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termin medyczny - pomozcie przetlumaczyc moze jakis lekarz?

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x- ray possibie osteopenia lett nana /wrist wnicn woula be compatible with CRPS .Throid function and normal jak dalam te zdanie w slownik nic mi to nie wyjasnilo pojedyncze wyrazy tez nie wiele zalatwiaja . poratujcie

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Gość slownictwo medyczne
dam to w calosci She was working in the meat packing factory early this year but one day she was lifting a heavy piece of meat and she had a sudden onsetof pain in her right hand it subseguently became swollen and more painful it is still troubling her a lot stopping her sleeping she has noticed thad one of the palm of the hand sweats more than the other side there has been no difference in nail growth. On examinaion her left hand was indeed sweaty and more so than the other she found light touch unpleasant over the whole hand there was no synovitis she held the hand in a slightly clawend position there was reduced range of movement in the small joint .Her thyroid gland was swollen many thanks for checking some blood tests including rheumatoid factor , ANA and plasma viscosity which are all normal or negative i suspect the problem is the complex regional pain syndrome also known as reflex symptomatic dystrophy i am checking her thyroid function and also her CRP , she is going to have her hands x- rayed and i am booking an ultsound of the right hand andMCP joints just to make sure i am not missing any underlying synovitis. prosze przetlumaczcie

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tematu Jak okresla się w medycynie zaburzenia węchu?

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chodzi o diagnoze..przeswietlenie wykazalo prawdopodobienstwo osteopenii ( czyli zanizonej gestosci mineralnej kosci, co prowadzi do osteoporozy)nadgarstek ( to co sie dzieje) byloby zgodne z CPRS-Complex Regional Pane Syndrome-syndrom objawia sie bolem i opuchlizna, jego przyczyny sa spowodowane wczesniejsza kontuzja lub nie sa znane.. Tak to moge przetlumaczyc...twoj pierwszy post...

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a jeszce jedno -Throid function and normal- tarczyca funkcjonuje normalnie

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Ona Uk Bardzo dziekuje . teraz moge szukac dalej .

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Gość slownictwo medyczne
Na pewno bede potrzebowac pomocy w tlumaczeniu jak beda wszystkie wyniki , wtedy bede krzyczec ratunku !! jeszcze raz dziekuje i pozdrawiam

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