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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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ale teraz na Majkelu natrzepia kasy, 28 pazdziernika w Stanach wchodzi do kin film "This is it" (nie wiem czy nie pisaliscie o tym wczesniej ale nie czytalam poprzednich stron) i bedzie wyswietlany tylko przez 2 tygodnie wiec pewnie niezle tlumy beda mieli. prawda jest ze wiecej jest wart po smierci niz za zycia :O

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Gość tata a Marcin powiedziaał
oczywiście, że pisaliśmy o tym... w Polsce też będzie wyświetlany

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Gość tata a Marcin powiedziaał All is well once again in Michael Jackson Litigation Land—but things were looking dicey for a minute. Crooner Paul Anka, who perhaps most famously penned the lyrics to the Frank Sinatra standard "My Way," says that Jackson's estate has apologized to him for releasing the single "This Is It" without properly acknowledging Anka as a cowriter on the tune. After publicly griping and threatening legal action if the matter of compensation wasn't taken care of, Anka said Monday afternoon that estate administrator John McClain called him up make amends. "I said, 'It's fine if it's an honest mistake. These things happen,' " Anka told the New York Times. McClain told him, he said, that the estate had presented Sony with 50 songs and "This Is It" was the most distinctive—for good reason, so it turned out. In a statement, the Jackson estate said it in no way meant to put one over on the prolific singer-songwriter. "The song was picked because the lyrics were appropriate because of the name Michael gave his tour," McClane and coadministrator John Branca said. "We are thrilled to present this song in Michael's voice for the first time, and that Michael's fans have responded in unprecedented numbers. The song was co-written by the legendary Paul Anka." McClain had plucked the piano-and-vocals track from the vault and built an arrangement around it, not realizing that it strongly resembled the Safire song "I Never Heard," which was credited to cowriters Jackson and Anka in the 1980s. Anka says that he and the soon-to-be King of Pop wrote the song in 1983 as a duet for Anka's album Walk a Fine Line, but that Jackson took the tapes back shortly after the song was first recorded. He had to threaten to sue to get the masters back, Anka said, along with documentation proving that he holds the copyright to the music and lyrics. "They have a major, major problem on their hands," Anka said earlier today, before he received the conciliatory phone call which, incidentally, resulted in a promise that he will get 50 percent of the proceeds from sales of "This Is It."

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Gość tata a Marcin powiedziaał
Sources who have heard the unreleased recordings of Michael Jackson say there are at least 2 albums worth of class A songs that will be released over time, and some of them are even better than "This Is It." We're told many of the songs that will make the cut were written and recorded by Jackson after he left Sony in 2004.

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Gość Jestem pod wielkim wrazeniem
Zaczne moze od tego ze osoba MJ jest mi znana od zawsze czyli od momentu kiedy sie urodziulam ( moj tato sluchal jego muzyki) i ja wyroslam na Human Nature i Bad;)) Ostatnimi czasy slucham plyt Michaela za czasow Jackson 5 - i zauwazcie co on wyprawia w piosence My Girl...jak bawi sie swoim glosem i ogolnie przychodzilo mu to z taka lekkoscia i ta piosenka wlasnie jest tego znakomitym przykladem...Naprawde drugi taki czlowiek jeszcze sie nie urodzil:)

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Gość dorota----------
Na 1 zdjeciu podanm przez dzwoneczka widać że niewiele sie zmienił mimo swoich 50 lat.Do dziś nie mogę uwoerzyć że nie zyje :(

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Cześć wszystkim!!! Zastanawiam się nad ty, co powiedziała La Toya ? Nigdy jakoś nie miałam przekonania do Jacksons family, ale jako siostra mogłaby wiedzieć lub przypuszczać co mogłoby się MJ podobać a co nie i z czego byłby zadowolony. Tylko teraz już naprawdę nie wiem czy pójśc na ten film. Całkiem nie dawno twardo upierałam się, że pójdę, ale teraz, jeszcze po wypowiedzi La Toyi ...??? Część zysków ze sprzedaży biletów i płyt ma zasilić konto rodziny, więc może gdyby zależało jej tylko na pieniądzach nie mówiłaby w sposób odradzający ludziom pójścia do kin. Lub można podtrzymać teorię spiskową i przyjąć, że celowo odsuwają fanów od obejrzenia This... ponieważ mogliby na nim zobaczyć "to coś" bądź nie zobaczyć "tego czegoś" Co Wy na to?

