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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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Gość Rademeness
Czesc dziewczyny, dzis przyszla upragniona buteleczka wody toaletowej Bal a Versaile, rzekomo ulubionego zapachu Michaela Jacksona.. Ktos kiedys pytal jak to pachnie. Trudno opisac ten zapach, jest bardzo orientalny, dziwny. Kiedy pierwszy raz go rozpylilam, pomyslalam ze jest ochydny, bardziej kojarzyl mi sie ze stara babcia, cos jak Chanel no 5. Mama zapytala nawet czy psikalam sie tania woda z marketu :/ Z uplywem dnia troche go polubilam, moj nos juz wlasciwie do niego przywykl bo go wogole nie czuje. Pomimo mojej milosci do Michaela nie moge powiedziec ze to moj ulubiony zapach. Tak jak napisalam, jest dosc dziwny. Jest to zapach z kategorii tych co dla niektorych codownie pachna, a dla innych potwornie smierdza, tak jak np. Angel od Thierry Mugler(bardzo ciezki). Pierwsze moje skojarzenie bylo ze nie pasuje do mlodej dziewczyny, lecz dla pani w podeszlym wieku.

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No właśnie, ja napisałam do gościa z allegro, zeby dał mi znac jak będzie miał, bo ponoć w hurtowni się skończyły. Dużo osób zachwala Chanel n5, chciałam go kupic chocby ze względu na Marlyn Monroe, ae jak go wącham to jest dla mnie zbyt ciężki i taki właśnie dla starszych babek :/ mam nadzieje ze jakos sie przekonam do BaV bo chcialabym miec unikalny zapach, i jeszcze zwiazanych z MJ :) O.S.T.R. odszyfrowali cie bo za malo pisalas :P myślisz ze jak raz :"zabukujesz" sobie nicka to już masz go na własność :P trzeba aktywnie brać udział w dyskursach :P:P:P powodzenia na obronie :)

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OSTRA, ja TRZYMAM KCIUKI :) mój mąż to jechał nawet ze mną na musical do Poznania. Gdy wyszedł to stwierdził, że mu się podobało :) do kina też ze mną idzie... no i szkoda, że musical tym razem tylko w Wawie :(

