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Czarna Zmija w kropki bordo


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Late one night,Mittens was feeling bored.She looked across at Hannah,her friend,who was fast asleep on a chair in the kitchen.Their owners had shut them in before they went to bed.But Mittens noticed they had forgotten to shut the cat-flap.She suddenly felt excited at the thought of the dark garden.She would go out!She would see what it was like at night! Read about Mittens and then answer the questions. 1.Write down the sentence that is true. a)Mittens was asleeo on a chair. b)Mittens had a friend called Hannah. 2.Write out the sentence and fill in the missing word. a)Mittens was______when she thought about going outside. 3.Copy and finish this sentence. a)Mittens got out into the garden through the____ 4.Look at the picture if the book about Mittens.What do you think will happen to her when she goes out into the garden? 5.Look at the picture of Mittens.Why do you think she called Mittens?

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A co za to dostane?:P

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hehe Ile ten syn ma lat? Do 4 i 5 nie ma obrazka

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Gość dżagama
ok, nie mam za bardzo czasu mam nadzieje ze chociaz troche pomoge 1b 2excited 3darkness Pozdrawiam ;)

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Gość ja tez tyle jem
a) flase b) true c)mittens was excited Mittens got out into the garden through the darkness pozdrawiam synka

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Gość ja tez tyle jem
pierwsze pytanie- ktore zdjenie jest prawdziwe, wiec zdanie B. drugie- wstawic brakujace wyrazy wiec : 1. excited 2. darkness a 4 i 5 potrzebny obrazek. czego jeszcze nie wiecie?pozdrowienia

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Gość ja tez tyle jem
tam trzeba podkreslic zdanie prawdfziwe (w 1 zadaniu), zdanie B.

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1.Write down the sentence that is true. a)Mittens was asleeo on a chair. False (nie prawda) because Hannah – her friend was asleep on a chair in the kitchen. b)Mittens had a friend called Hannah. True (prawda). 2.Write out the sentence and fill in the missing word. a)Mittens was EXCITED (podekscytowana) when she thought about going outside. 3.Copy and finish this sentence. a)Mittens got out into the garden through the DARKNESS (ciemność) 4.Look at the picture if the book about Mittens.What do you think will happen to her when she goes out into the garden? (Popatrz na obrazek w książce o Mittens. Jak sadzisz co się wydarzy gdy ona pójdzie do ogrodu?) 5.Look at the picture of Mittens.Why do you think she called Mittens? (Popatrz na obrazek w książce o Mittens. Jak sadzisz dlaczego nazwano ja Mittens?)

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