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high expectations

broken heart

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I miss You and I will for a while... I am hurting, but when given some time the pain will fade away... until it touches the sky of my heart just to transform itself into forgiveness... I am scared, but I am letting You go... I am sorry I could not be Your friend and I am sorry You could not be mine... I was not ready for You...

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Gość flore
smutno mi...:(

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Gość samsung v660
nic z tego nie rozumiem

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Gość flore
to przeczytaj tekst ciekawe czy to ona pisze do niego czy on do niej mam fatalny nastrój

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Gość naucz się gramatyki ang.
Takie farmazony są godne pożałowania... "I'm letting" - powaliło mnie

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Gość let me go
tak.... ja tez mam fatalny nastroj, ale jestem na drodze do wolnosci. wreszcie. po tylu latach. ciekawe kto komu pozwala:)

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Gość flore
a ja zostałam zmuszona do wolności to żałosne tak rozczulać się nad sobą, ale jest mi źle....

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Gość let me go
lepiej byc zmuszonym do wolnosci, niz tkwic w toksycznej relacji. im dluzej na to pozwalasz, tym bardziej tracisz wiare w siebie, poczucie wlasnej wartosci i atrakcyjnosci. dajesz i dajesz, bo ktos cie do tego zmusza nie dajac w zamian nic poza frustracja wynikajaca z poczucie krzywdy. latwo mi dzis przychodzi o tym mowic bo podjelam decyzje o zerwaniu tokksycznej "przyjaźni".

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naucz sie gramatyki ang. Don\'t attack people if Your intentions come from Your insecurities... It will come back to you and eventually hurt You. Trust me! I\'ve been there. Plus I never said that my english was perfect, did I?Don\'t asume that You are correct just becasue english textbooks tell You so :) Double check whether your frustration was neccesary :) If You reply and choose to attack me again, I already know what it is going to be about. Cheers!

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I feel better today and when I do, I just want to forget everything that went wrong and start over without hurt feelings or unreasonable expectations. I wish it was possible for us to meet and just be... without the need to explain who we are, but enjoy the journey of trying to find out ourselves. We will get there though, I promise. Why is it so lame to talk about our feelings? Why does it feel so fucking repulsive to be vulnerable?

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Gość Keiki
1.Nie ma przeznaczenia! 2.Pisz po polsku.(rozumiem co piszesz ale to polskie forum) 3.

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Gość broken hart
zalatuje odemnie nieświeżą makrelą

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OK it might be weird, but I have an association with english and my lost friend, so for this reason it is easier for me to express myself in english rather than in polish. Whatever! Part of the reason than I am writing here on this forum is that I just want to write what I feel and not worry about what other people think or expect from me. If I want to write in english then I will and I don\'t want to care that it may be thought of as an attempt to try and show off or whatever. My hope then is to apply this \"phylosophy\" in real life. We will see...

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It is so much easier to know that my friend is busy right now, becasue it suddenly becomes OK if he does not think about what happened. On the other hand, it is so hard when I don\'t know what he is up to, becasue I expect him to think about it and feel what I feel. It is almost as if I was afraid that it doesn\'t bother him at all, but then again I do want him to let me go. It is complicateed, but simple... He used to say that, and I used to laugh...

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