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Gość salamandra pasiasta
Mi tu cos smierdzi new world order...

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Gość salamandra pasiasta
Ladnie wyglada na obu zdjeciach. Orange pants calkiem fajne;)

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Gość salamandra pasiasta
Moim zdaniem ta smierc to nie przypadek.. ja tu widze jakies powiazanie sony, new world order i pewnych osob wokol michaela... Pamietacie ze mike powiedzial paris zeby sie nie gniewala jesli nie dozyje dnia ojca?wczesniej bal sie tez o zycie.

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Gość salamandra pasiasta
i albo im sie udalo albo mysla,ze im sie udalo... Tak sobie mysle o tych wszystkich Malnikach, Ratnerach itp... a co do filmu to nie oczekuje,ze bedzie tam cos wiecej.. W kazdym razie uwazam ze historie o jego strasznym stanie zdrowia to lekka przesada

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Nigdy nie wierzyłam La Toyi, jest troche spaczona moim zdaniem, nie jestem na bieżąco więc ciężko mi przyjać jakas strone, czy MJ by chciał czy by nie chciał żebyśmy to widzieli. Fakt jest taki, że chłone wszystko jak gąbka wode co jest związane z MJ a do tego takie cudo jak film z jego udziałem...Pojde tez zeby móc potem coś na temat tego powiedzieć, chociazby w jakim byl stanie itd. Dziewczyny, nie jestem zalogowana na chomiku, nie moge sie zarejestrowac a bardzo bym chciala miec THIS IS IT na komórce, czy ma któras pełna wersje na kompie i mogłaby mi przeslac na maila??? Byłabym bardzo zobowiązana.....

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Gość dorota---------------
Dirty,sprawdz poczte :)

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Gość wizzard....................
wicie co, na blogu Larry'ego ludzie najeżdżają na Jermaina... wiele osób daje do zrozumienia, że on mógł mieć z tym coś wspólnego. jakaś osoba o nicku truth4mj napisała: Also, please be aware there are many in on this thing and even fellow friends/musicians of Michael's that are suspicious of Jermaine. That is the biggest reason for the failure of his Tribute to Michael in Austria. You know the one where all the tickets had Jermaine's face plastered on them instead of Michael's? And the website for the tribute had Jermaine's face instead of Michael's? You know the tribute where at the end we were going to see an "illusion of Jermaine singing a duet with Michael" as we saw on American Idol with Celine Dion and Elvis Presley. If Michael wanted to sing a duet with Jermaine he would have done so while he was living. There are a lot of people in Hollywood onto this and their boycotting of "Jermaine" is no accident! Jermaine….this is not beneath Jermaine. He has always gone on TV to proclaim his love for MJ and he probably did really love him, but jealousy and money, well sometimes that can "take control of someone." Also thought it was so strange and so wrong how Jermain went on LKL at Neverland for the beautiful heart touching interview before Mike's body was even cold saying how much he (Jermaine, first person) loved Neverland and never wanted to leave. He told Larry King "no one ever wants to leave. I don't want to leave." Well, Jermaine has big hopes for Neverland in the future. Surely you are familiar with the song "Word to the Badd" by Jermaine. If not, research it. It is a song he did to slam Michael. I can't remember who it was that came on LKL first before Mike's body was even cold…Jermaine or Dr. Klein? I'll have to go back and research which one popped up first. Also, don't forget, it was Jermaine that introduced Mike to Tohmme. Although we audio where Mike says he does not trust Tohmme and we have a document that clearly shows Tohmme was fired in May….for some reason, Tohmme is standing with a dry-eyed Jermaine when he announces his brothers death at UCLA Medical Center. The two of them then embrace and walk away from cameras." użytkowniczka "DN" będąca naprawdę w temacie (zna relacje MJ z sony, pisała dużo o DiLeo, Brance, Randym, zna dużo szczegółów) też zaczyna skłaniać się ku temu, że Jermaine mógł mieć z tym coś wspólnego:O kiedyś Unbreakable też pisała źle o Jermainie.......

