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Gość ikuyoyouyfoyu

Sprawdzi mi ktos krotka prace na angielski i poprawi bledy?

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Gość ikuyoyouyfoyu

Hi Tim! How are you doing? Is everything alright? I write to you,becouse I would like to say, that I decided to go to London. I am a highschool diploma,and I think thats the best solution to me. I'd like to see the city and get to know the culture of this city. Ofcourse there didnt go without any complication, my parents werent delighted with this idea at first, I had to convince them a very long time. The only thing which persuaded them to this ideas was you. I said,that I have the best of my friends in London and if I need a help,you would never say no. I would like to ask about apkeep,how much money should I take with me and i hv to know the way of transport from the airport to the city center. I'm going to leave Poland in the next week,on Fridday at 6.00 o'clock. Oh,one anther question, would you mind if i asked you about assisstance in finding housing? Nie chodzi mi o literowki.

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