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Gość facebook N.Malnik
Gość facebook N.Malnik
???????????????????? "Al Malnik is doing some serious spinning in the world press right now in regard to Michael Jackson. He's been quoted in several publications about regarding his "friendship" with Jackson, saying that he's godfather to the pop king's youngest son, Blanket, and that, last Malnik knew, he was executor of his estate. Yesterday, Malnik's wife, Nancy, executed a photo dump on her Facebook page as a tribute to the late star. The photos show Malnik and his family with Jackson in 2003. Here's how the Daily Mail characterized Malnik's relationship with Jackson in its story regarding the new photographs: In pictures taken from the same party, Jackson and his children are allegedly pictured with the children of close friends Al and Nancy Malnik.The 76-year-old American millionaire has triplets Jarod, Spencer and Nathan, who are now 11. Mr Malnik had been friends with the singer for more than ten years and the singer stayed with him at the height of the child abuse scandals. Jackson is godfather to Spencer, who is understood to be featured in the pictures sitting on the steps of Mr Malnik's Miami mansion with Paris. This is laughable. The two men were indeed friends at one time, but there's a reason the photographs date all the way back to 2003. The two men had a falling out after Jackson began to believe that Malnik, who has known Mafia ties and was once a close associate of Meyer Lansky, was trying to wrangle Jackson's rights to half the Beatles catalog of songs from him, rights that are worth an estimated half billion dollars. The source of this information is Gordon Novel, a character of intrigue himself from the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, and Waco. Novel worked in the Lyndon Johnson administration and spent years working as an investigator for former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Vanity Fair's Maureen Orth first reported that Novel had met with Jackson in 2005 in an attempt to get the investigator to find proof that Malnik was part of a conspiracy involving Sony's Tommy Mottola and film director Brett Ratner, a Malnik protoge, to take over his assets. "According to Novel, Jackson said he was lured to Malnik's house in Miami Beach by film director Brett Ratner to see a house so beautiful it would make him catatonic," Orth wrote. "He said that once he was there, however, Malnik, who Jackson claimed had Mafia ties, wanted to put his fingers in the singer's business. Jackson also said he received a call from Tommy Mottola while he was there, which aroused his suspicion..." I contacted Novel over the weekend, and he confirmed meeting with Jackson at Neverland Valley during the time of the 2005 trial. He told me that he was originally contacted by Jackson's brother Jermaine and that Michael and the family wanted Novel to gather proof of the Malnik/Mottola conspiracy and further find evidence that Mottola was behind the criminal child molestation charges. The ultimate goal was to blow the trial out of the water so Jackson wouldn't have to face prison time. Novel said he flew in March 2005, about a month into Jackson's trial, from his home in New Orleans to the Los Angeles home owned by Jackson's parents, where he stayed several days before Jackson finally had him over to Neverland Valley. He said the two of them met in a bungalow on the property before Jackson drove him around the ranch in an old pickup truck. "The whole thing centered on Tommy Mottola setting him up," Novel told me. "Mottola and him were at odds, and Jackson's information was that Mottola and Malnik got together to fuck him. He said he believed Malnik was representing the Mob." He said Jackson had special loathing for Malnik because he felt betrayed by him. When I told him that Malnik was saying that Jackson had made him executor of his estate, he was dubious. "He had split up with Malnik," said Novel. "He never said anything about Malnik being executor of his will. And based on how pissed off Jackson was at him at the time, I wouldn't believe it on a bet." When asked what Jackson was like at the meeting, Novel didn't hesitate: "He was afraid, very very afraid. He didn't want to go to jail and didn't think he would be treated very well there." Was he fearful that he would be killed in prison? "Yeah, you can say that," Novel said. But he also said that Jackson's mental state was "excellent" and that the pop star was lucid and extremely intelligent. He didn't believe Jackson was on any drugs during the meeting. I asked Novel if he believed Jackson's theory about the conspiracy against him. He said that he thought Jackson was not guilty of the criminal charges and that he was probably set up, but he had no idea if Mottola was involved. "He thought that Mottola was Mob-connected and that Malnik was representing the Mob, but I can't vouch for any of that shit," Novel said. "I don't have anything against Tommy Mottola and don't know if what he thought was true or not. I don't want to get on Mottola's bad side. My sources in New York say he's a dangerous guy." Novel never conducted an investigation and said that, in the end, Jackson "deadbeated" him. He said that when he got to the airport to fly home, there was no ticket as promised by Jackson. He said that he contacted Jermaine and that the family paid for his flight. He said Jackson still owes him $25,000 for his consultation at Neverland. (Orth reported in Vanity Fair that Jackson apparently took a lot of Novel's advice, but at that time, Novel claimed Jackson owed him just $5,000.) "He was a tremendously talented deadbeat," Novel said. "Michael Jackson would deadbeat King Kong." It's clear that whether Malnik had any ulterior motives in befriending Jackson, the pop star ended up believing he was an enemy out to get his Beatles songs. We'll have to wait and see if the world media continues to eat out of Malnik's hand or if it actually reports the truth about the relationship and its bitter end."

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Gość 2tygodnie przed śmiercią
"We talked for a while. He introduced me to his children - who were sweet, beautiful, and clearly adored their father - and he told me about canceling an upcoming concert in London. “The people were so mean,” he said, visibly upset. “Just so mean.”

