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Gość mira_b_ellll

I can be your hero babe.. KTO PRZETłUMACZY MI Tą PIOSENKE?? W SKROCIE???????????

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Gość mira_b_ellll

(Let me be your hero) Would you dance if asked you to dance Would you run and never look back Would you cry if you saw me crying would you save my soul tonight :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: Would you tremble if I touched your lips Would you laugh oh please tell me this Now would you die for the one you love Hold me in your arms tonight :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: Would you swear that you'll always be mine Would you lie would you remember My angel be have I lost my mind I don't care you're here tonight :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: Ohhh I just wanna hold you, I just wanna hold you, oh yeah My angel be have I lost my mind I don't care you're here tonight :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: I can be your hero baby I can kiss away the pain (Oh yeah) I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: kto mógłby przetłumaczyc mi ta piosenke?? bede bardzo wdziczna.. chociaz kawałek.. amkonkretnie chodzi mi o : I can be your hero I can kiss away the pain And I will stand by you forever You can take my breath away You can take my breath away I can be your hero

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No to jedziemy po kawalku (Let me be your hero) pozwol mi byc twoim bohaterem Would you dance zatanczylabys if I asked you to dance gdybym cie poprosil do tanca Would you run ucieklabys and never look back nigdy nie ogladajac sie za siebie Would you cry czy plakalabys if you saw me crying gdybys zobaczyla ze placze would you save my soul tonight czy uratowalabys moja dusze dzisiejszej nocy

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Gość mira_b_ellll
dzięki wielkie :) mozna dalej??

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Would you tremble czy bys sie trzesla if I touched your lips gdybym dotknal twich ust Would you laugh smialabys sie? oh please tell me this prosze powiedz mi to Now would you die czy bys umarla for the one you love dla tego ktorego kochasz Hold me in your arms tonight trzymaj mnie w ramionach dzisiejszej nocy I can be your hero baby moge byc twoim bohaterem I can kiss away the pain moge przepedzic pocalunkiem bol I will stand by you forever zawsze bede stac przy tobie You can take my breath away ty umiesz odebrec mi oddech

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Gość xxx szczesciara xxx
blu berry jak tak Ci dobrze idzie, to moge wkleic tez 1 tekst utworu? :D

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Would you swear przysieglabys that you\'ll always be mine ze zawsze ebdziesz moja Would you lie sklamalabys? would you remember pamietalabys? My angel be moim aniolem badz have I lost my mind jesli stracilem rozum I don\'t care nie obchodzi mnie to you\'re here tonight jestes tu dzisiaj

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szczesciara - dawaj. akurat mi sie nudzi :D Ohhh I just wanna hold you, oh, chce jedynie cie przytulac I just wanna hold you, jw oh yeah o tak My angel be have I lost my mind moim aniolem badz, jesli stracilem rozum I don\'t care you\'re here tonight nie obchodzi mnie to, jestes tu dzisiaj koniec :classic_cool:

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Gość xxx szczesciara xxx
blu berry prosze ;)

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Gość xxx szczesciara xxx
huraaaaaaaaaa, juz wklejam :) Tam sie pewnie refren powtarza, to nie musi byc calosc, slicznie dziekuje z gory :) wyglada na ladny tekst, ciekawa jestem czy z sensem, buzka :) All of my life, all of my life I've been searching for a love like ours Somewhere to stay, somewhere safe in your arms I was so sure Are you really saying your heart's changing Do you really mean goodbye Don't leave me this way, no, no Don't tell me it's over We've only begun and our love is so young You're leading me nowhere Don't leave me this way Don't leave me this way Say what's on your mind, one thing at a time And I promise you we'll tal kit through Don't walk away, there is so much more to say Though my words seem lost on you Can't believe you're talking like we're just friends Can't you see the tears I cry Don't leave me this way, no, no Don't tell me it's over We've only begun and our love is so young You're leading me nowhere Don't leave me this way Don't leave me this way Are you really saying your heart's changing Do you really mean it this time Baby Don't leave me this way, oh no Don't tell me it's over We've only begun and our love is so young You're leading me nowhere Don't leave me this way Don't leave me this way No, don't tell me that it's over We've only begun and our love is so young Don't leave me now Don't leave me, don't leave me this way Don't leave me, don't leave me this way Don't leave me, don't leave me this way Don't leave me, don't leave me this way Don't leave me this way If you'll just take a little bit of time You just might wanna change your mind Don't leave me this way Don't leave me this way

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Gość mira_b_ellll
blu berry --------->>> wieeeeeeeeeelkie dzieki :*

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All of my life, all of my life cale moje zycie, cale moje zycie I\'ve been searching for a love like ours szukalem/am takiej milosci jak nasza Somewhere to stay, somewhere safe in your arms gdzies by zostac, gdzies bezpiecznie w twoich ramionach I was so sure bylam taka pewna Are you really saying your heart\'s changing czy naprawde mowisz, ze twoje serce sie zmienia Do you really mean goodbye czy naprawde masz na mysli \'zegnaj\' Don\'t leave me this way, no, no nie zostawiaj mnie w ten sposob, nie nie Don\'t tell me it\'s over nie mow ze to koniec We\'ve only begun and our love is so young dopiero zaczelismy i nasza milosc jest taka mloda You\'re leading me nowhere prowadzisz mnie do nikad Don\'t leave me this way nie zostawiaj mnie w ten sposob Don\'t leave me this way jw

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Say what\'s on your mind, one thing at a time powiedz co masz na mysli, jedna rzecz na raz And I promise you we\'ll tal kit through - chyba talk it a nie tal kit? i obiecuje ci ze omowimy to Don\'t walk away, there is so much more to say nie odchodz, jest jeszcze tyle do powiedzenia Though my words seem lost on you mimo ze moje slowa wydaja sie zagubione na tobie (?) Can\'t believe you\'re talking like we\'re just friends nie wierze ze mowisz jakbysmy byli tylko przyjaciolmi Can\'t you see the tears I cry nie widzisz lez ktore wyplakuje Are you really saying your heart\'s changing czy naprawde mowisz ze twoje serce sie zmienia Do you really mean it this time czy naprawde masz to na mysli tym razem Baby dziecko :P

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Gość xxx szczesciara xxx
to juz calosc? blu berry fajnie to napisalas, ze pod kazdym wersem przetlumaczylas, mozna przy okazji nauczyc sie paru zwrotow ;) Nie chcesz udzielac mi korepetycji w necie ? hehehe zartuje oczywiscie, dziekuje jeszcze raz, JESTES WIELKA ;) zgadnij czyj to utwor? podpowiedz - wielkiej gwiazdy z USA ( kobieta) ;)

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Gość xxx szczesciara xxx
hehe zgadlas :) no fakt, tak znajac angielski jak Ty, to nie trudno poszukac, ja to bym miala problem w necie, no chyba, ze znalas ;) zdrowka zycze, fajny utworek to jest, lubie Tine a po emisji przedwczorajszego filmu biograficznego jeszcze bardziej :) no to juz nie zabieram wiecej czasu, thank you very much, bye :) 🌻

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