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Gość tequila eheee

Angielski . Pomocy .

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Gość tequila eheee

Opowiadasz koleżance z Irlandii o swojej nieudanej randce napisz - kim była ta osoba z którą się umówiłes - jakie miałaś plany - co poszło nie tak

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Gość tequila eheee
Napisałam tak : Yestarday I had a horrible date . I want to met with my friend from class ... dalej nie wiem co napisać :P

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Gość tequila eheee
Pomoże mi ktoś :P ?

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Gość klsjfngvjliawkrgvnf
I have had terrible day yesterday. I wanted to meert with my classmate to go for shopping.When I called her or him, she/he told me that she had fever so shr/he can't go with me.

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Gość sorry oj oj oj
miało być o randce pomyliłam się ale zamiast shopping wpisz date

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Gość tequila eheee
O dziękuję :)

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Gość cherrycoke
Yesterday I had a terrible date. I knew this boy from the internate chat. We corresponded with each other about three weeks and then I decided to meet him in the real world.

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Gość tequila eheee

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Gość cherrycoke
He wrote in his e-mails that he is tall, handsome boy in his twenties. I suggested that we should meet in local nice cafe in our city

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Gość tequila eheee
a jak poweidzieć ze kiedy się z nim spotkałam on cały czas opowiadał o swej byłej dziewczynie

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Last week this cute guy from my school asked me out. I couldn\'t believe it, you know, honestly, I was over the moon! I thought that maybe he would take me to the cinema and then we could go for a romantic walk....but he took me for a football match. It\'s not that I don\'t like football, but I don\'t think it\'s a good idea for a first date, is it? I wasn\'t very happy, and I think he noticed it. I\'m so desapointed....

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Gość cherrycoke
Our date was terrible , because instead ofyoung handsome boy I saw a guy who had about thirty five years. He was fat and awful. I was mad at myself.

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Gość cherrycoke
I was disapointed, because I had a lot of plans for us to do this evening.

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Gość cherrycoke
nienia czepiasz sie, zaraz wychodze z pracy i sie spiesze

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Gość cherrycoke

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Gość tequila eheee
Dziękuję :)

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