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Gość 2tygodnie przed śmiercią
Dalia dzięki za linka

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Gość 2tygodnie przed śiercią
Karen Faye na swoim facebooku pisze cały czas o Michaelu, przypomina o jego konflikcie z Motollą, nawołuje do tego byśmy nie szli na film This is it, żeby nie dać zarobić Sony... wczoraj zamieściła taką oto grafikę i napisała żeby się nad nią zastanowić powstał też profil "This is not it". tekst, który tam zamieszczono: "On June 25th 2009 Michael Jackson died. He was only 50 years old and the father of three young children Were you shocked? You should have been. In fact, the true state of Michael Jackson’s failing health was being hidden from you by those who are making a profit from the screening of the “This is It” movie. This is what you are going to see: -the greatest entertainer that ever lived giving his all to rehearse what could have been an amazing, ground-breaking show -a motivated crew, working hard to accomplish an extraordinary project -special effects, incredible choreography, lighting and staging -movie make-believe at its best.... This is what you are NOT going to see: - Michael Jackson’s shocking sudden weight loss as a result of stress and medication, reducing him to a mere 108 lbs (49kg) at the time of his death. - Kenny Ortega, the director of both the tour and the movie, having to help Michael Jackson up the stairs, having to spoon-feed him and cut his food. -Michael Jackson's growing concerns: in May, while rehearsing over 10 hours a day, Michael Jackson confided to a few trusted fans he did not feel ready to do 50 shows, having agreed only to 10 originally, he felt pressured and the tour schedule seemed grueling. -Michael Jackson failing to show up at rehearsals because he was not well, and being picked up from his house by his choreographer to force him to go to work. - Michael Jackson’s debilitating insomnia and loss of appetite, the crippling pressure he was under, which led him to be over-prescribed and over-medicated by criminal doctors who kept him in an altered, drowsy state throughout the day and in an anesthetic coma at night. - Everyone around him witnessing to Michael Jackson looking confused and groggy, forgetting the lyrics of his own songs during rehearsals. Nonetheless, his entourage kept enabling his dangerous prescription-drug use, to keep him relaxed, rested and under 'control'. Those very drugs are named as the cause of death in the coroner’s report. - You will also not see Michael Jackson’s loyal fans and a couple of his friends attempting to intervene, writing letters pleading for those around him to care for his condition, and ultimately, after being ignored, giving letters of concern to Michael himself. Unfortunately, those who had the power to act did not, instead they chose to keep Michael Jackson isolated and controlled. You will not see any of this. It was inhumane. Michael Jackson needed help, but they were too busy relishing the profits this tour would have generated to acknowledge it. AEG, the tour promoter, and Michael's own entourage, pressed on and did not intervene to stop what clearly looked like a tragedy in waiting. On June 25th 2009, the world lost its greatest star. The souls of Michael's fans are still weeping and they may never heal. Michael Jackson had so much more to give to the world, but his heart stopped under the incredible pressure that was forced on him for this grueling tour, in addition to years of ill-treatment and lies by haters, enablers and media. Michael Jackson deserved and needed the help he wasn't given. Instead, through editing and movie-making they try to tell us a different story in an attempt to clear their own conscience, spreading lies to conceal their responsibility. Too bad we were there to witness what truly happened in the weeks leading to his death and we are here now to tell you about it. Should you decide to watch it, we hope that you will see this movie and the greed that produced it with different eyes, because you are watching the product of those who should bear much guilt for the passing of the world’s greatest entertainer, Michael Jackson, while they are reaping the profits of his death. This did not have to be it.

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Gość O.S.T.R_a
siema🖐️ jestem mgr inż:D:D uffff a na złość zadzwoniła do mnie dzisiaj babka w sprawie pracy, a ja na doktorat idę...nie chcieli mnie wcześniej więc zaczęłam myslec o doktoracie a ona że teraz prowadzi rekrutacje....bomba, choć w sumie nie wiadomo czy bym dostała ta pracę, nie ma co gdybać póki co upajam się tytułem:D:D co do This is it....ja mam właśnie mieszane uczucia, nie chcę tego oglądać i nie idę

