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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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Dzisiaj mam dzień przemyśleń. Staram się nie słuchać i nie czytać tego co wypisują o MJ, bo szlag mnie trafia, kiedy sobie pomyślę z jaką fantazją można o kimś kłamać. Nie wierzę też za bardzo w posty na różnych forach lub blogach. Ci wszyscy ludzie twierdzący, że go znali i/lub przyjaźnili się z nim, dlaczego dopiero teraz o tym mówią. Jeśli wiedzieli i widzieli co się z nim dzieje, jeśli wiedzieli, że potrzebuje pomocy dlaczego nie zareagowali wcześniej? Nie to, żeby wzięli go za rękę i zaprowadzili do specjalisty (chociaż może właśnie takiej pomocy potrzebował), ale wszystko to, co mówią i piszą teraz powinni zrobić dużo, dużo wcześniej. Nie rozumiem dlaczego tak właśnie nie zrobili. Dopiero po fakcie. Czasem, żeby coś uratować trzeba najpierw coś poświęcić. W tym przypadku poświęceniem byłoby wcześniejsze ujawnienie się tych osób. Ale jeśli naprawdę zależało im na Michaelu bez wahania powinni byli to zrobić. A z resztą sama już nie wiem. Napiszcie coś. Bo chyba już bredzę.

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Gość dorota--------
Dlaczego rodzina nie pomogła?Czy naprawde nie wiedzieli w jakim jest stanie ?Joe mówił że nie dopuszczali go do Michaela.Jezeli faktycznie tak było,to morderstwo było ukartowane.

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Gość Ninencja_19 narko
Gdzies wyczytałam, że niania, która opiekowała się dziećmi Jacksona wielokrotnie usiłowała pomóc Michaelowi ;/ Dzwoniła do Jego matki, Janet, próbowała namówić na odwyk, ale On stwierdził, że zbytnio się wtrąca i ją zwalniał pare razy z tego powodu!! Także może On wcale nie korzytał z tej pomocy, którą na pewno wielu ludzi mu oferowało. Coraz częciej dochodzę do wniosku, że Jackson był uzależniony, był narkomanem/lekomanem i doskonale zdawał sobie sprawę jak może się to skończyć ;p

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Gość o THIS IS IT.........
KAREN FAYE: ""I know how painful it is to loose this beautiful man….I can barely speak, but I must share with you his reason for getting on stage once again. It wasn't for money or to relaunch his career…it was to send the message that we must HEAL THE WORLD, before it's too late. He wanted to let us know that we have a four year window to get it right, to start walking the highest path, or we will loose the earth. I want you to know he was full of love for all of you. He was looking forward to making everyone smile, and unite in these difficult times…to make the world a better place. he was working so hard…and he was so happy when I left him on Wednesday night…this is so difficult. I don't know why 4 years…all I can do is relay his message." MICHAEL BEARDEN: "He said that the true meaning of "THIS IS IT" was not that these are my last shows, MJ just said that to tease his fans, but the real meaning was that "this is our last chance to do something about the world and the environment before it is destroyed." This is it so we better do something."

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czesc wszystkim :) jak sie tutaj rozpisaliscie , tydzien bbede czytac :d P Y T kochana jestes tu jeszcze ? Nie zaglądasz na tamto forum ? Nie podoba Ci sie tam ?

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Gość uiiuiuiuiui
czesc. mamy tu sporo nowych rzeczy. zwłaszcza relacji dotyczących tego co działo się z Michaelem w ostatnich tygodniach życia, wypowiedzi jego znajomych itp

