość martynaaaaq

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Gość umiem, ale nie tak dobrze
nie sadze by ktos tu znal lepiej an od Ciebie dla mnie jest tekst zrozumialy, lecz tez nie potrafie wychwycic bledow, jestem tylko w gimnazjum wiec nie wtryniam swoich uwag:) mimo, ze mam raczej piatki.

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Gość martynaaaaq
haha ja w gim lecialam na samych 1, i 2 :DD takze nie jest z Toba zle! :DD gdybys widziala jakies podstawowe bledy, to tez mozesz napisac, bo bardzo wazne jest dla mnie zeby miec wszystko dobrze napisane :DD

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Gość martynaaaaq
mam jednak nadzieje ze znajdzie sie tutaj ktos, kto umie lepiej ang, i mi pomoze :)

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Gość popracuj nad czasami
bo nie masz wlascicwie uzytych w stosunku do sytuacji

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Gość martynaaaaq
gdzie konkretnie?

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Gość martynaaaaq
bo nie bardzo wiem gdzie mam poprawic, tym bardziej ze nie widze bledow..

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Gość martynaaaaq
no prosze..

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