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Gość wizzard..................
tam jest naprawdę burza mózgów. dobrzy są

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Gość wizzard............
DN October 15th, 2009 2:17 am ET Source those pics when it first came out on ET with Dieter Weisner, when they was saying the wound wasnt a spider bite, it was caused by intravenous drug use. Look at who the pics were shown courtesy of, and you will see AEG. Those pics are from 2003 if i remember… How are they the property of AEG. Its AEG who are behind all this smear campaign to make out MJ was a drug addict over many years. Think about it. The seeds were planted to the media re the Pepsi footage, only MJ and Pepsi had that footage, so how did it get leaked to the media.. AEGs partner company is Pepsi… Dont you find it all premediated?? Yes to make us all think that Mike had been a druggie since the burns… tut tut… that footage was leaked out within days of his death… AEG cover up on their asses again. We are the good guys, mike was the private druggie we knew nothing about!! DN October 15th, 2009 2:36 am ET Go back to the Jermain keeping mjs legacy alive in i think its india on the other thread and see my feelings there… He didnt forget, neither will i. The whole plan there is to gain Neverland so they can make $$ as a museum, etc… Tohmme and Colony capital were no accident or coincidence.. Just look at the tie with Randy philips and tohmme long ago brother in laws.. Thomas Barrack very good friends with Philip Anschultz., Barrack billionaire before he bailed Michael out on Neverland.. only a multi milionaire after the fact because he was losing out on too much money, so he gets in touch with Anshultz for you know what… just join the dots.. And i heard the other day we are gonna hear some good news re: Neverland… Hmm. Lets wait and see then we will know. .............. truth4mj October 15th, 2009 11:44 am ET You know I think we all have to come to our conclusions as the evidence is brought forward. I read over your post where you list the things that you question. We all have different opinions and beliefs. As for my opinion regarding those issues…. 1. Dr. Murray…he never planned on this. It was suppose to be a quick and honest accident. You know, Mike was a druggie, that’s the image they put out to the media ASAP before Mike’s body was even cold by leaking the Pepsi footage which had never been released. As DN said, that footage only belonged to MJ and Pepsi, so either AEG had access to it because of their affiliation with Pepsi or perhaps Sony or a sibling – RJ? (whichever one stole the hard drive) leaked it. Also, the photos revealed on ET and ABC concerning the spider bite. Photos that were 6 years old, but somehow were shown courtesy of AEG…?? God, they must think we are stupid and not paying attention. 2. I don’t trust any of them. Hate to say it about Ortega but when I look at the video on youtube with Ortega and Phillips together, I can’t understand for the life of me why Ortega’s legs are bouncing up and down in a nervous jittery hysteria when questioned about Mike’s health as he prolongs everything is great! Nope, don’t trust them at all. None of them. The other three are clearly crooks. 3. Jermaine….this is not beneath Jermaine. He has always gone on TV to proclaim his love for MJ and he probably did really love him, but jealousy and money, well sometimes that can “take control of someone.” Also thought it was so strange and so wrong how Jermain went on LKL at Neverland for the beautiful heart touching interview before Mike’s body was even cold saying how much he (Jermaine, first person) loved Neverland and never wanted to leave. He told Larry King “no one ever wants to leave. I don’t want to leave.” Well, Jermaine has big hopes for Neverland in the future. Surely you are familiar with the song “Word to the Badd” by Jermaine. If not, research it. It is a song he did to slam Michael. I can’t remember who it was that came on LKL first before Mike’s body was even cold…Jermaine or Dr. Klein? I’ll have to go back and research which one popped up first. Also, don’t forget, it was Jermaine that introduced Mike to Tohmme. Although we audio where Mike says he does not trust Tohmme and we have a document that clearly shows Tohmme was fired in May….for some reason, Tohmme is standing with a dry-eyed Jermaine when he announces his brothers death at UCLA Medical Center. The two of them then embrace and walk away from cameras. 4. This fourth issue I have no problems with whatsoever. I know from the court transcripts that Mike did not like the “details of business” and often had his lead man sign for him. At the beginning of this project that would be Tohmme and near the end it was Dileo who then brought in Branca seven days before Michael’s death. Mike also has a documented history of signing things outside the presence of an attorney, again documented by court transcripts. Michael was sedated, by criminal doctors, and was out of it. There is no doubt about that. There are eye-witnesses to that and LOTS of them. Even in the trailer, when he is smiling and happy and into the project, he has on his dark glasses a lot of times and his words are slurred. In the 2005 trial, it was well documented that Michael usually had no clue about the “DETAILS” of business dealings that were going on around him. He knew the general picture but did not worry himself with the DETAILS. He had TRUSTED (cough, cough) people in charge to take care of that for him.

