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Gość muppetshowhura

przeczytajcie skecz - żaba w gardle.

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Gość muppetshowhura

no super - ja już tego w ogóle nie pamiętam:( Boże - jakie to jest śmieszne. żaba w gardle...[cześć] Veterinarian's Hospital - Frog in the Throat (Scene: it is the episode of The Mupper Show with Candice Bergen; on the operating table is a monster with a very large, round head, something like a large Muppophone creature.) Time now for another Veterinarian's Hospital the continuing story of a quack who's gone to the dogs. DR. BOB: All right, now where's the next case? NURSE JANICE: He's right here, Dr. Bob. DR. BOB: Of course. What's this man here for? NURSE JANICE: A stomache ache, Dr. Bob. DR. BOB: Stomache ache. Check. (Picks up a mallet and hits the patient in the stomach) PATIENT: Ow! DR. BOB: There now, that should ache for some time. NURSE JANICE: He's also here for a sore throat. DR. BOB: Easy! PATIENT: Wait! I've got a sore throat. I want it to go away! DR. BOB: Oh, well why didn't you say so? Open up your mouth! PATIENT: aaaaaa... DR. BOB: Uh-huh. (leaning deep into the patient's very large mouth) Ah-hah. Oh-ho! I see the problem immediately (stands up) NURSES JANICE AND PIGGY: What is it, Dr. Bob? DR. BOB: This man has a frog in his throat! NURSE PIGGY: Are you certain? DR. BOB: Positive. (Kermit pops up in the patient's mouth) KERMIT: Very funny. Just see if this dumb doctor sketch eer gets on the show again! And so Dr. Bob has found a patient with a case of ingrown TV show host. DR. BOB: Ah, let's clean up around here. This operating room is a mess! KERMIT: That's nothing! You should see it in here!

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Gość Mirabelle *
Can I please it in polish version? :P

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Gość muppetshowhura
albo to - super! poczytajcie sobie. ale zabawne:) eterinarian's Hospital - Too Many Rabbits (Scene: it is the episode of The Mupper Show with Doug Henning and the Muppet Theater is overrun with rabbits, some of which are now sitting on the operating table) Time once again for Veterinarian's Hospital, the continuing story of a quack who's gone to the dogs. DR. BOB: We've got to get down to business, Nurse Piggy, I'm running out of patience. NURSE JANICE: That's what you think, Dr. Bob! DR. BOB: (Looking down at the operating table) Holy guacamole! What have we here? (Dr. Bob starts pulling rabbits out of the operating table) And so we come to the end of the beginning of another Veterinarian's Hospital. Tune in next week when you'll hear Dr. Bob say... DR. BOB: This has been a hare raising experience!

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Gość muppetshowhura
kurde to tak cieżko przełozyć czasem. Nie da się w więksozści prawie. Jak przetłumaczyć, że niedzwiedź nie może znieść kogoś na polski? a to są same takie żarciki. niektórych słów nie całkiem łapię po cieżko jest "łapnąć" niektóre rzczy słuchając (przynajmniej dla mnie). muszę czasem DWA razy przeczytać!!! też skandal!:( papa:)

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Gość to znowu ty dixie chicks...
jesteś żałosna...

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Gość muppetshowhura
hare raising experience - kto to by przetłumaczył? same gierki słow! hare pewnie od hair - ale zanim się to załapie to ... hmmmmm:(((

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Gość UOPi
well I didn't laugh I think I'm too old for this and Kermit popping out of the patient's mouth doesn't work for me anymore.

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Gość muppetshowhura
nie podoba się trudno - to jest suuuuuper. Najlepsze! ps. ale grupa krwi 2b - nigdy nie słyszałam. ale żarcik super:) Veterinarian's Hospital - Hamlet (Scene: it is the episode of The Muppet Show with Rudolf Nureyev, and Sam the Eagle has convinced Kermit that all the sketches need to be cultural; a small pig is on the operating table.) And now, Veterinarian's Hospital. In this special episode our quack who has gone to the dogs will pay tribute to William Shakespeare. DR. BOB: Prithee Nurse, who beeth our next patient? NURSE JANICE: Why this little piglet, sire. DR. BOB: Not piglet, Hamlet! Remember, we're doing Shakespeare here. NURSE JANICE: Hmmm...sounds more like Bacon! DR. BOB: Say this patient needs a transfusion. What's his blood type? NURSE JANICE: Well, I think it's 2B, but I'm not sure. DR. BOB: Well, make up your mind. 2B or not 2B? NURSE PIGGY: These people have no shame. DR. BOB: Say...I'm listening to this patient's heart. Zounds. NURSE PIGGY: Zounds what? DR. BOB: Zounds terrible! Yeah, the frog wanted Shakespeare, he's gettin' Shakespeare. NURSE JANICE: But you're a doctor first! DR. BOB: Right. Doctor first, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth. NURSE PIGGY: Methinks we should take our leave. DR. BOB: Why? NURSE PIGGY: Look at the time. DR. BOB: Say, it's the timing of the shrew. NURSE PIGGY: Are you calling me a shrew? DR. BOB: If the shrew fits...! So we leave Veterinarian's Hospital on their own. Tune in next week when we'll hear Dr. Bob say: DR. BOB: Alas, poor por-rk. I knew thee well! STATLER: You know, that really offended me. I'm a student of Shakespeare! WALDORF: Huh. You were a student *with* Shakespeare.

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Gość żabiskrzek
o rany - po chacie z Amerykanką zajarzyłam ten "with" w cudzysłowiu. teraz mogę się śmiać dopiero:)

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Gość żabiskrzek
timing of the shrew - myślałam najpierw, że to...śruba, a to było od "taming" oczywiście. ale hihy. a shrew bo to się wymawia tak jak shoe prawie - a ja myślałam, że to but po staroangielsku ten shrew. hahaha:)

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Gość zuuuza

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