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Gość Majaca pechhha 23

Dostałam takiego maila- co o tym myslec? Czy to moja szans?

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Gość Majaca pechhha 23

Dear Sir/Madam Good day to you. I am MARIANA GBAGBO a sister to former president of Ivory Coast. I am 45yrs old. I saw your impressive profile on the internet and after much prayers, I was moved to contact you believing that you can be relied on to handle a very important business transaction on behalf of my family. I am from Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire. Due to the political crisis in my country, I have fled to Togo Republic which is another french colony in West Africa. Based on your age and business experience I am convinced you would be of great help in assisting me to receive and invest the sum of 37.5M USD which my family deposited in a security Company in Holland,with plans to have it invested outside, due to the unstable nature of African Governments. Please bear in mind that this is not jokes or games people choose to play on the internet. My solicitation is for real and my intentions are genuine. If you are a father you may understand my situation. If I could have your attention, I would avail you with further details of my person and situation. May God bless you as you respond. Best Regards, Mariana Gbagbo

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Gość malwi73
to zwykły spam

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Gość dream dreams
tez go dostalam :( usunelam

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Gość Majaca pechhha 23
Moze jezeli kazdy uwa to moze ja powinnam odpisac i powalczyc o te pieniadze

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Gość Dnie badz naiwna
To sa jakies przekrety finansowe pranie brudnych pieniedzy! nie wierz w to!

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Gość pomyśl logicznie autorko
ktoś obcy daje ci za free zarobić dużą kase ? :D :D

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To najzwyklejszy spam. często mi to wysyłają i nie mogę sobie z nimi poradzić by zaprzestali.

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Gość Majaca pechhha 23
Ale przeciez napisala mi ze Based on your age and business experience I am convinced you would be of great help in assisting me to receive and invest the sum of 37.5M USD which my family deposited in a security Company in Holland,with plans to have it invested outside, due to the unstable nature of African Governments.

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Gość Evvvvvvla
To prowokacja Nie wierze ze ktos moze byc rzeczywiscie tak glupi jak autorka

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Gość Majaca pechhha 23
Sama jestes glupia. Ja odpisuje

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Gość Dnie badz naiwna
tez kiedys dostawalam ale na ktoregos z rzedu odpisalam would you be that kind and gently kiss my ass? czy cos takiego, i przestali.

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Gość Dnie badz naiwna
nie radze odpisywac jak zycie ci mile. lepiej poczytaj na necie jakie to przekrety sa.

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