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Dzięki kobietki za troskę, uroki ciąży nadal odczówalne ;) ale da sie przezyc:D najwazniejsze że w najblizszy wtorek pierwszy skan - hurrrrra :D

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Ania jeszcze trochę i przejdzie ;) wow! będziesz miała pierwsze zdjęcie swojej dzidzi ! :D a i pewnie jakieś nagranie video też możliwe :)

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aaaaaa przyszły tatuś zwariował, juz urlop załatwił i już mamy ramkę na fotkę, ja już chce wtorek :D

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Emmi łap🌻 Ania no to byle do wtorku!!! :) Coś mi się wydaje,że jak dzidzię zobaczysz to ci wszystkie mdłości od razu przejdą. Życzę ci tego!!!!!

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witam 🖐️ rozdaje buziaki 😘 gratulacje 🖐️ i pozdrowionka 🌻 zagladam tylko na chwilke bo pisze z pracy (znalazlam sposob na obejscie blokady na strone o2 :D ) zobaczcie co ostatnio wymyslili w mojej firmie. mozemy poswiecic 15 min na tydzien planujac domowe finanse. w dodatku zalozyli stronke z anonimowymi wyznaniami gdzie ludziom uciekaja pieniadze. link pewnie nie zadziala wiec kleje \"wyznania\" :D

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"I have had a loan with my bank which started out..."I have had a loan with my bank which started out at £3K but I have refinanced it so many times, it is now £25K. Every time I refinance I get excited because I have spare money to treat myself "I have 7 credit cards and just swap the balances..."I have 7 credit cards and just swap the balances around to the ones doing cheaper offers. The only problem is, I sometimes forget when the deal runs out and end up paying a FORTUNE in interest! "I regularly buy my son lots of little gifts, even..."I regularly buy my son lots of little gifts, even though he has tons of stuff and really doesn't need anymore.... "I spent too much on the Hearts in Action Children..."I spent too much on the Hearts in Action Children in Need auction. "So many times I have gone shopping for christmas..."So many times I have gone shopping for christmas presents and come back with presents...for myself. Every. Year. "I told my husband I didn't get a bonus because i..."I told my husband I didn't get a bonus because i had to use it to pay off the overdraft the overdraft he didn't know I had. "I have 'borrowed' and 'borrowed' money from my..."I have 'borrowed' and 'borrowed' money from my parents and keep telling myself I will pay them back this never happens and the next disaster comes along and I 'borrow' again...... "I have taken my money worries out on my boyfriend..."I have taken my money worries out on my boyfriend and other people when I know it isn't their fault. "being the victim of a credit card addict. My..."being the victim of a credit card addict. My husband ran up credit card debts totalling £30,000. By the time he eventually confessed to this he was well out of his depth and could not cope. We agreed to add the debt to the mortgage on the house to clear the debt - six months later we separated

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I've had to borrow money from my son's money box to pay for fuel "spending money on nice handbags" I'm 20, I have 2 maxed out credit cards and a £4,000 loan. i can't stop buying pretty shoes, clothes, makeup etc even though i know deep down i shouldn't. i even recently bought myself hair extensions which cost almost as much as my salary I haven't yet put a penny into savings this financial year. I owe my dad more than £3000 for things I bought on his credit card before I went to Uni, I'm still paying it off slowly. I have debt of over 20k and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel! £120 on a pair of boots - that's bad enough - but to make it worse, I couldn't decide which colour I preferred, so bought two pairs! Buying new clothes, taking off the tags, hanging them in the wardrobe so no-one knows they are new!! "My spouse views a credit card limit as a target!"

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OK back to work. pozniej wkleje jeszcze kilka na koniec jedno ktore pasuje chyba do kazdej z nas........ I have new clothes in the wardrobe that are too small because I'll slim into them! They ahve been there a while now!! Maybe next summer?

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Ok tak naprawde zajrzalam tutaj zeby sie podzielic faktem ze ze mna coraz gorzej......... ;-( zwlaszcza zdrowie psychiczne podupada :( zaczynaja mi sie podobac Anglicy :( zwlaszcza jeden z mojego departamentu. normalnie siedze i zerkam katem oka zawsze jak siedzi przy biurku. nie moge sie powstrzymac, co jest ze mna?? poradzcie plissssssss w nagrode bedzie haszowe ciasteczko :D

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the best:) uśmiałam się z ciebie!! hmmmmm...prosiłaś o poradę a więc wydaje mi się,że to jest początkowe stadium zaleca się czekanie i obserwowanie jak rozwinie się akcja ;):D:D:D

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Izunia - ciasteczko dla ciebie (z podwojna porcja haszu) :D 🌻 O🌻 niestety nie wiem czy akcja powinna sie rozwinac, gdyz oboje jestesmy zaobraczkowani :( ale zerkac zawsze mozna :) ostatnio szlam z kolega na lunch i prawie na Niego wpadlam, i wtedy zaszczycil mnie dluuuuuuuuuugim spojrzeniem. w sumie to czasami zerka w moim kierunku jak przechodzi 😘 ale coz jak sie jest na diecie to jedynie mozna powzdychac na widok ciasteczek :)

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