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Would somebody like to speak in English here?

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I agree with you. Staying in our hopeless (sorry but this is the best word to describe the situation) county is absolutely pointless. I would like to call myself a patriot but I can sacifice my life for nothing Good night

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Goooood morning Everybody!!!! How was yesterday? did you spend a romantic evening with you lover? Romantic dinner, cinema, theatre or simply making love?? :D I spent the evening at the hospital becasue my mather-in-law had an operation. Then I took all the family home. I was really tired so I couldn\'t show up in here.. Today, I am OK. Working in the same office and doing this boring job as always 😭

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Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if you\'re still sleeping I will be quiet and just wait for you..... Speak to you later! Bye bye . shhhhhhhhhhhh

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Hola! Buenas dias! Im drinking a black coffe and eating good cake with apple... I spent last evening at the computer :( Life... Today is a \"Fat Thursday\" ? :D like Shrove Thursday in UK - Pancake Day. And after weekend I start diet because summer is very !

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Buenos días Paris. How are you? Here we don\'t celebrate FAT THURSDAY and I am glad, because I would like to loose some weight. I need to reach my 55 kg.!!Now i think I am at 58 ...and I feel strange 😠 And Paris, you are absolutely right,,,THE SUMMER IS COMING ...Here in Spain we are going to put the shorts on in April. For sure! Yesterday we had 20 degrees!!! I read that the the annual average temperature will increase this year 8 degrees in the summer season...We are going to boil in the sea I am affraid :( Last summer we could swim only in some places on the island becasue of the MEDUSAS ... They are huge and ugly. And if one reaches you - aajjjjj, it burns you seriously😭 So as you can see there are many adventages and disadventages of such a hot clima. Paris,,are you at work now?

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Yes Im at work :( How I envy you this weather! It\'s my dream to live somewhere where is sun almost all year round. I can only get sun when Im on holiday. But as you said our climate become more warm from year to year so maybe in Poland we will have hotter summers one day. I LOVE SUN!!!! And summer! :D

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Gość ill try
hi everyone!! yesterday i couldn't visit you because i got a delicious supper...wieth my husband. Today i've got lot's of work...(i work in office) 🌻

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Gość ill try
Once, i remember one medusa reached my foot...oh god - it really wasn't nice...but my husband was very brave and he removed it from my feet - but it was in croatia....

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Hello girls and boys!! How is your day going? I have just spoken with one company that works with my company about hiring me when I finish here in May. Nice, eh? I hope it will work out:)

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I suppose you are working really hard this morning..Am I right? What is the weather in the place you are now?

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Gość ill try
you're right hiszpaneczka :D i'll tell you about today' s weather in, right now is cloudy, but quite worm (like for this season) is about +5 C . there is no windy and no rain... what about weather in spain??

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ill try----> lucky you! romantic supper? hmmm...nice Hiszpaneczka - Im not working hard today but I think that I got a cold and not feel well today. I cant wait 15.30 p.m. when I finish my work and go home. I live in Gdynia and weather is today very gloomy, rainy and foggy :(

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Gość ill try
pariss yesterday was really nice :D i hope you'll get better soon!! take a hot bath and drink hot tea with honey and lemon- if you like!! i hope it'll help you!

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Thx for advice ;) I dont like honey and prefer another version of good tea - with wine or rum :) I hope to be home very soon , take pills and go to bed about 9 p.m. ....if it woork out would be great! Because I always say that I go to bed before 10.00 and never do that. Im happy that tomorrow is Friday!

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Hello Girls!!!! Paris you have to preserve from flu. Be careful!!! If you can, go to bed just when you get home. Ill try! Nice evening, eh? Lucky you! Today in Spain, well, I should say, above my Island we have such a blue and clearly sky that it looks like summer..maybe spring..But not like winter at all. I think the temperature is around 20 degrees. Really!!! Beautiful. I work at the airport and above my office we have a ceiling made of glass. That is how I can always be up -to- date and see how the weather changes.

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Gość fajne ale nic nie rozumiem
jednak :D pewnie nie ma głupich docinków autorko :D

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hiszpaneczka - i can't believe!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a wonderfull weather, you're so lucky:D. do you like your job? i think it's very a little bit different (for me) than others...i must say that i fell in love with aeroplanes....long time ago mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh

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Ill try -- Now i am working for an important company that makes aircrafts. If I told you the name, you would say: Ohh, yes, I know this name. It is a huge international company and I am here only as a sustitute for a woman that has given a birth. I am stying here till May, but as I can see there are some airlines that can hire me and give me a good and interesting job. At my current work there are not many things to do. I am quite bored here and actualy I am happy to chaanged it soon. And airplanes...mmm, I like to watch them, to observe how they get off ..ssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... It\'s gone :) I finish my work now.. See you later Girls

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hello everyone 🖐️ I\'ve read my posts from yesterday and just realised how bad my spelling was :P Don\'t try to learn from my mistakes. I would get fired if I made that many errors at work :) Anyway I was going to do some faworki tonight (by the way does anyone know how to translate this? the only idea I\'ve got for this is a pastry) but I am too tired and I have to prepar myself for meeting with my manager tomorrow. OK let\'s do some work. I will be back later 🖐️

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Hello Girls! Today\'s Friday!!!!!! yuppii!!! Have a good day!

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Good morning Everybody!!! Yes Paris, today is FRIDAY. And tomorrow we don\'t have to wake up so early..../ if my dog sleeps as long as I would like to :o And then cleaning, beauty salon at my bathroom and then reading and relaxing..mmmmmm :D Do you have any plans for tomorrow Paris? And all of you girls? Today it is only 8 degrees..brrrrrr , what a sudden change of temperature...I hope it will get warmer durning the day 🌼

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Gość ariadna675
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken... :(

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Gość ariadna675
Everything... :( Looks like love just isn't for me. I've just broken up with a guy who didn't care about me at all. I know he wasn't worth me, but it hurts so much....

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Ariadna, could you tell me what the point is to be sad and to think about this man at all? Just say in your mind what you have just written here...and then repeat it 1000000 times if you need it .Just do your best to believe it...And then the problem will disappear... Will you try it?

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Gość ariadna675
It's not that easy... at least at the moment. I've done it so many times before... But it's even harder this time. I'm starting to think that there's something wrong with me and I'll never find somebody who can love me... I know I need time to get over it, and I will for sure, but it doesn't help now...

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Could you tell me how long you were together? Was it perfect at the beginning?For how long? Were you really happy in this relation? Or maybe you were the only one who really fighted for this love? Normally how long do relationships last? I don't think you can say that the problem exists because of you. You could have say it after having 100 boyfriends at least...Did you have so many??

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Gość ill try
hi:) i'm glad that today is Friday!!! oh God, yesterday i ate lots of doughnuts . they were delicious the evening I felt like I'd have eaten one-big calf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today is much better at all 🌻 Have a nice day everybody 👄

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Hi Ill try!! I didn\'t eat not even one :( Here it is not a habit and I didn\'t even think about this. Well, next year I will eat TWO :)

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