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Gość wizzard...................
ARTYKUŁ Z 2 CZERWCA, nie zgadzał się na 50 koncertów, był wściekły :O "King of Pop Michael Jackson could well be feeling tense ahead of his residency at the O2 Arena, reportedly telling fans that he never agreed to complete 50 dates. Michael Jackson's planned residency at the O2 Arena is undoubtedly one of the live music events of the year. After 80s synth funk star Prince used a twenty night run to re-launch his career, it seems that Jacko has caught the bug with an astonishing fifty night stint planned at the London venue. However almost immediately after announcing the shows doubts began to emerge over Michael Jackson's health. With tabloid reports of skin cancer fears, pop pundit Pete Waterman stated that fans should buy tickets to earlier shows in case the singer's health gives out. True to form, the early shows have been called off. Jackson is apparently not ready to go on stage, and has requested more time to perfect his stage show from his management. The run is his first major live tour in over a decade. Now it seems that the singer never agreed to complete fifty shows, stating that he may not be up to the stress of finishing the run. Reports in British tabloid The Sun state that the singer spoke to fans outside of a Los Angeles dance studio, and expressed his doubts over the show. "I don't know how I'm going to do 50 shows," he said of the gigs, which kick off in July. "I'm not a big eater - I need to put some weight on." Jackson then criticised promoters, insisting that he only ever intended to play ten shows at the O2 Arena. "I'm really angry with them booking me up to do 50 shows," he said. "I only wanted to do ten, and take the tour around the world to other cities, not 50 in one place. I went to bed knowing I sold 10 dates, and woke up to the news I was booked to do 50." Of course, this isn't the only problems Michael Jackson is facing. A promotions company in America has threatened to stop the O2 Arena shows from going ahead, alleging that the singer agreed to take part in a planned Jackson Five reformation. Michael Jackson is set to kick off his O2 Arena run in July.

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Gość wizzard............ ..................... Janet Jackson has teamed up with her brother Michael from beyond the grave to record a new track for her upcoming greatest hits compilation. The siblings duetted on hit dance track 'Scream', which also appears on the new Number Ones album, but few fans knew the pair had collaborated on another tune, titled 'Make Me', which will close the two-CD set. Very little is known about the new track, apart from the fact it was recorded last year. Jackson's new hits package will be released in November.

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Gość Dzwoneczek85
Boże, te oczy............. tęsknię:(

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