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Gość kolejna osoba która znała MJ
UNBREAKABLE October 3rd, 2009 6:47 pm ET "Since this is going to be my last post here on LKL( w komentarzach na blogu Larry'ego Kinga) I will say a few more things. First, YES Michael knew his true and dear fans loved him for WHO he was not WHAT he was. My occupation outside of being a mother is a free lance photographer and set designer that works with CG things. I worked with Michael on his HIStory tour breifly and on other things other the years. I was contacted by someone in his camp to help with The Dome Project that Michael had been working on. The two months prior to his passing I was in CA working on this with him amung others. My job was to help with still photography and working with the sets and green screens and things related to CG aspects. I saw Michael nearly everyday before he passed. I was even blessed with the privelage of seeing the rehersals. And seeing my work come to life. It was amazing. Over the years I have had the honor of meeting most of Michael’s siblings as well as his children. My work on the Dome Project brought me such joy and pride because Michael Jackson asked for ME. Not many people can say that. The day Michael died was a horrifying day. I was to see him at rehersal that evening because we were having some glitches with some of our CG projects for the tour.. The day before he pased I saw him around 9pm and he asked me about the gliches we were having..I was pissed because I could not fix it. I told him I would stay all night to get it right, and he told me to go back to my hotel and get some rest and that we would worry about it in the morning. When I left I told him I was so mad I was going to step on every bug I saw on the way..(it was a inside joke) and he told me “you better not, or im gonna getcha” Than we had a laugh and hugged and he kissed me on my cheek and told me not to stress out about the issues we were having. I told him I would try not to, but i was still going to kill all the bugs. I than told him I loved him and that I would see him tomorrow. He than told me I was a bug killer but he loved me anyway. And that was the last I saw of him. Micheal was eating, i saw him eat many times, and eat candy, the man LOVEd candy, he always had a sucker in his hand unless he was singing or dancing.. He was not frail or sickly. When I would talk to much he woud often tell me to go find his sucker stash and suck on it so I shut my mouth. He was the funniest and warmest man I knew. When we were working on The Dome Project we would sing songs together.. ( I am a self proclamied karaoke queen and I told him every chance I got) One day while we were waiting for someone to show up with some crap we needed, he said he wanted to hear the karoake queen in full mode. He found a working mic and handed it to me and told me to “wow him” So i grabbed the mic and told him I did not know any good songs worth singing. (poking fun at him) We than had a tiny karoaoke session and he told me that was the most fun he had had all day. I told him it was not even noon yet, so that was not saying much. Michael Jackson was a gift. I was lucky enough to had known him for 12 years and to work with him as many times as I did. What happen to him was a tragedy. I have no idea if this is a hoax or not. I tend to think it is not. I tend to think he was murdered and it is a dirty dirty murder with many people involved. I am sorry for posting here, and making some people anrgy for whatever reason. I never had any intention of ever saying I knew him. I have been coming here for months and reading comments. And have wanted so many times to shout out..THAT IS NOT TRUE. But I did not. I felt it was my time to get this off my chest. This is not something I speak freely about for many reasons. I was even asked months ago by LK staff if I wanted to particapte in a show where they were talking about MJ condtion before he died. I declined. To me, that would have been going against everything Michael stood for. Others did. But now that 3 months have passed and we still have no answers and there are these reports he was frail and being spoon fed, I just wanted it to be known that those are all lies. I want to tell you every MJ story I have, because it feels good to talk about him. He was a wonderful father and an upstanding human being. I think I have made my peace and I want to move on. I don’t think justice will be served. So there you all go. That is my story. I will not post anymore in here as I feel it has been counter prodcutive. Michael I love you and I’m going outside right now to smoosh every bug I see."

