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Gość operka przyszła jak sie uda

Czy moglby ktos pomoc zdesperowanej przyszlej au pair z ang?

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Gość operka przyszła jak sie uda

Witam, zdecydowałam być au pair, dziś mam rozmowę z angielską rodzina i chciałabym sie do niej jakoś przygotować. Przygotowałam wstępne wyjasnienia i pytanie. Czy moglby ktos mi poprawic bledy? Bardzo Proszę, bylabym bardzo wdzieczna First of all The most important form me as an au pair are yours children and safety of them and I dont know what in yours agency said to you Ms Harriet about me and my English but as you hurt my English is really bad and Im afraid it wont be comfortable for yours children if I will have some problems with communications with them. Second Im not confidence driver, I need a practice as driver, especially in Uk, because of left side. I also have some question . I want to ask about yours children, because as I said already yours children are the most important form me. What kind of meals does yours childrens eat? Are there specific recipes I can learn to cook before I arrive? Will I be expected to drive children to school and activities? If yes How many times per week? How do the children feel about a new au pair joing to the family? Do you had an au pair before? Could you describe how a typical day in your Family look like? How many hours you spend at work? What does you family do on weekends? Why your family choose to host an au pair?

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Gość operka przyszła jak sie uda
Bardzo proszę :(

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Gość operka przyszła jak sie uda
A czy moglby chociaz ktoś napisać, jak w języku ang przeczytac wyrazenie '' wymagajacy"', tj demandig?

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Gość operka przyszła jak sie uda
błagam o pomoc:(

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First of all, the most important for me as an au pair are your children and their safety and I don't know what Ms Harriet told you about me and my English but as you heard my English is really bad and I'm afraid it won't be comfortable for your children if I will have some problems communicating with them. Secondly, I'm not a good driver, I need practice, especially in UK, because of left-hand traffic. I also have some questions . I would like to ask about your children, because as I have already mentioned your children are the most important for me. What kind of meals do your children eat? Are there any specific recipes I can learn to cook before I arrive? Will I be expected to drive children to school and activities? If yes - how many times per week? How do the children feel about an au pair joining the family? Did you have an au pair before? Could you describe how a typical day in your family look like? How many hours do you spend at work? What does you family do on weekends? Why did your family choose to host an au pair? uważam, że ogólnie tekst bez sensu i to raczej antyreklama a nie reklama, ale teraz jest w miarę poprawny. Zapamiętaj: YOUR CHILDREN, a nie yours childrens. I nie dawaj wszędzie yours, ta forma praktycznie nie jest stosowana. I jeśli naprawdę zamierzasz być opiekunką za granicą, poducz się języka.

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