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"u frid to com for the hotel to not make sex with u thats y?" Dodam, ze "y" to pewnie "you" i "y" to pewnie "why".

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Gość Pytanie dziwnie zbudowane
przepraszam "u" to pewnie "you"

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Gość Pytanie dziwnie zbudowane
Jak brzmi cale pytanie po polsku?

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Gość moze tak?
Twój przyjaciel przyszedł do hotelu nie dla seksu z tobą to dlaczego? "

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Gość moze tak?
składnia naprawdę dziwna

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czy boisz sie przyjsc do hotelu zeby nie uprawiac z toba seksu, to dlatego? a teraz za pzrysluge przysluga, napisz, czy autor tego smsa jest czarny :)

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Gość Pytanie dziwnie zbudowane
piątka klepka Tak samo jak Ty przetlumaczylam to pytanie, nie brzmiało logicznie więc poprosilam o pomoc. Owa osoba nie jest murzynem.

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Gość dyjsdfgtjdf
ale rasiści z was nie ma czarnych nie ma murzynów są artoanerykanie

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Gość Pytanie dziwnie zbudowane
piątka klepka Saudyjczyk.

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Gość taka jedna.....===
tak sie pisze w skrotach !!!Np smsy!!Niekoniecznie to czarny. Wiekszosc brytyjczykow skraca!!! 1.About : Abt 2. Am : M 3. Are : R 4. Because : Bcos 5.Come : Cum 6.Evening : Eve 7.For : 4 8.House : Hoz 9.In : N 10.Is : S 11.Morning : Morn 12.Night : Ni8 13.Please : Plz 14.To : 2 15.Today : 2day 16.What : Wat 17.Where : Whr 18.Yesterday : Y day 19.You : U 20.Your : UR

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1dRfl - wonderful 2 - to/too/two 2dA - today 2moro - tomorrow 2nite - tonite 3dom - freedom 4 - for 4get - forget 4N - foreign ADN - any day now AFAIK - as far as I know AFAIR - as far as I recall ASAP - as soon as possible ATM - at the moment B - be B4 - before B4N - bye for now BB - bye-bye Bf -boyfriend BG - big grin BION - believe it or not BK - big kiss BTDT - been there, done that BTW - by the way By - busy C - see/sea CB - call back CUL - see you later CWYL - chat with you later DUZ - does DUZNT - doesn't F2F - free to talk? G2G - got to go Gf - girlfried Gr8 - great Grr - angry H2 - how to HUH - have you heard? IC - I see ICCL - I couldn't care less IK - I know ILU (or ILY) - I love you in4ml - informal KISS - keep it simple, stupid KUTGW - keep up the good work @ "At" MSG "Message" W "With" ATB "All the best" NE "Any" W/O "Without" B "Be, Bee" NETHNG "Anything" WKND "Weekend" BCNU "I'll be seeing you" NE1 "Anyone" XLNT "Excellent" BWD "Backward" NO1 "No-one" XOXOX "Hugs and kisses" B4 "Before" OIC "Oh, I see" YR "Your" C "See, Sea" PCM "Please call me" 1 "One, Won" CU "See you" PLS "Please" 2 "Too, To, Two" DOIN "Doing" PPL "People" L8 - late L8r - later LMK - let me know M8 - mate MOF - matter of fact MT - empty MTE - my thoughts exactly NAGI - not a good idea Ne - any Ne1 - anyone No1 - no one nrg - energy OIC - Oh I see OK - okay ONNA - oh no, not again! OTT- over the top PCM - please call me Pls - please Ppl - people PTL - praise the Lord R - are Re - regarding RUOK - are you okay? Spk - speak Sry - sorry SWAK - sealed with a kiss THX - thanks TTYL - talk to you later TXT - text U - you U@ - you at? (where are you?) UOK - you okay? UR - your/you're Usu - usually W8 - wait W84M - wait for me W/ - with Wan2 - want to wn - when WMF - works for me XLNT - excellent Y - why YM - you mean YR - yeah, right GONNA "Going to" SUM1 "Someone" 3SUM "Threesome" GR8 "Great" STRA "Stray" 4 "For, Four" H8 "Hate" THNQ "Thank you" :-) "I'm happy" L8 "Late" THX "Thanks" :-o "I'm surprised" L8R "Later" U "You" :-( "Sad face" LUV "Love" UR "You are " d "Baseball cap " MOB "Mobile" WAN2 "Want to?" ;-/ "Confused" 2DAY "Today" F2T "Free to talk" RUOK "Are you okay?" 2MORO "Tomorrow" FWD "Forward" RGDS "Regards" Original smiley :-) Classic smiley ;-) Wink :-)) Very happy |-) Hee-hee :-D Laugh loud :-o Amazement :^D" Great! I like it! :-* Kiss Develish grin (:-|K- Dressed to kill :-|| Angry ::=)) Seeing double :-> Hey |:-0 No explanation #:-) Hair in a mess >;-(' I am spitting mad #-) Partied all night :-| Hmmm :-& Tongue-tied (:-... Heart-broken %-) I'm tipsy but happy #:-o Oh no! :-# My lips are sealed 8-) Sender wears glasses :+( I'm hurt by that :*)? Are you drunk?

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Gość ogólnie to on xchce żebys
mu dała dupy i zaszła z nim na hiva :classic_cool:🖐️

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