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Gość ktoś kto znał MJ......
Unbreakable October 3rd, 2009 10:22 am ET "Mr.Murray won’t be arrested because he is just the fall guy. Sure he gave the drugs to him, but there was another doctor who prescribed them.. He did not. Michel Jackson was loved by millions,including myself. I won’t even go into my thoughts on this man because I am still hurt and grieving for him. And it sickens me what happen to him. He was charming, funny as hell, and the sweetest man you could ever imagine. Doctor Murray will be brought to justice, but not by a jury of his peers in a court of law. But by Michaels fans. I am sure there is more than one fan who would have ni issue busting his knee caps if they were to run into him on the street. I am sure this is part if the reason the man never leaves his house. Too many other people involved for just one man to go down. ................. Oprah is not a Michael Jackson fan, or supporter. if watching her “tribute” to him did not convince you of that, nothing will. she think Michael Jackson is “weird” and a “child predator” I have not watched her show since she gave her “loving tribute” to our beloved Michael. ................. I would not want a bunch of hog wash being spread about him. But yet, enough has been spread already. what is stopping them? He was either murdered and there is a HUGE cover up going on..or he is still alive. His death was no “accident” ................. Michael was blackmailed in 93…its clear.. All these horrid things that were said about Micheal effected him deeply. The fact there are people out there that think he could ever harm a child made him sick inside. It tore him apart like nothing else. Michael wanted his whole pursona to be of a loving , giving man…which he was..But than his image was shredded to bits and it tore him apart. It is hard to recover from such events. Than in 2005, that there nearly killed him. I was worried about him during this time.. He was never the same after that and this is what breaks my heart the most. ....................... Michael trusted the wrong people. He was warned about Martin Bashier, but wanted to clear his image so bad he went ahead and did it anyway. he trusted MB because he did an interview with Princess Diana years before. Many advised him not to… but…. Trust me on this though… Michael knew what he was doing 98% of the time. Do not believe the rubbsih you hear about people controling him. Michael was a skilled planner. Some of his plans may have back fired, but that does not mean he did not know what he was doing. Michael knew the folks he could not trust, for the most part, but sometimes there was little he could do to stop things. when you surround yourself with so many people as he did, you have to expect that someone is there for thier own reasons. MJ did not trust Tohme…But Jermaine insisted on this man. MJ called several of his close friends, people he trusted , to get advice. Two weeks before he died, MJ fired Tohme.. adn this upset him, greatly. Mj was no fool, he tried to weed out the bad and keep the good. He really did. But many stabbed him in the back. To this day, they are still doing it. But do not let the media fool you into thinking he was being controled. because MJ always pulled the strings. He was very wise… we all know the saying.. “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” ............................ @ Anne - you are RIGHT on the money with yur statement about the family. And the fact that MJ disliked and dis trusted Tohme as much as he did, yet was standing next to Jermaine and the press confrence on the day he died..( i saw it with my own eyes) that speaks volumes. Open your minds on the family…Some are not as great as some may think they are. In ever family there i termoil, jelousy,love,betrayal. Just keep all that in mind. I could also spin all this as to proof MJ is still alive.. I think we all need to sit back and enjoy the show.. (and by that I do not mean that MJ death is some sort of entertainment, by that I mean many people are giving us a show by what they do/say…watch it all unfold, that is all I am saying)"

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela........
Unbreakable (October 3rd, 2009 1:36 pm ET ) "There is so much I want to say, but I can’t/won’t. Michael Jackson was not frail at the time of his death, those reports/letters are bogus. There are people out there, for whatever reason who want you people to believe that. But it is not true. Yes he was thin, he was working hard, he was a perfectionist, and the stress of doing 50 shows was overwhelming for him..Yet he was excited about doing it. The show was going to be like the likes no one has ever seen, and I sure hope they showcase that in the movie. Because it was going to be me on this. I don’t want to stir the pot, or make people think I am someone I am not..but I do know things. I am a fan yes, just like all of you..but it goes beyond that. Michael was a wonderful man, and I loved him very much. Now like I have said, he was either murdered and there is a cover up of epic porportions going on OR he is alive and this was some stunt that went horribly wrong. I know nothing for sure either way, and I am not claiming that I do. I am NOT Michael Jackson, or The Informer.. I am an obeserver. Michael meant the world to me, and all I want to do is get to the bottom of what happen to him, like the rest of you. If Michael is alive, I can say with my heart, that I not think he would post anything on here. And if he is, I find that weird, and it does not seem like the MJ that I know. Some things I have seen/heard lead to think either coud be true..(murder or alive) I mourn for him I am sure all of you do. it is a hard thing to take. Michael was loved by millions. And it warms my heart to see the out pouring of love he has been getting since he has passed. Please continue the love for him here, because it is truly wonderful to see. And Michael. I love you more.. .................................. I will say this about his weight, and maybe it will put your mind at ease Linda. Michael was thin, I said that..I said he was not frail..There is a difference bewteen being frail and being thin. Micheal was not a big eater, which concerened many people. But this was nothing new. He had been that way since he was a child. You must understand he was rehearsing around 16 hours a day some days..which caused his weight to plumit a bit. He did not have protruding bones or anything of the sort. And truthfully if he lived to see the concerts, if his eating habits would have continued as they had been, he would have fallen very ill..because you can not perform that way night after night without the right nurtrtion. Michael was thin..yes… frail.. no. he felt that eating healthy would make him stronger for his shows, thats why he hired a nutriionist to get him on the right track. Remember though, Michael knew his own body and would not let himself get frail like that.. Anyway… ........................... Stu,Hungary October 3rd, 2009 2:06 pm ET "Unbreakable,he was all redy thin like that in march .Pluss,he had other tours in hes life,where he was not this thin.Yes,he was thin all hes life,but now he was even half of that.In 1996 he was look very good.He was look,like he was work out,and got some mosculs,not like frexample at triller much earlier." ODPOWIEDŹ Unbreakable: "Stu, Yes in March MJ was very thin, you are right. The stresses from 2005 really put his body thru the ringer.. He did not like to eat, but he did it. I think some of the autopsy is right and other parts are bogus.. I can tell you what is bogus.. Michael was not bald..(he had thinning hair, and he had tattooes around the edge of his hair line, to resemble side burns and such)..He DID wear wigs though…When you see him with the straight hair that looks stiff, those are wigs..When his hair is pulled back in a pony and curly..that is his hair.. They made it seem like he was totally bald, but no he was not. He was aging, and with aging comes hair loss..also from where he had many skin graphs on his scalp, the hair in those areas was pretty sparse. anyway…" MYŚLĘ, ŻE ONA MOŻE MIEĆ RACJĘ, to były jego włosy