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Gość kingofpop
Czesc widze ze wiekszosc z was bardzo lubi/kocha MJ ja tez... Jakies 4 lata temu myslalam tak jak wiekszosc "ludzi" na ziemi slyszac tylko z tv i czytajac z gazet ze Michael to psychopata pedofil i wariat az moja siostra zaczela sie spotykac ze swoim chlopakiem ktory 11 lat temu byl osobistym ochroniarzem Jacksona opowiedal mi o nim bardzo duzo jaki on "jest" naprawde na poczatku nie chcialo mi sie za bardzo w to wiezyc ze nie jest taki jak go "wszyscy widzą" ale z czasem pokazywal mi nagrania i wywiady i pomyslamam ze on nie jest taki jak o nim piszą on poprostu sam zachowywał sie jak dziecko i z nimi spedzał czas. NAPRAWDE POKOCHALAM MICHAELA I JEGO MUZYKE JUZ NIGDY NIKT NIE ZAGRA TAKICH KONCERTÓW JAK ON.

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Gość do tej kingofpop
jasne chlopak twjej siostry byl osobistym ochroniarzem MJ.....a to sie usmialam

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Gość jest tu ktooo
smutno mi:(

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Gość jasminkaaa
Nie mogę na to patrzeć bo rozwyję się jak dziecko. On był moim całym życiem. Miałam bilety na 3 jego koncerty, została we mnie wielka pustka. Tydzień po jego śmierci wytatuowałam go sobie na łopatce- myślałam że znajomi mnie wyśmieja ale spotkałam się tylko z życzliwymi komentarzami. Brakuje mi go tak bardzo ze to aż boli

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Dalia.O WOW !! dzięki !! odrazu mi się lepiej pracuje !!! :) O.S.T.R_a - stawiasz szampana :) GRATULUJE ! tylko ja bez alko. bo nie moge pic.... - mama bede :D

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Gość Ninencja_19 narko
To ja narCOMAnka, nie mogę piać hała i jetem pomarańczoa :(:( O.S.T.R_a gratuluję :D:D czytam ten topik, ale nie pize bo nie działa mi klaiatura :(:( też nie idę na film, bo nie mam kay i nie chce mi ię ić amej ;/

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Gość Smelly
czesc. ja ide na film z chlopakiem.on nie jest fanem.idziemy dopiero 2.11.wole wczesniej poczytac relacje innych. lzy na pewno beda... Ostatnio mam dola. dobrze,ze ten temat istnieje... Inne fora nie sa dla mnie a w moim otoczeniu niestety nie ma fanow MJ

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Gość Jackson autopsy details reveal
Gość Jackson Autopsy -- Singer Was
Gość O.S.T.R_a
dziękuję wszystkim🌻❤️ dzisiaj patrzyłam na fotki MJ'a z ery Bad....kurwa jaki on był piękny...

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Gość dorota---------------
zabójczo przystojny :(

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Gość 2 różne relacje
Karen Faye napisała na swoim Facebooku, żeby nie iść na film, bo jak m. in. twierdzi, Michael był wycieńczony i ważył w dniu śmierci 49 kg, a tymczasem z raportu koronera wynika że ważył 62 kg, co jest w normie dla mężczyzny o wzroście 175. Czyli co jest prawdą, to że ważył 62 kg, czy mamy wierzyć tej niby przyjaciółce, która twierdzi że go tak dobrze znała? Koroner stwierdził, że Michael nie był schorowany - moim zdaniem po prostu był pod wpływem leków, przepisywanych mu ponad miarę prze zróżnych "lekarzy" - jak wiemy jeden z nich go zabił. Podejrzewam, że gdyby ten "lekarz" nie dał mu śmiertelnej dawki narkotyku, a sam Michael odstawił te wszystkie leki i odbył kurację - byłby w stanie wystąpić - może nie na 50 ale na 10 koncertach - i okazałyby się hitem. Bo z ujawnionych filmików z przygotowań do trasy wynika, że był w świetnej formie.

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