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Gość sdfsdfsdf

Czy jest osoba która pomoże mi w angielskum? 7 zdań

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Gość sdfsdfsdf

Hej czy moglby mi ktos pomoc w 7 zdaniach z ang?? trzeba przekształcić zdanie aby zaczynalo sie od slowka poniżej. AKurat w tych zdaniach nie mam zadnego pomyslu jak to przeksztalcic... 1.The governments will not change under any circumstances. Under........ 4. Although they tried hard they couldn't repair this damage. Try........... 5.My mom will do the shopping for me. I............... 6.Ok, I did talk to Mathew He admitted.. 7.If you hadn't helped me, I would never have finished the project on time. But............... 8. The police is questioning the suspect at the moment. The suspect............... 9. I realised what the ...meant only after I had acquainted myself with car... Not until............... 10. It is likely that he will not come to the meeting after all. He............

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Gość sdfsdfsdf
bardzo prosze:)

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Gość Knknkn
1. Under no circumstances will the governments change (chyba czegoś nie przepisałaś) 4. Try as they might couldn't they repair this damage. 5. I will have the shopping done by my mom. 6. He admitted talking to M. 8. The suspect is being questioning at the moment.

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Gość Knknkn
Tak, tak, oczywiscie. Zmeczenie o tej porze robi swoje :p

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Gość święta dympna
.The governments will not change under any circumstances. Under any circumstances the goverments won't change. 4. Although they tried hard they couldn't repair this damage. Try to repair this damage haven't been enough to repair this damage. 5.My mom will do the shopping for me. I 6.Ok, I did talk to Mathew He admitted he talked to M. 7.If you hadn't helped me, I would never have finished the project on time. But for your help, I could not have done it. 8. The police is questioning the suspect at the moment. The suspect is being questioned by the police at the moment. 9. I realised what the ...meant only after I had acquainted myself with car... Not until I had acquainted myself with car I realised what the ...meant 10. It is likely that he will not come to the meeting after all. He probably won't come to the meeting.

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