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela........
Mila do Unbreakable, "It is said there was a youtube video of Michael talking to his fans in Burbank and telling them that he’s not eating well and that he needed to put on weight. People on this blog have confirmed to have seen this video. When you look at his rehearsal footage on This Is It trailer it looks like he’s got a hole in his stomach. I don’t know where the line between skinny and frail lies but it’s easy to agree that he’s thinner than ever and he himself has not been happy with that. Given that there’s a whole crew of people around him paid to supposedly take care of him it’s not acceptible that he ended up so thin – he had a doctor, he had a personal trainer, he had a nutitionist." Unbreakable: "And yes…you are right his name was Michael Joseph Jackson.. Mila, I agree with most of what you had to say..although I do not know of any such video, but yes, I do know that MJ knew he needed to put on weight. He wanted to gain muscle..He had very little muscle mass. All I am telling you is things that I know..I can not vouche for anyone else who claims they heard/saw anything else. He was NOT frail… He could walk, dance, sing, joke..a tad slower than he waas 15 years ago of course, but the boy still had moves.. he changed up some of the choregaphy to compinsate for what he knew he would be unable to do night after night..But the dancing was still spot on. And his voice was AMAZING! All I am saying is.. he was not frail.. too thin YES and I did say if his eating trend continued he would have fallen ill.. Well about his hair… All I can say is I know he wore wigs.. Most of which were the straight kind. Take what you will with that info.. MJ did not want to gain fat is what I was saying. and what Lou F meant was MJ did not want to get “bulky” He did not want to be musclar, he wanted to be lean and fit looking. Which I must say, Lou failed in the dept. .............................. Never said I was MJ, never said I am a family memeber…never said anything of the sort.. I just came here with the purpose of giving my thoughts as everyone else does, yet everyone takes what I say the wrong way. Even if I DID know Michael in some way does not mean I know anything about what is going on with this case or that I believe anything I see or hear. Michael taught me that you can no trust what you hear or what you see. As he told all of you the same things. All I know is what I KNOW are lies..Just things I know my own self that are lies. I can’t say for sure about anything else, other than what I know. I have my own thoughts on what happen on June 25th. I am not trying to make anyone else believe me, or to agree with me. I know NOTHING for certain on whether he is alive or dead. I never claimed I did. What I know for sure is that Michael was the funniest man I knew and the purest man I knew.. So whether I know the family or Michael is not even a point..It does not even matter. Because I want to know the truth, just like the rest of you do. Thats all! ...................... yes I know all about Karen Faye and the things she is saying. I don’t know who much of it is true.. I am not sure what her motive is, or what she has to gain by saying things..but I am unsure as to how true they are. I take it at face value. I don’t know the woman well enough to make any assumptions. I just know Michael was not as ill and controled as they say he was. And he was not spoon fed either. Those claims are OUTLANDISH! .......................................... One last thing.. ( i know i keep saying that) I don’t expect anyone to believe me. That is not my intention. You do not know me, I do not kow you. I would have nothing to gain by lying. We owe eachother nothing. Please don’t stop fighting for justice. I do not know Mr Murray nor have I met him, but I know this. I.Hate.Him. This Is It. I’m really going now, and thank you for listening." ............................. CO MYŚLICIE O TEJ OSOBIE??? ona pisze w komentarzach pod informacjami dotyczącymi MJ na stronie L.Kinga

