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Gość ZDZ od kiedy to w UK się tyle

Czy jest na forume zdesperowana domowa żona?

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well, you can see the clouds, right? this summer is pretty bad one (it sounds so sarcastic..."pretty bad"). Idk what it's like in other parts of UK, but in my area summer was always wonderful season and this year i was considering geting a boat insetad of a car..

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Gość 2345778
boże co to za angielski, chyba amerykanski ze slumsów

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oh yeah. google dictionary rulez :P i love when people are tying to translate from english to polish using that thing - it has no gramma-recognition (or whatever proper term should be used for that function).

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znam taka fajna piosneke ale tego nie moge znalec na necie , tzn slow do niej leci mniej wiecej tak" come on everybody jump around like monkeys, let me c u do it too come on everybody, jump around like monkeys, thats what monkeys like to do he wants to jump up hight tall as a tree bend down to touch the ground he wants to stamp his feet as loud its could b and then stop... shhhhh.. dont make a sound.. no i to jest z pokazywaniem, dzieciaki uwielbiaja, tylk meloddi by jeszcze brakowalo :)

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moorland -- i would say that this summer we had no summer, actually the only nice days we had were in april/may, couple of weeks, and now its rainin one day, sunny next day but temperature is never high enough as i wished :(

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Yeah - where I live it's also an economic problem. On coast many people have their business peak at summer, normally town's population increases 3 to 4 times, but I would suspect it will be much lower this year. Through there were few events twhich attracted lots of people it's still not the same thing. What I find funny is that I saw kids in swimsuits on the beach while I was complaining about cold wind and wishing for warmer coat :/

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Gość 2345778
wieśniary, ten angielski to parodia

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sorry, i was reading something else :P and I live in north - in fact, i live near yorkshire moors (that's where my nickname comes from anyway :P)

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thats because they r used to that weather and parents r not overprotective as they r in poland, so if they c a little bit of sun then they r walkin around naked. and im jealous coz if i do something like that i catch a cold straight away.

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ooook dzięki, coś tam będę jeszcze szperała... póki co dalej w kółko muszę If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, Incy Wincy Spider albo The Wheels On The Bus... ale tego nie potrafię całego :O jeszcze kilka krótkich łatwych jest co lubi, ale to tylko przyśpiewki ( Miss Polly had a Dolly, I love you - z Barney i przyjaciele podłapała ;) najlepsza jej kołysanka )

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on the other hand it may well cause problems in future...or I'm just traumatised since I saw P.E. lessons in cold rain in a middle of febuary.

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It's true, but there is a part of country where that warm atlantic drift comes up warming the weather. Before recent winter the last time they had proper snow for few weeks was in 70s :D

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Well. I was quite happy for first week and then I began getting annoyed with it, by the end of january I was fed up. Besides, over the sea all you get in winter are storms and thunders (the only different is where it begins, in the end it's all the same). Add frost-cold wind and snow to it :P

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O no też wydaje się fajne, dzięki :) Moja jeszcze przy head shoulders knees and toes pokłada się ze śmiechu - nie wiem czemu, ale bawi ją chyba to tępo śpiewania i pokazywanie na szybko :) Dobra nie przeszkadzam już w rozmowie ;) 🖐️

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Piosenka o gwiazdce to klasyk :) and you're not the only one to miss that detail :P I'm a woman - maybe my nickname is confusing :P

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