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela......
WCZEŚNIEJ ZANIM NAPISAŁA, ŻE GO ZNA, PISAŁA COŚ W TYM TEMACIE O WYNIKACH AUTOPSJI Unbreakable October 2nd, 2009 11:51 am ET "This autopsy report does not shock me one bit. He did not seem overly thin is the video’s we have seen of the rehersal footage. Just thin..not overly thin.. MJ was always a slender man. I don’t think I buy the crap posted above from TMZ. I have facebook and am friends with Both Karen and This Is Not It. I’m not saying I buy thier crap,but its better than people thinking MJ faked his death and is coming back. To me, thats insane and needing a straight jacket nd a padded room kinda talk. MJ was murdered, but by who and why is the question. Yes Murray did it, but not on his own free will, trust me. I have been more than heartbroken over the events of his death and such, and want more than anything for him to be me! but he was a man. Just a man. not a God, he was not imortal. I don’t think anyone will ever go down for this, as there are way too many people invloved in it..Sony being one.. ............................... You don’t have to tell me he was murdered..I know this already. Trust me. One of two things is going on here.. Either he was murdered and NOT by Murray and there is a HUGE cover up going on.. OR he is alive. I’m going with murdered unless I see otherwise. ............................ My question is..WHO do you think is behind the murder? Becuase Dr Murray was not the one who killed him. I have issues with this Will….but I won’t really go into this here. Becuase it is really none of my buisness to spread such things around the internet;) .................. Mary, I know ALL about Michael Jackson the fact he was working on a movie. Trust me on this. Where did I say I blame him for anything. I am not sure what you are referring to, I’m sorry. I have said it in here at least 3 times today.. dont believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. I am well informed on this topic, trust me on this. .................... It just botheres me to see people getting thier hopes up that the greatest entertainer of ALL time is really alive, when it could be nothing more than someone playing u for a fool. ..................... tam jest sporo ludzi, którzy wierzą,że on być może żyje. Pojawia się ktoś o nicku *mj** który nakręca trochę ludzi dając do zrozumienia, że jest Michaelem, i takie tam głupoty, ale... napisał taki tekst: A CLUE IS IN MY THRILLER PERFORMANCE IN THIS IS IT. "I’LL NEVER MAKE YOU SAD,BECAUSE THIS IS IT. YEAH,ONE MORE TIME,COME ON. I’LL NEVER LEAVE YOU THIS IS IT" a UNBREAKABLE na to: "They are “supposedly quoting lyrics from MJ new song This Is It that comes out on Oct 12. that was not a message..just suppose to be proof.. Was not sure if u knew that or not." hę??? jako, że osoba Unbreakable wydaje mi się dość wiarygodna, przyjmę wersję, że ktoś kto pracował przy tworzeniu tej piosenki lub ją słyszał bawi się troszkę z ludźmi... a te słowa sobie zapiszę. zobaczymy czy się sprawdzą (w internecie ich nie ma)

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela......
i jeszcze: Unbreakable: "I do not know Karen personally. I have met her, but no I would not stick up for her. I dont agree with some of the claims she is making. Peroid. The DOme Project is a secert project Michael was working on that had to do with the London Shows. part of the show there was to be lots of special effects, which you will see when This Is It comes out. He was also working on other things that were not involved with the concerts, which it is not my place to talk about this, since I was not working on them. The Dome Project was top secert. But it seems everyone knows about it now.. Any footage you see of Michael where there is a green screen behind him, that is him working on the dome project..And I would have been there, as I was there everyday. Most of what we were working on the dome project was to do with the song thriller." .............. Unbreakable: I was unsure he could do 50 shows. I do not know anything about any drugs he may or may not have been taking, and if I did that is not something I would write about. Nothing I have said is not anything that is not already known or been said. I was not a dancer and I was NOT part of the show. .................. Yes Michael was thin.. But he was full of energy and spunk. As far as his mental state, as far as what i seen, was tip top. He did tell me that he was getting too old for this..(joking around of course) But the times I interacted with him, his mental state was fine. I do not know how he appreared when I was not around, so I can not say anything for sure. He did appear tired some of the time, but he was working hard.

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uiiuiuiuiui czesc. mamy tu sporo nowych rzeczy. zwłaszcza relacji dotyczących tego co działo się z Michaelem w ostatnich tygodniach życia, wypowiedzi jego znajomych itp zauważyłam właśnie :) nie moge sie w tym wszystkim połapac he he :D dobrze że temat nie umarl.

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Gość dorota---------
Najpierw trują ze MJ był schorowany,ważył 50 kg.,a teraz oznajmuja ze był zdrowym 50 latkiem.ważył ponad 60 kg.jak to mozliwe ? Jak sie w tym wszystkim połapać?:O

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dorota - tak to już jest że na każdej informacji o nim ktoś zarabia, nie ważne czy to prawda czy tez nie ważne żeby bylo głosno. Poki jest głosno interes się kręci a konta sa powiększane o kolejne 000 . Osobiscie uważam ze druga wersja jest bardziej prawdopodobna. Czyli to ze był zdrowszy niz wczesniej podawano - Gdyby byl w takim stanaie " czyli zombie" to nie wytrwał by nawet polowy jednej próby. A jak widac na probach by w dobrej formie i na 50 kg to mi nie wygladał :)

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Gość uiuiiuiu hahaha wywiad z byłym lekarzem Michaela (1995-2005), który pochodził z Rumunii. On twierdzi, że MJ był zdrowy (poza tym,że cierpiał na bielactwo) oraz, że w tym okresie nie był uzależniony od leków... no nie wiem... on też potwierdza, że propofol pozostaje we krwi bardzo krótko po podaniu. gdzieś słyszałam,że do godziny a ten lekarz powiedział,że do kilku minut... więc jak oni wykryli go w jego krwi? też myślę,że on był całkiem zdrowy...

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela........
UNBREAKABLE napisała dziś w komentarzach u LK: "I am not going to dignify the drug questions whatsoever. Two things I will not speak about. His children..and his drug use. Nothing I have said in any way has been disrecpectful to Michael at all. I never said the man was not flawed. I was not trying to paint this picutre of him as anything other than a human. I witnessed some bad times for him, sure, but that is not something I will ever talk about. Because I am not here for that purpose. All i wanted to do was clear up a couple issues and that is all. And YES I said I think Jermaine is involved, and I have my reasons for thinking so. I am not saying I am right. Never claimed it as factual. But I did hear things, that is all." ................. "I was not ever going to reveal that I knew him. That is why I would always avoid the question. But it came down to that I really felt I needed to tell you part of who I was and what I saw, so you would understand why I knew the things I did. I was not MIchael’s BFF. I never said that. In fact I said it over and over. We shared some private things. He did tell me things that are way too personal that even on my death bed would never reveal to anyone. Things I have never een told my husband. Unlike some of MJ “real friends” I am taking those conversatioons with great pride and keeping them to myself, which is what some of his real buddies should have been doing. Only things I was revealing were good, postive things. I am not out to make a dime, or to sell MJ out. And yes, i was offered a nice some of money to appear on not only this show, but two other ones. To me, that is selling MJ out and that is NOT how I roll. I will NOT be tricked into saying unflattering thiings about Michael. I IWLL NOT DO IT no amount of money would ever break the trust he put in me when he told me some of the things he did. Believe what you will, I am not here to try and MAKE you believe me. I did not know any of the dancers or anyone doing the show with him. We never interacted. When I was at rehearals it was mostly backstage and working with computers and such…times I was sitting in the crowd watching way in the back. MJ had only been rehearsing at the staples center for around 2 weeks. So out of the two weeks he had been there, I was there I would say 5 times. and only one time did I see the dancers. I was NOT involved with the show at all. Only The DOme Project. MJ had bought my family and I tickets to his opening show, including the air fare. I joked around with him that on what he was paying me I was not sure I would be able to afford my flight home from CA when we were done..(joking around, i was paid very well) ................ Michael died on a Thursday. Before I left for home on Friday while I was still in CA I was approached about doing the show. I saw MJ EVERDAY but one…(meaning working days, I never saw him on sundays and a few other days mixed in, but 90% of the time I was with him at some point) Monday I was contacted again about doing the show, they wanted people who had worked with him in the days leading up to his death. I was also contacted GMA and Nancy Grace. The reason I even said anything to start with, was because I have strong feelings about what happend. And you people were talking about all the things that were bothering me. So, I decided to chime in." ................. "I know nothing about what happend to him. I suspect he was murdered. But I do not know anything at all. I know nothing more than the rest of you on that subjcet. That is why I wanted to come clear up thngs. The press and others saying he was frail and being spoon fed. That stuff is not true. Whether he was doing all those drugs I am not going to get into that, as it is not MY business. But if this autpsy report is real, which i do not know, you would think there would be liver damage with so much drugs use, yet they said nothing about that. So I do not know anything. And it breaks my heart everyday when I think about him being gone. I was not accusing Jermaine of anything. I only said it would not shock me if he was involved." ........... I accused him, I said I thought his hands were dirty..and I did not trust him. Also said I think he may have something to do with this IF this is a murder. I also said a few other theories I had, that was not the only one. But lets not bring that here..I am not going to sit here and publicly accuse Jermain of anything. ........................ He was very excited and worried at the same time. As anyone would be. He put everything he had into makin this the BEST show for his fans. He was human, he doubted himself. He told me many times he was having the time of his life. ……………………………… I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal. Some people have questioned my name..many know it is a MJ song off his last album. At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery..My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th..I flew home Saturday the 3rd..had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work. The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks. I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room..(cause there was no one around) and I was crying..(yes, I AM a baby) Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, My head was between my legs being cradled by my hands…SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did, So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said..”leave me alone, nothing to see here” Than I heard these words. “make me” I knew it was him. He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery. I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up hios masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart. I than loooked him in the eyes and said..”you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing” He than wrapped his arms around me.. (and boy, it felt good) he told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his..he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him. An from then on, he always called me Unbreakable.. he would often say.. “somene get unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing” I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel. Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend. So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by.. So these are the sorts of things I want to say.. That is the kind of heart he had. and that is why I have this name. Because that is what he called me. But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes." nie wygląda to na jakieś zmyślone historyjki. chyba rzeczywiście pracowała z MJ i znali się. Pisała jeszcze, że współpracowała z nim też przy "Ghosts". Wzruszające to co ona pisze. Tak bym chciała spędzić chociaż 5minut w jego towarzystwie... tylko to o Jermaine... co ona sugeruje?

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Gość ktoś kto znał Michaela........
"I am not saying MJ was in pefect shape or condtion. Truthfully i did see things. What I was saying was he was not frail or boney or any of that nonsense we have heardd. He was by NO means the Michael Jackson I grew up being in love with and wanting to marry. I will say this, in all honesty, the first time I met MJ back in the mid 90’s he looked spectacular. I had seen him a few other times over the years and he pretty much looked the same. However when I met with him for the first about this project, I did not even recognize him. His face has changed drasticaly.. I am not trying to say he was perfect, I was just saying he was not dying. But overall, to me, he seemed in pretty good physical condtion. Do you know what I mean?"

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Gość To ciekawe jest bo
osoba ktora miala z nim kontakt mowi ze prawdopodobnie go zamordowali albo nadal zyje. ktos z jego otoczenia dopuszcza taka mysl,wiec nic dziwnego ze czesc fanow tak mysli

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gangsterów, meneli, wampirów czy innych stworów 🖐️

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Ja tylko wpadłam oznajmić iż ze światem kobiety mozna nabyć film pt: "Niezwykle zycie MJ" Nieutoryzowana biografia, pelna wywiadow, etc, jeszcze jej nie obejrzałam. Kosztuje 5,90 :D a radochy coniemiara :P

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hej poczytałam troche ostatnia strone przeczytałam wspomnienia unbreakable swietnie, ze wynajdujecie takie perełki wpadło mi w oko równiez zdanie- yes, his name was Mihcael Joseph Jackson pamietam, jak keidys spierałyscie sie, ze on nazywał sie michael Jo i nie mozna byo wytlumaczyc, ze Joseph, a Jo to ew skrot

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Zbokolka,masz ładna barwe,mi sie podobało,spróbuj,moim zdaniem masz szanse ,,powodzenia :)

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